Hey Trick, I have much respect for what you do. So please don't get me wrong and don't feel offended.
I was referring to all the new maps if you read my post again. This one is not that bad on the shot blockers but still, it has enough
. It's very hard to use AT guns and also light vehicles. Wehrmacht grenadiers are also not that good on this one. Soviet SU85 also very hard to use.
And because it is a small and narrow map, all the action happens only in the middle so flanking is also a bit restrained. That's my humble opinion.
I had one game on your second map and there it is also hard to use AT guns. If you are a little behind on map control and fuel and you have to use them, it gets very tough.
As I said, I was referring to all new maps and there is one: Rüstungswerke.First, you can't even see your units because of this huge buildings and second, how can you use AT guns and light vehicles there? It is a mystery to me and my medium/bad skill/ranking level 
But don't let my opinion affect you man, keep making maps and who knows, maybe the next on gets to be my favorite.
P.S. I love counter attack tactics, its a very cool commander 
P.S.II. This about my skill level was a cheap shot!
On narrow maps use of TH and AT is even stronger, due to the fact that they have long shot paths, utilizing their range more effectively. The, on square maps (such as refinery, and essen) they will be easier to use TYPICALLY. It all depends on how you use the shot blocks. Currently the meta on a lot of maps is to sit at the mid VP with an AT/MG wall and just suck each other off, with the occasional push or far decap on another VP.
This is something intentionally that I designed to not allow (for the most part) without serious risks that is highly punishable by lack of awareness or a hard flank. For example after medium crush hits the field the entire middle "plaza" opens up in the middle area of the map on refinery, allowing you to camp if you want. But the one the far sight blockers are, it also puts you at risk from being flanked from multiple directions.
Same is true on market ruins, but to a lesser degree, this is mainly because of the heavy crush hedgerows on the middle vp, and the more narrow (rectangular) shape of the map. However the entire south flank opens up drastically once medium crush hits, allowing more camping in the south, but at the cost of the loss of the VP's, so you either push aggressively or you get cramped into the north end, once the hedgerows are gone, you can see, but have to deal with relics shit projectile pathing and it will hit the raised ground by the vp, still hampering AT walls.
This is the reason that the vps are crammed into the north most point of market ruins, to keep camping in the south to a minimum and allow players that don't move around smartly to lose cutoffs (munis and fuel) since both are much closer than they first appear. If all vps were up the middle of the map (placed on both statues for the north and south) the map would be a camp fest, whoever afk'd more at the south would win, essentially. So like I said this is why it was designed the way it was, to allow far reaching flanks and cutoff play. The map was entirely too static with the vps down the mid before, and this is much more aggressive and allows for more dynamic play.