Arc of fire increased from 60 degrees to 90 degrees (other MGs have 120 degrees)
Setup time from 2 to 3 (other MGs have 3)
Burst duration from 2.25 to 4.5
Damage reduced from 4 to 3 (the DPS of the Maxim remains the same)
Tracking speed from 35 to 28
Suppression reduced from 0.00015909 to 0.00005
Reinforcement cost from 15 to 20
Sprint removed from Vet 1
Vet 1 now increases suppression by 10% (to partially cancel out lower base suppression)
Until the conclusion of the balance mod iteration cycle, we will try to come up with an interesting, but balanced Vet1 ability.
For starters assuming kyle wrote this he totally forgot about the .50cal when writing (other MGs etc)
Sprint removed, good change.
Reinforcement cost up, good change
Unsure how suppression value will take duration wise have to see for final result.
Overall good maxim nerfs but suitable to keep it an MG. However with cons where they are soviets are going to be in a shit position for early engagments if maxims turn out to be overnerfed.
M4C Shermans
Increased recharge time between shermans to from 36 seconds to 2:30 minutes
Good change should stop spam.
Command Panther
Increase Command Point requirements from 10 to 11
Reduce Mark Target damage from +50% to +25%
Mark Target now also increases penetration and accuracy to 25%
Command point increase is good.
Coordinated fire damage reduction is good for 35 munis.
Increase in pen and accuracy by 25%. So specifically for the command panther it's pen is 220/240/260 respectivly. As far as the panther goes at the BARE MINIMUM coordinated fire will bring penetration up to 275 which against the heaviest allied tanks like the comet and pershing to my knowledge are the heaviest will all but destroy any tank that challenges the CP in a 1v1. Comet at 290 armor and persh at 300 that is an outrageous pen chance and damage and accuracy buff for 35 munitions. This nerf is far from effective IMO. I believe for 35 munitions the damage buff of 25% would be more than sufficient and maybe the accuracy buff, but definatly not the pen. Also does coordinated fire increase accuracy and pen of the CP or the tank affected. From my understand it's the CP, but it's just poorly worded and I could be mistaken.
Tank Commander Upgrade
Removed veterancy gain bonuses from the upgrade
Removed stealth detection bonuses from the upgrade
(The upgrade now only awards accuracy/sight bonuses, which is more than OK for the price)
These are solid changes. Good work.
Emergency Warspeed
Speed modifier reduced from +35% to +15%
Acceleration modifier reduced from +60% to +30%
It is no longer possible to âtune-upâ allied tanks with Emergency Warspeed
Maybe a bit overkill here, I havn't seen the brit tanks speed in action with these nerfs yet so we'll see how fast they really are. But as long as EWS is free, I think this is fine. I would've liked to see it maybe cost as much as bltizkrieg and combat blitz and maybe lower the nerf a bit but this is fine regardless.
AEC Treadshot
Unit has to be stationary to fire Treadshot
Ready aim time reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds (improves responsiveness)
Reload time between shots reduced from 2.5 seconds to 2 seconds
(the ability will only be refunded if no shots were fired before moving)
Good changes. This ability was so inconsistant but horrifying when it actually worked. A 20 second disable is just wow.
Fuel cost increased from 110FU to 120FU
Rotation rate from 38 to 32 (equivalent to Panzer4)
Turret traverse rate from 40 to 47.5 (to counteract chassis rotation reduction)
Moving accuracy multiplier decreased from 0.75 to 0.5
Increase horizontal scatter from 6 to 7.5
Distance scatter max from 6.2 to 6.4
Distance scatter obj min from 5 to 10
Distance scatter offset from 0.3 to 0.25
This is where you just fall over and say overkill. Now I havn't seen these changes in action, but the biggest thing glaring out here is the 0.5 moving accuracy modifier. That is an absolute massive nerf as it's exponentially more effective to have a higher value. I think 0.6 would have been fine, but we'll have to see how it plays out. Hopefully the crush is weakened enough and the fuel cost increase will at least delay brits a bit more before they can start getting vehicles out because their tech costs when rushing T3 are the cheapest of any faction. For upper level skilled players who use "glide shots" it just means that you'll be punished more or need to improve your micro to that level. I think this is just a bit overkill though.
Main gun range from 50 to 45
Population cost increased from 16 to 20
Reduce rotation rate from 36 to 32 to prevent crush (same as Panzer4 levels)
Turret traverse rate from 40 to 45 (to compensate for chasis rotation changes)
Moving accuracy from 0.75 to 0.5
Fixed an issue where the grenade throw ability would sometimes not work
Fixed an issue where it was possible to use the grenade ability while moving
Increase horizontal scatter from 6 to 7.5
Distance scatter max from 4.2 to 6.4
Distance scatter obj min from 5 to 10
Distance scatter offset from 0.3 to 0.25
Comet I'd say is probably overkill as well. Popcap now 20 and moving accuracy modifier from 0.75 to 0.5. I think 18 may be a suitable popcap for this tank, KTs and JTs sit at 21 and this tank while powerful for sure I don't believe it warrents 20 popcap but we'll see. Good to see crush nerfed here as well good job. Main gun range lowered, this is ok. I don't think it was required but is a pretty small change.
Cromwell/Comet Smoke Shell/White Phosphorus
Fixed a bug where Smoke Shell/White Phosphorus would, sometimes, fail to trigger properly
Range of Smoke Shell/White Phosphorus reduced from 80 to 45
Comet White Phosphorus will no longer finish off infantry models, bringing its performance in-line with other White-phosphorus abilities
Good changes.
No longer possible to construct emplacements in the base sector
Good change.
Sappers Flamethrower Upgrade
Sapper flamethrower now, correctly, takes up 1 slot
Sapper flamethrower is now mutually-exclusive with the minesweeper upgrade
Fixed an issue where Sapper flamethrower was dealing additional damage vs squads in cover (i.e., above the level of other flamethrowers)
Fixed a bug with Sappers where Veterancy affected the number of upgrades available to them.
Good changes.
Land Mattress
Vehicles/etc will focus fire on the gun, as opposed to the crew (if the player right-clicks on the gun)
The Land mattress gets destroyed when its hitpoints become depleted. This is regardless of whether the crew is still alive
Health reduced from 350 hitpoints to 300 hitpoints
Cooldown between rockets increased from 0.25 secs to 0.375 secs (also affects white phosphorus barrage)
Interesting change and very unique. However reducing the durability from 350 to 300 is actually a massive change because now due to AT rounds dealing 160 damage, the mattress will die in 2 hits instead of 3. I think it maybe to easy for it to die, but as long as you cover your flanks and don't overextend to much you should be able to protect it. This may also be an issue with the cloaking of rakattens.
Artillery Cover Ability
General Changes:
The radius of the ability now properly drawn on the battlescape
Delay until the barrage begins increased from 4 seconds to 8 seconds
Anti-Vehicle Shells:
Decreased the AoE radius of anti-vehicle shells from 8 to 6.
Reduced speed of anti-vehicle shells, so that it is now possible to dodge them
Reduced the duration of loader-injured critical from 10 seconds to 5 seconds
The changes to the anti-vehicle shells will make it possible for tanks that remain in the affected area to dodge incoming shells, provided they continue to move.
Anti-Infantry Barrages:
Suppression vs infantry reduced, so that incoming anti-infantry barrages no longer pin infantry squads, but only suppress them.
These appear like good changes but unsure what the speed of of the AV shells are. Will it be possible to dodge with heavy tanks? Hopefully not engine crit tanks.
AI barrage is ok, while it won't force a retreat, suppressed squads really deal close to no damage. We'll see how effective it is in the AI department.
All QoL changes are good changes
Overall I think they may have hit brits to hard in the tank department but I havn't seen the new modifiers in action. We'll see how brits do after these patches are altered or go live.
Thank you to our fantastic community balance team and Kyle and all who aid in the changes which have taken place and to come. Much obliged everyone!