
russian armor

Debuff for blobs

26 Jan 2017, 22:40 PM
avatar of turbotortoise

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4

Cover, especially red cover needs to have more impact, particularly open fields.

Don't punish "blobbing", instead incentive clever defensive positioning, and incisive tactical timing during attacks. This was "generally" the case in vCoH, heroic charge aside.
26 Jan 2017, 23:56 PM
avatar of ferwiner
Donator 11

Posts: 2885

The only potential debuff I've talked about in this thread concerns RA while suppressed by an HMG. That takes care of much, if not all, of the generally legitimate issue you've raised.

What about this common scenario: a player positions his troops alongside long heavy cover, like a wall or sandbag wall, possibly in taking advantage of other kinds of nearby heavy cover to squeeze additional firepower on the defencive line. Such situation is a bread and butter for everybody who ever played any kind of semoisky.

Sometimes it happens that you get supressed even in cover, the suppression may rain upon you from the skies in form of panzerwerfer, you get flanked by mg or simply one stray soldiers stays out. Is it justified to punish RA of well designed defencive strong point just becouse part of it gets supression? I think it's horribly wrong.
27 Jan 2017, 00:58 AM
avatar of le_saucisson_masque

Posts: 485 | Subs: 1

i remember trying to counter a blob of 4 riflemen with lmg upgraded.
i had put 2 MG42 next to each other, covering the same area and a squad of poineer to give sight.

They had all got REKT by this magnificent usf blob.

blobs are more effective than never with the good units and the good faction;

27 Jan 2017, 01:52 AM
avatar of ZombiFrancis

Posts: 2742

Watching the squad member slowly jog over to the gun after the gunner dies is always a fun experience.
27 Jan 2017, 02:21 AM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

Watching the squad member slowly jog over to the gun after the gunner dies is always a fun experience.

It felt so much faster when you weren't terribly worried about the squad

Of course now they only go down first by explosives so that's never, anymore.
27 Jan 2017, 08:47 AM
avatar of V-T

Posts: 80

Bunkers with MGs don't get pinned... Minefields instapin blobs. Kiting with a ostwind bleeds the blob nicely. Brummbär makes a mess if it gets into proper spot.

And blobbing ALWAYS leaves flanks open! I know, i blob because i can't micro :D If the enemy blobs, do do nasty things in his rear lines.

Mobile style of play is based on high amount of firepower moving where needed. So blobbing is a valid tactic. And as hector stated, proper micro always wins brainless blobbing. So countering a blob head on may not be the best idea, but there are ways.

Blobbing is kinda having all your eggs in same basket. It's effective at best, but it's high stakes. Mass retreat leaves your whole front open, mass wipes due to rocket arty is more than likely and it costs you dearly if you make one mistake.
27 Jan 2017, 10:06 AM
avatar of le_saucisson_masque

Posts: 485 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Jan 2017, 08:47 AMV-T
Bunkers with MGs don't get pinned... Minefields instapin blobs. Kiting with a ostwind bleeds the blob nicely. Brummbär makes a mess if it gets into proper spot.

And blobbing ALWAYS leaves flanks open! I know, i blob because i can't micro :D If the enemy blobs, do do nasty things in his rear lines.

Mobile style of play is based on high amount of firepower moving where needed. So blobbing is a valid tactic. And as hector stated, proper micro always wins brainless blobbing. So countering a blob head on may not be the best idea, but there are ways.

Blobbing is kinda having all your eggs in same basket. It's effective at best, but it's high stakes. Mass retreat leaves your whole front open, mass wipes due to rocket arty is more than likely and it costs you dearly if you make one mistake.

Wow, never seen so much mistake in one post.

Blobing let flanks open ? Have you seen the ridiculous design of most map ?
Even 1v1 map are small.

Blobing makes you waste time when u got to retreat all the units ?
Forward retreat point.
Usf, brits and okw have one.

It makes you risk to loose all your units in a single rng shot ?

Before it happens you have already killed many retreating ennemy squad because lmg riflemen or even bren tomee are awesome at that.
And in more, you got much less chance to loose units to demo or mines when you blob because then u keep a minesweeper around.

No more demo squad wipe.

27 Jan 2017, 10:09 AM
avatar of Blalord

Posts: 742 | Subs: 1

Wow, never seen so much mistake in one post.

Blobing let flanks open ? Have you seen the ridiculous design of most map ?
Even 1v1 map are small.

Blobing makes you waste time when u got to retreat all the units ?
Forward retreat point.
Usf, brits and okw have one.

It makes you risk to loose all your units in a single rng shot ?

Before it happens you have already killed many retreating ennemy squad because lmg riflemen or even bren tomee are awesome at that.
And in more, you got much less chance to loose units to demo or mines when you blob because then u keep a minesweeper around.

No more demo squad wipe.

One supported MG makes the blob useless

27 Jan 2017, 10:11 AM
avatar of le_saucisson_masque

Posts: 485 | Subs: 1

Wrong again
2 lmg vet 2 riflemen wipe a full health mg42.

4 squad even wipes 2 mg42 side by side if they have some luck.

27 Jan 2017, 10:16 AM
avatar of le_saucisson_masque

Posts: 485 | Subs: 1

Put playercard in signature should be required when talking about balance.

How you know so much about mg with a single ranked faction , sov.

To everyone saying blob doesnt work : add me on steam and let s do a custtom game. ( i take usf & lmg commander ofc )
27 Jan 2017, 11:03 AM
avatar of V-T

Posts: 80

Well, i tried stating that blobbing isn't a instant win tactic. There are always counters. 1 vs 1 games i believe that if a average player like me moves all d00ds in one blob, theres 85% of the battlefield pretty much unguarded. It's possible to drive around in a halftrack filled with pioneers, decapping flags, setting mines etc.

I'm not a pro, but instead of shouting all out that this or that is OP and should be nerfed/banned, i try to come up with a solution. Personally i think a lot of issues in games are L2P problems. :) And i'm trying to learn.

(if i captured all sectors in earlygame, or wiped some squads, maybe the enemy didn't have the chance to make a blob)
27 Jan 2017, 11:21 AM
avatar of Svalbard SD

Posts: 327

Sometimes it happens that you get supressed even in cover, the suppression may rain upon you from the skies in form of panzerwerfer, you get flanked by mg or simply one stray soldiers stays out. Is it justified to punish RA of well designed defencive strong point just becouse part of it gets supression? I think it's horribly wrong.

(1) Models straying out of cover is something I haven't seen since the patch that was designed to solve it

(2) I'm not sure one would call it a well designed defensive strongpoint if a Panzerwerfer barrage manages to cover a number of units simultaneously. It punishes that kind of positioning now, and would continue to work like that afterwards. And any map enables a player to be smart with positioning

(3) I'm not familiar with technical design of RA but there could/should be distinction between small arms RA and HE RA, meaning my suggestion is kept to RA from HMG fire

On this forum we spend lots of time explaining to newer players the importance of spreading out their infantry and flanking. This debuff would ensure that advice finally begins to make sense to them.
27 Jan 2017, 12:34 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Since there isn't a unique definition of what is a Blob, you'll never see anything like you dreamed.
Saucisson is even telling you that 2 RM+1919 vet2 are wiping unsupported HMG42, is 2 squads a blob?

What he isn't telling you is that using armored piercing round will surely change the tide of the encounter.

To make a close comparison, are 2 sherman/AI within the range of a pak fighting against it and winning an issue? because it is exactly the same concept. Hard counter countered by it's own prey.

HMGs already has been buffed vs blob, but in late game with the thousand of yellow cover popping everywhere, they lost their impact on the game.

Blobbing is a strategy that work better vs bad players, good players usually know what to do to counter it.
If you improve your skill, you'll finish beating them hard and you'll not face them anymore after some games. On the other side they'll never improve their skill and stay where they are in the tide of the automatch ranking.
27 Jan 2017, 12:50 PM
avatar of le_saucisson_masque

Posts: 485 | Subs: 1

good luck turning on armor piercing round when you see a 'small' blob.

I never said that blob can't be countered, but the fact is that in the current balance state, some units make blobing really EASY.

i will never have trouble countering a blob of conscripts or grenadiers, on the other hand, good luck to counter a blob of upgraded riflemen.

More over when they have smoke nade.

V-T: i admire you trying to find solution, but it's just frustrating to understand from a beginner that if you can't counter a blob of freedom it's because L2P issue.

Back in 2014 when there was only soviet & german, blob could be countered on both side.
Relic added half-made faction like usf and okw which both encouraged people to blob more than never.

remember the volks blob ? you see the riflemen blob ?

i wish there was a mod to revert all the change and go back to its state before West front DLC.
27 Jan 2017, 12:53 PM
avatar of mediev

Posts: 93

not trying to call ppl noob or nothing but when u see a blob...and u dont punish it... its ur fault... the debuff it gains already it potential to lose all ur troops in a sceond.... ppl need to stop being noob and stop complaining about blobs....just punish them. why should troops get weaker when they are surround by other soldier u would think they would gain some kind of confidence when grouped and supported by one another

That part about confidence is pure BS. In the context of the modern warfare at least. Even in war movies, in the better ones at least, you can constantly hear the NCO reminding the soldiers: "Keep your intervals, don´t bunch up!" Why? Well, if the soldiers stay too close to each other, or behind each other, one bullet from an HMG can hit like 10 guys at once. Also, the cover on the battlefield is usually limited, so if too many soldiers are in one spot, and get under fire, there might not be enough cover to hide behind. That is why, on Iwo-Jima, the Japanese actually waited for the Americans to land most of their forces on the beach, and only then began to fire their artillery. The results were devastating.
If there would a passive debuff, it should start at 4 squads. Any less can be dealt with easily and would eliminate most of the problems with the tactical concentrations of forces. But if somebody spams 7 Rifle squads and uses them with one click, he should be punished for it. Without the explicit hint, the people often don´t even realize the mistake and then blame it on OP arty. Maybe, if they actually saw that hint in there, they would realize: "Oh, maybe I should blob less.", which would improve the quality of play as a whole IMO, especially in team games. It is not really that the blobs are impossible to counter, it is that people with this little skill can actually be reasonably successful in team games, that is what bothers me the most.
27 Jan 2017, 13:18 PM
avatar of V-T

Posts: 80

Hmm... So it shouldn't be about nerfing blobs, it should be about buffing counters?

It's a game, balancing is hard. But i too find it sad that 3 teams, walking/running into MG42 field of fire without any cover, and all that happens is a pindown? In best case, a retreat with little to no losses.

If something needs a change:
So MGs should kill more/pin and suppress more? Mortars should be even more lethal in open ground?
27 Jan 2017, 14:52 PM
avatar of Blalord

Posts: 742 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Jan 2017, 12:34 PMEsxile
Since there isn't a unique definition of what is a Blob, you'll never see anything like you dreamed.
Saucisson is even telling you that 2 RM+1919 vet2 are wiping unsupported HMG42, is 2 squads a blob?

MG in green cover will totally shred 2 RM+1919 vet2 if not in green cover
27 Jan 2017, 15:44 PM
avatar of le_saucisson_masque

Posts: 485 | Subs: 1

mg in green cover means it is bunch up.

a mistake that most newbie makes : one mortar shoot -> dead mg42.

especially with the unfamous usf mortar of freedom made in trump.

@blalord, add me on steam and let's try your tactic against me in a 1v1
27 Jan 2017, 16:27 PM
avatar of Blalord

Posts: 742 | Subs: 1

mg in green cover means it is bunch up.

a mistake that most newbie makes : one mortar shoot -> dead mg42.

especially with the unfamous usf mortar of freedom made in trump.

@blalord, add me on steam and let's try your tactic against me in a 1v1

Are we talking of HMG in general or MG 42 ?

Green cover will deny -50% of grenade damage ( if not throw behind ) and if i remember, its the same thing for mortar, and if you see a mortar bombarding your mg, change location.

But we were talking of 1 Mg in green cover against 2 RE with lmg blobbed, suddenly we have Grenades ( need to be in range, -50% throw range when suppressed ) and mortar ?

- USF mortar is indeed to strong against Ostheer right now

Ostheer does have problem against USF, thats undeniable, but MG42 is in a good spot ( in my opinion )

- Si tu veux pour la partie oui, quand je serais chez moi par contre :)
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