
russian armor

Are people maphacking in this game?

3 Jul 2016, 02:05 AM
avatar of Cyanara

Posts: 769 | Subs: 1

It's possible at the lower ranks, but over 2000 hours of generally top 500 and I've never seen anything to suggest it. Remember you can hear vehicles in the fog of war easily.

FYI though, the USF mortar has an inbuilt 'maphack' for each squad it hits (makes them keep appearing in the fog of war).

I did once encounter a maphack in COH1, I think. It was a 2v2 custom on Achelous River. They had no units on our side of the map (I checked the replay), but any time I started building an artillery piece, they would hit it dead on immediately with their own artillery. It's possible they were listening for building sounds in the FOW, but it was a bit too instant and accurate I think.
3 Jul 2016, 05:49 AM
avatar of Danyek

Posts: 294 | Subs: 1

Uhm, did he play as OKW/UKF, cause those Armies have "map hack" units.

Soviets also have "maphack" with the partisan commander.
3 Jul 2016, 08:30 AM
avatar of armatak

Posts: 170

USF Mortar is like hacking ;) just put it somewhere on map and it will kill all static units for you without vision :)
3 Jul 2016, 08:45 AM
avatar of Frencho

Posts: 220

Yes there is maphacking in CoH 2, even at top 50 levels, especially in 3v3 and 4v4. Just look at the names of those banned 2 months ago or so. Some of them had insane wins streaks and were in top 20 to top 100 4v4, 3v3 teams. 1v1 is probably cheat free tough.

Community and Relic just sweep it under the rug.
3 Jul 2016, 09:07 AM
avatar of iceman

Posts: 148

The more I play 1v1 and 2v2, the more I suspect people of map hacking on me.
Sometimes it's so weird how some players manage to know exactly where you are heading to and with what, even when nothing is hinting that choice to the other player.

I'm not talking about an obvious path, cover or place.

Now I lurked around here and I read some people talking about map hacks.

So I was wondering if it's becoming a trend?

I know there was a map hack from a very few players, that got banned, I'm asking if it's much more common than we think.

Yes they are. And the COH2.org likes to be politically correct and not have it talked about it on the forums.
3 Jul 2016, 09:47 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post3 Jul 2016, 09:07 AMiceman

Yes they are. And the COH2.org likes to be politically correct and not have it talked about it on the forums.

Name one place that's not, just one, hell I was on a UK server in Red Orchestra 2 the other day and they banned a guy for having "Waffen SS" in the name, I'm not sure if kicked or banned but the reason was it was "offensive" like grow up this is the internet, if you get offended here you're going to have a mental breakdown in real life if you can't change something that's "offending", like for instance I'm some 6 feet tall broad shouldered dude and I tell you "Hail Hitler" for example, what are you going to do exactly, cry? Call the police on me? You just ignore me and walk away, so what if you get called a pussy or whatever, they're just words, they won't hurt you, only you make them mean something to you.
3 Jul 2016, 10:11 AM
avatar of ferwiner
Donator 11

Posts: 2885

jump backJump back to quoted post3 Jul 2016, 05:49 AMDanyek

Soviets also have "maphack" with the partisan commander.

There are so many legal maphacks in coh2 for every faction that its hard to even remember all of them. Apart from I&R and partisans, there is also 222 vet 1 ability, 222 and t-70 vet 2 sight range, the ability of stormtroopers, interrogation, vehicle detection of okw sturmtiger doc, many infifiltration units with camo including goliath, usf beacons and so on and so forth.

In fact there is no way to tell if a player is maphacking becouse many of these are actually nondoctrinal. Those that are doctrinal though couse people to think there is more hacking in team games than in 1v1, just becouse out of 4 opponents, one always is going to have strong maphack ability on him.
3 Jul 2016, 12:23 PM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

Cheating is disgusting. I think time has come Relic should invest more in OPTIMIZATION (helllooooo....we are waiting since 3 years now !!!!) and ANTI CHEATING protection. But they will invest of course in more DLC, skins and whatever shit that will squeeze some more money instead of increasing gameplay quality.
For me as a user of their product, the priorities are:
1. Optimization
2. Anti cheating protection
3. Bugs repair
4. Balance

But it seems that at least point 1 and 2 are not on the priority list for Relic. To bad for me, what can I say.
3 Jul 2016, 12:27 PM
avatar of Pablonano

Posts: 297

I can find almost every tank on the game following his noises on the fog of war, and sometimes even identificate it, and i am pretty sure that people knows that its posible, yet its not maphacking.
3 Jul 2016, 14:08 PM
avatar of suuuhdude

Posts: 44

Maphack for coh2 is offline at the moment
3 Jul 2016, 14:18 PM
avatar of jellyd0nut

Posts: 171

History repeats itself. 75% of 1v1 players above rank 400 were map hacking in COH. It makes a BIG difference when you are a good player but not a pro.

Many people have been caught doing it in COH2 already, and there is a large active community doing it right now. Have no doubt about this.

In the 1v1 games that I play I routinely get map hacked. I see it for what it is because I have experience with it in COH.

3 Jul 2016, 20:00 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

IS there bad people around on the internet? Of course.

Are there legals ways to obtain intel ? Sure. Just to list a few:
-every vehicle make differents sounds and they can be heard through FoW
-fences and other natural objects can be seen destroy through fow
-xp kickers show up on fow (useful for knowing openings against EFA)
-units that provide obscene amount of LoS or information on tactical map (kubel or vet2 T70 for ex.)

Are there bugs on the game? ...
-Everyone knows if a garrison is occupied or not
-Certain units and combinations give permanent sight through FoW
-You can check (albeit tedious) where the enemy put mines without minesweeper
-Certain objects are note removed from FoW once spotted.

With that all been said, people feel or accuse first rather than admitting they are simply bad, they are old (reflexes takes a hit with age) or just playing with unoptimal conditions.
3 Jul 2016, 20:59 PM
avatar of Jackiebrown

Posts: 657

Cheating is disgusting. I think time has come Relic should invest more in OPTIMIZATION (helllooooo....we are waiting since 3 years now !!!!) and ANTI CHEATING protection. But they will invest of course in more DLC, skins and whatever shit that will squeeze some more money instead of increasing gameplay quality.
For me as a user of their product, the priorities are:
1. Optimization
2. Anti cheating protection
3. Bugs repair
4. Balance

But it seems that at least point 1 and 2 are not on the priority list for Relic. To bad for me, what can I say.
They are 3 years into their 5 year plan for his game and Optimization is on the list. Maybe one more army for Axis if we are lucky.
4 Jul 2016, 01:21 AM
avatar of bicho1

Posts: 168

Where is yours?

rekt :clap:
4 Jul 2016, 01:52 AM
avatar of jellyd0nut

Posts: 171

Notice how all the fan boys ignore the question - is there map hacking? Well there are plenty of ways to get intel in the game. For example, ...

Again, lots of people have already been busted in this game doing it including top players. The fact that Lelic just doesn't give a shit now, is only encouraging more and more abuse.

The only question is do you equal the playing field? I am sure that you would if you knew how, and felt that you could get away with it. But yes, please tell us all how ethical you are and how bad those damn cheaters are. Just keep in mind that the majority does anything for a little advantage. Think of the USA mortar abusers for example in this game, or how about all the pro bikers in the tour de france doping. The entire Russian track and field team???? :rofl:
4 Jul 2016, 02:13 AM
avatar of Hikuran

Posts: 194

There is confirmed maphack in this game and a ban-list of cheaters about 2 months ago.
If you have encountered players that seem to be map-hacking, save your rep and post them to relic
4 Jul 2016, 02:16 AM
avatar of WhySooSerious

Posts: 1248

Cheating is disgusting. I think time has come Relic should invest more in OPTIMIZATION (helllooooo....we are waiting since 3 years now !!!!) and ANTI CHEATING protection. But they will invest of course in more DLC, skins and whatever shit that will squeeze some more money instead of increasing gameplay quality.
For me as a user of their product, the priorities are:
1. Optimization
2. Anti cheating protection
3. Bugs repair
4. Balance

But it seems that at least point 1 and 2 are not on the priority list for Relic. To bad for me, what can I say.

Ok first of all Relic is not made of money so lets remove #1 from the list and for #2 ive always played against top 10-50 in 2v2 and some when I used to play 1s and I can say many of them were not maphacking. Maphacking is very easy to catch in this game and is the only cheat available in this game. It is detectable as it interacts with Relic Servers thus giving yourself a free ban and soon an IP ban if you continue.

If you really suspect someone of maphacking please watch the replay and analyze it first dont just accuse. But other than that this game is pretty solid in anti cheats compared to coh1.

#3 Idk if coh2 will ever be bug free look at coh1 it still has bugs but people have just gotten used to them and adapted. Most bugs that are in this game are not very disturbing. #4 Balance is making it there although it is taking time.

As for USF mortar I agree it is OP? Tbh though I kind of got used to the USF mortar so I'm kind of not in favor of giving it a nerf. Not implying I play USF only as I also play OKW and ostheer but I just feel like its something adaptable.

Also the USF mortar bug that allows you to see a unit for a couple minutes seems random. Sometimes it will let you see a unit in the FoW for a while and other times it doesnt. Wonder what triggers it.
4 Jul 2016, 04:06 AM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

Yes there is maphacking in CoH 2, even at top 50 levels, especially in 3v3 and 4v4. Just look at the names of those banned 2 months ago or so. Some of them had insane wins streaks and were in top 20 to top 100 4v4, 3v3 teams. 1v1 is probably cheat free tough.

Community and Relic just sweep it under the rug.

Find a way to prove it other than just your gut feeling then we can talk about it.

I've been accused of map hacking. I tell them I am using tracking. Sometimes they believe me, sometimes they just don't.


OP, yes there are map hackers but most definitely less than you think.
4 Jul 2016, 05:08 AM
avatar of VIPUKS

Posts: 431 | Subs: 1

Might be spotting scopes and jeagers and T70.
4 Jul 2016, 09:06 AM
avatar of geist

Posts: 79

What about sync errors?

Like right after you made a game deciding push..
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