So you have a fan club. Well done.
As i said to rommel, the reason i have not given any indepth feedback on new maps is because i have not played them enough. Maps are like patches in that time is required (in most instances) to make an informed decision. Your maps are the most CQ of the six, that is a fact, and playing them extensively will not change that.
You simply ignore or just don't understand the points i am making, instead taking everything I say as a personal insult. You have not once asked me for any opinion or engaged with any civility. Rather you have ranted and raged and lectured and flung insults like a petulant child.
As i have said before, my issue is you want to influence how the game is played even though you do not play automatch. If it all goes to shit you can just walk away, play your custom games or go back to making maps, no skin off your back. Meanwhile those that play automatch have to suffer the consequences.
Had you asked the community "Hey guys, whats your thoughts on CQ maps for 1v1 automatch" and got a positive response from ost players then I would say fair enough, its what people want. If you actively played automatch, and played Ostheer and wanted a change from that perspective I would be less vocal. If you were more empathetic towards those that raised concerns, instead of just endlessly trying convince everyone their wrong, then i would be less vocal.
I know there are issues with relic, and the balance, and the design, and bugs and lag and the game is dying, so you cannot be held responsible for every screw up and much of the abuse has been uncalled for, but these maps have created issues and your attitude often leaves a lot to be desired.
Your jibe about me being "one of those idiots who thinks all the maps are yours" not only proves everything I have said about you being egotistical and dismissive, but it is also a passive aggressive insult to all the other people who have concerns about these maps.
Nothing good seems to be coming from this conversation, so i will move on after this post. But I would like to say that I do actually find the majority of the new maps to be playable and of a fairly high standard. The issues that do exist can be worked around with the use of vetos and if need be just quit and move onto next match. Ranks can recover as quickly as they erode and in the end it is enjoyment of the game and not ranks that matter....

Yes, when they were in testing most everyone enjoyed the maps on all factions, most maps had several hundred playtests over a 6 month period.
If you would actually just post your thoughts, instead of bickering, you would see a different response. And trust me, the three mappers that have stayed in contact after the contest, knew there were issues, but we had time constraints, now with the new patch we have been told the new versions will be updated into the game, but instead, you get the petulant whining. So when you don't post anything, nothing for any of us to go off of, you get met with hostility, since that is what we all get met with by the community. So if you want to say im off base, maybe try and look at it from our side, you offered me nothing to go off of besides, what can be read off as, insults or low shots. If you perhaps offered your feedback outright, you would be met with interest and merit, instead that was not the case.
Also the fun little "egotistical and dismissive" if you have wandered in ANY of the chats, as I'm sure other mappers have, you will know why I say that. I am was not even aware this was the case until i was informed by rommel that large swathes of people think they are ALL my maps, but as you see, you aren't in the thick of things, and instead weighed in with and emotional opinion/misunderstanding/or an overtly misplaced want to understand of what was going on. Instead of approaching it in any constructive manner, you did what you did, and got met with what you got.
You do realize that everyday for 6 months the entireity of the map process and contest was streamed right? Maybe you and the others should have posted on the forums then, or came to the stream then, or done literally anything. Now we are all on this pilot-less plane together, and half of you would rather jump off without a parachute, than actually try and fly the plane together and learn it together, instead its just negative, even if it wasn't meant to be so, all the negativity, which you can see rommel points at as well, is why even if you didn't mean to be an arse, it came across that way. So if you were genuine, you do/did, want to understand / question something, than by all means do it, but do it in a way that is constructive.
All the mappers are well aware of the balance issues, but it is up to us to try and make a map fun, should we have more vetoes with more maps? YES. Did we get it? NO. Am I personally trying to get more vetoes and making sure the maps get updated by the few useful bits of feedback we have gotten yes.
Maybe I overshot my response to you, but it is because the majority of people talking have daggers for eyes, if you want to help, post your thoughts constructively. There is an entire thread about it.