When you're playing a UKF cancer guy that's using repair emplacements, just use the Stuka AT strafe from the CAS commander. At 90 munitions, it's the cheapest way to guarantee a kill vs forward assemblies.
Thank me later.
They are talking about OKW^^. not Wehrmacht.
With Wehrmacht you can for example sniper + stug. Sniper to kill their paks( which counters your stug) and stug can kill bofors, mortarpits.
Or as you said the CAS doc. Or Mortarhft or Flamerhft with groundattack on some maps.
And its allways cancer to paly vs emplacement spam, but if you can destroying in beging or lategame, then you are fine.
But i agree on some maps, its very hard to fight against.
Also possible go Osttruppen or skip t1 as Wehrmacht to deal vs brits. There are some ways.
Acutally imo on open maps Wehrmacht can deal much better vs Brits then okw

*Sniper* *Hust*, *Osttruppen* Hust*