Now, just about every man, woman, and child on this forum has, one way or another, heard about Soviet Side Teching Syndrome (SSTS), which is a very serious condition pertaining to the SU HQ Techs. see it from this trumpish quote:
Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Soviet Union sends its Side Tech, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you (points at weapon racks). They’re not sending you (points at bolster infantry). They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with balance. They’re bringing extremely slow molotovs. They’re bringing unnecessary resources dumping. They’re useless. And some, I assume, are good techs (points at HQ Medics).
As seen from the quote above, Soviets have some of the most archaic, redundant, and most ineffective side techs in my life, I bet that if OKW got a 200 manpower, 20 fuel side tech that boosts sWs Truck durability by like 20%, that would more useful than the soviet molotovs.
So lets get cracking, or like the ancient
Field Hospitable
Is good. nothing to see.
Molotovs and AT(Anti-Tangerine) Grenades
Molotovs need to throw a good 1 second faster 1st off, if Volk Firecrackers, costing double and requires no teching, can be thrown in 1/5 of the time of a molotov, we have a problem.
What needs to also happen is the fusion of the AT and Molotov Techs into one, neat, soviet rationed packaged. If the USF can get smokes and nades in a single package too, why not Yuri & Company?
As for the cost of it, it can be 250 manpower and 20 or 25 fuel. that seems reasonable enough for government work.
The 3rd slot
With both grenades now married and having kids, we have a power vacuum of no 3rd tech.
Now, we could be """""SOME""""" people and just ignore it. Or we could make a new tech that potential ad some extra paprika to the SU
I personally have 2 ideas, both:
-Unlockable at T4
-Cost 300 manpower, 100 fuel
-take 30 seconds to research
-are guaranteed fun

-comes with free rosemary beads and three turtles
Now, that is where the differences end, and the similarities beg--
wait, other way around.
Infantry reinforcement costs and reinforcement speed reduced by 20%, conscripts get an additional 10% reduced reinforcement cost speed.(to a total of 30%)
This tech will give the SU some breathing room with mid-late game manpower bleed, make conscripts more useful in the same time frame. and is truly a side tech as your choose between rapid infantry deployment, or a T34 /better tank.
After researching, for every 2 non-clown, car player-bought vehicles destroyed by the enemy, receive a free T34/76 from command
A more controversial tech in my opinion, but essentially a permanent vehicle-esque rapid conscription passive.
B-b-b-bbb-bb-bb--b--bbb-bbbbuuT Grittle! Muh Soviets will just spem cheap vehicles for free t34s!!!!!!!
That may be right, but I, in my superior intellect and common sense, made it so the T1 scout car AND captured vehicles (From USF ally or unlucky Axis Player) does not count to the War Machine count.
Not only that, but the cheapest non-scout car vehicle a Soviet play can currently deploy is the T3 Halftrack, which costs 270 Manpower, 30 fuel, and 5 pop cap.
Calm yourself son, once you hear me out, you can get some milk and cookies, okay?and also unban Katitof plz thnx bye
There, now let me explain,
30*2=60 fuel, 20 less than the 80 for the T34, understandable argument, but hear me out
270*2=540 Manpower, 240 more manpower than the T34, you could have bought yaself a conscript with that premium
5*2=10 popcap, so no USF 112/100 pop cap parties there
But by throwing away 2 Halftracks, you may save 20 fuel, but here's the catch, if you can actually catch...
-You lose 240 manpower
-You gave the enemy free vet from 2 halftracks and potentially free HT if one falls to RNG and abandons
-You spend about 10 seconds longer building 2 Halftracks than actually building the T34/76
-And most of all, the OKW has Salvaging, and I dont see that many players blowing up their 210 manpower kubels to salvage the 5 free fuel from it in the safety of their HQ sector...
Svanh has made a mod detailing all the changes in this Idea (Except Soviet War Machine, He used Rapid Deployment indstead) Here