
russian armor

Role of the sturmpioneer in upcoming patch

19 Jun 2016, 03:11 AM
avatar of ferwiner
Donator 11

Posts: 2885

Lol ever used Guards? I'm pretty sure though he was referring to the toggle of the minesweeper and the schrek.

Lets face it: PTRS is not real AT in this game. Definitely not in the same hard AT class as shreck, zook or PIAT.
19 Jun 2016, 05:20 AM
avatar of What Doth Life?!
Patrion 27

Posts: 1664

For once I agree with medhood that the side tech is indeed overpriced in my opinion, as well as the MG34 not being T0 which is complete and total bullshit, the Brits and Wehr can both do T0 MG strats while OKW can't because...?

Because... they have a vehicle that can cap 15% faster and an AT gun both in the HQ.
19 Jun 2016, 07:41 AM
avatar of Danyek

Posts: 294 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Jun 2016, 03:02 AMSumi808
sturmpioneer blobs will be new thing possibly

The bleed will be real :rofl:
19 Jun 2016, 08:40 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Because... they have a vehicle that can cap 15% faster and an AT gun both in the HQ.

Aside from the Kubel being an annoying early harassment unit that is obsolete after you hit the mid game and more powerful units start to hit the battle and the raketen being the lesser of all AT guns in the entire game, well, except for the Soviet M42 that's just complete shit... I don't really see the relativity here, I need an early suppression platform, plus you guys were the same ones crying for asymmetrical balance, you know, not everybody being the same... what happened to that? IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK, THAT'S WHAT. And no, I'm not flaming you or anybody, I'm just saying, making everybody different doesn't mean it's practical or fun, and more often than not it's a bad decision to make.
19 Jun 2016, 09:28 AM
avatar of skemshead

Posts: 611

Aside from the Kubel being an annoying early harassment unit that is obsolete after you hit the mid game and more powerful units start to hit the battle and the raketen being the lesser of all AT guns in the entire game, well, except for the Soviet M42 that's just complete shit... I don't really see the relativity here, I need an early suppression platform, plus you guys were the same ones crying for asymmetrical balance, you know, not everybody being the same... what happened to that? IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK, THAT'S WHAT. And no, I'm not flaming you or anybody, I'm just saying, making everybody different doesn't mean it's practical or fun, and more often than not it's a bad decision to make.

Okw cannot have a t0 mg for the same reason usf can't either, it would be batshit op. End of story.
19 Jun 2016, 09:54 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Okw cannot have a t0 mg for the same reason usf can't either, it would be batshit op. End of story.

The MG34 is already a T0 MG in the update, it just requires tech and you're basically sacrificing your T0 production and was already basically possible with the doctrines, well, at least in custom games with High Resources. But I don't see the Brits or Wehr being OP, Brits just have problems dislodging garrisons while USF have smoke and Soviets also have flamethrowers and mortars, Wehr has rifle grenades and mortars while OKW has the Sturmpioneers and Volk flamegrenades, so no, I wouldn't say it would be batshit OP plus you don't have any evidence to prove what you're saying, as I don't either since I already made it in my mod but it uses an entirely different balance than the vanilla game.
19 Jun 2016, 10:12 AM
avatar of skemshead

Posts: 611

The MG34 is already a T0 MG in the update, it just requires tech and you're basically sacrificing your T0 production and was already basically possible with the doctrines, well, at least in custom games with High Resources. But I don't see the Brits or Wehr being OP, Brits just have problems dislodging garrisons while USF have smoke and Soviets also have flamethrowers and mortars, Wehr has rifle grenades and mortars while OKW has the Sturmpioneers and Volk flamegrenades, so no, I wouldn't say it would be batshit OP plus you don't have any evidence to prove what you're saying, as I don't either since I already made it in my mod but it uses an entirely different balance than the vanilla game.

I am aware the mg is t0 and requires tech but as i am typing on a phone i didn't bother with an indepth post.

The reason for delaying the okw mg with tech is to avoid situations where you have an mg/sp combo at the start of the game. It is almost with monotonous regularity that okw sends Spio to allies cutoff at the start of the game (1v1).
That in itself is annoying but it would be broken if okw could build 2 mgs, sending them straight to allies cutoff while the kubel cruises around capping everything, then following up with fast luchs which allies cannot counter or at the very least are forced to go at gun because okw has totally dominated the opening.
19 Jun 2016, 10:24 AM
avatar of Crumbum

Posts: 213

Role of the sturmpio in the upcoming patch - getting rekt by penals.
19 Jun 2016, 11:55 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

I am aware the mg is t0 and requires tech but as i am typing on a phone i didn't bother with an indepth post.

The reason for delaying the okw mg with tech is to avoid situations where you have an mg/sp combo at the start of the game. It is almost with monotonous regularity that okw sends Spio to allies cutoff at the start of the game (1v1).
That in itself is annoying but it would be broken if okw could build 2 mgs, sending them straight to allies cutoff while the kubel cruises around capping everything, then following up with fast luchs which allies cannot counter or at the very least are forced to go at gun because okw has totally dominated the opening.

I see your point but what you're explaining here is still some situation or scenario made up in your head, not in the actual game so you're not 100% sure how things will play out. Now if we could only experiment with it and see the actual results maybe it would prove both of us wrong, who knows, but until then I suggest you don't feel so sure that this will be the exact thing that will happen, the new patch changes a lot of things, maybe the next one will change them up even more.
19 Jun 2016, 12:55 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

You have no choice but to give your sturms shreck upgrade, because raketten isn't going to cut it vs light armor. Unless of course you play it aggressively and put it in a forward garrison for that increased cone :snfPeter:
19 Jun 2016, 13:18 PM
avatar of WhySooSerious

Posts: 1248

you can either have shrecks or minesweeper or minesweeper with flamethrower with sturms. gonna see alot of double sturms.
19 Jun 2016, 15:02 PM
avatar of medhood

Posts: 621

Lol ever used Guards? I'm pretty sure though he was referring to the toggle of the minesweeper and the schrek.

The guard PTRS will still be able to one shot infantry if it hits them, unlike other handheld AT weapons next patch

Also Rangers in Ardennes Assault Came with 5 Thompsons and 2 Bazookas/Shrecks, you were able toggle them in and out so you can have 5 Thompsons or 3 Thompsons + 2 Bazookas/Shrecks

It didnt make it to the multiplayer Rangers so I assume this will never be given to Sturmpioneers either and even if it was there would be a massive uproar amongst the community
19 Jun 2016, 16:40 PM
avatar of What Doth Life?!
Patrion 27

Posts: 1664

Aside from the Kubel being an annoying early harassment unit that is obsolete after you hit the mid game and more powerful units start to hit the battle and the raketen being the lesser of all AT guns in the entire game, well, except for the Soviet M42 that's just complete shit... I don't really see the relativity here, I need an early suppression platform, plus you guys were the same ones crying for asymmetrical balance, you know, not everybody being the same... what happened to that? IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK, THAT'S WHAT. And no, I'm not flaming you or anybody, I'm just saying, making everybody different doesn't mean it's practical or fun, and more often than not it's a bad decision to make.

Holy run-on sentence Batman!

You accuse "you guys" of begging for asymmetric balance and then go on to say you're not flaming anyone.

This is a mess.
19 Jun 2016, 17:03 PM
avatar of Pluralitas

Posts: 70

Transfer med supplies from spio to volks, to reduce volks load. having more volks means easier to access and unload spio from another responsibility. It needs munis so you wont be seeing medkit spams, now that btgrp needs to upgradr for medics.
19 Jun 2016, 18:00 PM
avatar of dreamerdude
Benefactor 392

Posts: 374

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Jun 2016, 03:02 AMSumi808
sturmpioneer blobs will be new thing possibly

they are really expensive though, they are basicly panzer grens that repair now.
19 Jun 2016, 18:25 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

I see your point but what you're explaining here is still some situation or scenario made up in your head, not in the actual game so you're not 100% sure how things will play out. Now if we could only experiment with it and see the actual results maybe it would prove both of us wrong, who knows, but until then I suggest you don't feel so sure that this will be the exact thing that will happen, the new patch changes a lot of things, maybe the next one will change them up even more.

If you can't see how this would be a problem, the issue on your side. There is nothing to experiment when it is already experimented in teamgame OKW+Wehrm sending SP+HMG42 to take a point. Nothing Allied can produce that early can break this combo.
But in teamgame we are not talking about cutoff but usually fuel point and this mean the rest of the map is safe and free.
The rest of the map when your cutoff is taken doesn't really matter...
19 Jun 2016, 19:01 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Holy run-on sentence Batman!

You accuse "you guys" of begging for asymmetric balance and then go on to say you're not flaming anyone.

This is a mess.

Hey, I'm just stating a fact and the simple truth, when I was fighting for the MG34 to be in the default OKW Army roaster everybody jumped on my and went ape shit because that made them "too much like the Wehr", well sorry to burst your bubble buddy but the OKW is the late war Western front version of the German Army while the Wehrmacht or Ostheer should be the early war Eastern front one, so no duh they would have similar equipment and units, sorta, they're both German. So if you're taking the simple truth as offensive, especially on the internet, well then that's just your problem, my comments are probably going to be made invisible either way because I "offended" you so whatever, I don't care anymore.
19 Jun 2016, 19:08 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Jun 2016, 18:25 PMEsxile

If you can't see how this would be a problem, the issue on your side. There is nothing to experiment when it is already experimented in teamgame OKW+Wehrm sending SP+HMG42 to take a point. Nothing Allied can produce that early can break this combo.
But in teamgame we are not talking about cutoff but usually fuel point and this mean the rest of the map is safe and free.
The rest of the map when your cutoff is taken doesn't really matter...

So where's the problem here exactly, the Allies are against this either way now so... most of the matches are team games anyway so it really just doesn't make that much of a big difference and besides, Luftwaffe and Fortifications are the most used OKW doctrines just because of the MG34 and because they're overall good, I feel right at home with the OKW once I take Fortifications, especially now that they're getting the LefH and MG34 by default. And again, if you decide to go for MG opening, that will effectively delay your tech-ing and other main line unit production and like most Allied pros say, just go around the Bofors (in this case the MG34/42 + Sturmpioneer combo) and wait for proper firepower to deal with it, hell the Brits have flamethrowers doctrinally now, so if you got a Soviet or USF Ally you can work together like the Wehr and OKW players are and cover the flamethrower sappers with smoke, especially now that the USF is getting a mobile mortar team. Coordination and communication is what wins games dude, no matter the odds, well, we're not talking about really OP and broken balance or bugged things like the OKW in the beginning for example but yeah, UKF and USF combo proves to be a worthy opponent to any Axis team.
19 Jun 2016, 19:36 PM
avatar of Budwise
Admin Red  Badge
Donator 11

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OKW are going to take it in the A next patch.
19 Jun 2016, 20:00 PM
avatar of bicho1

Posts: 168

raketen is not a real option as an at gun and lose vs almost any tank from the front ( let's not talk about the cetaur 2 burst and is dead while centaur still 3/4 hp)

Are you ok ?
you should give raketens second chance !!!did you ever sow a pro okw player ?usf vs okw
Okw got 3 raketens usf got alot of shermans gess what heppend ?
He was sniping shermans it was just crazy sad to watch ...

Ofc if you will use raketens vs heavy armore some shots wont penetrate but you got p5 panthers for this shit

Btw raketen is the only atg thet can run back base =noob freindly

Raketen is realy good vs medium armor jts a fact its ez to use
You should help me bufing USF
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