Stopped to read here. You have no idea how FRPs are treated by the community, haven't you?
Oh I am well aware of how they are treated.

I'm not a great fan of FRPs personally, but I do think they could be worked with.
I am more than willing to work with ideas I don't personally like if I think it might stimulate more dynamic gameplay or spur decent discussion about the mechanic. Personally I think there should be no FRPs in the game, but I don't see that happening. I think it's worth seeing what adjustments or changes could be made and if it reveals anything other than FRPs being a currently poorly implemented mechanic.
But I do think it'd be good for players to designate allied HQs as a retreat point, especially for things like 3v3s on 4v4 maps.
This eliminates all the disadvantages, what OKW have and make them flawless. And also makes Ost useless (MG from start, Obers with 2xshreck, halftruck).
Obers in T1 
Volks with StG44+MP40 
I will love play this design, but who will play for allies again this?
Yes, it does eliminate disadvantages from OKW. However, Obers would essentially be Stormtroopers in performance in this scenario.
My hope is the strength of HMG42s, Gren LMG42s, and Panzergren StGs stand on their own well enough. Also, the PAK. Also the 222. Plus StuGs. And the Sniper.
My goal is to get OKW back to a resource starved faction through expensive upgrades and abilities.
I think it's also worth noting that this 250 HT/MortarHT wouldn't be a reinforcing halftrack. It'd be more like an unarmed or clone of the Soviet M3 Scout Car.
I like your MG34/raketen requirement idea, but I think you mean Pak 38 and not Pak 39.
I also suggest a smoke ability be added to leig instead of the sturms.
I do mean the Pak38, thanks for the correction.
I am also suggesting a leig smoke ability in addition in this. I've already made that for a mod before so I'd just harvest that.
Interesting, but i see some design problems:
1. If SdKfz 250 will be added to the OKW, it need to add all OKW camoflages to it's model.
2. Second problem (if this unit going to have MG 34/42 before Mortar upgrade) - MG going to fly over the model, because there is no mount for it.
3. Pak 39 (idk what is it, have found information only about capture russisn 76mm guns) require a new model.
I am sorry, but Relic is lazy in creating of new models. They even choose to use old M5 HT(because it has M45 turret in the model) for USF instead of upgrade new M3 HT, and add to it this M45 turret.
Yeah the skin issue is a real one, and probably what will kill this idea in the hangar. Although since the unit already exists for Ostheer, I can't imagine it's impossible, or even hard.
I am envisioning a clone of the 250 that has no weapon. If I can manage it I want see if I can have a gunner only when its garrisoned with a squad. I've had similar ambitions with the Soviet M3 Scout Car.
And yeah, I meant the Pak38. Pak39 is typo.