
russian armor

Commander Idea Workshop (Build Your Own!)

31 May 2016, 03:16 AM
avatar of Grittle

Posts: 179

Oh boy! We making Commander Ideas!

B-b-bb-b-b-bb-bb-b-bbbuut Grittle! We hav 2 muc commndrs!!!

Don't Worry, These are Ideas! And I Don't Care!

Besides, I already made a thread concerning the current commanders balance stuff Here.

So, before we begin, I'll like to provides some rules and regulations to provide a semblance of order in this thread part of the Grittle Gravy Commission (GGC) Article 703c Paragraph 2 Image C Example 2ABF:

Make sure your abilities are accurate and price is compared to the nearest comparable units (I.E. a 240 Manpower Infantry is most likely comparable to Grenadiers or Conscripts. another 240 Manpower Infantry)

Here is my most recommended template for a Commander Idea:


Now if you excuse me, I'll provide a few examples of such Commander Ideas

[SU] Incendiary Attack Tactics

[OST] Light Panzer Support Doctrine

[USF] Air Support Company

[OKW] Superior Infantry Doctrine

[UKF] Mechanized Infantry Regiment

Now, I would like other people to make their own commander ideas. Sure, the chances of succeeding aren't that high, But its always nice to have a think tank and who knows, Lelic could be listening! but one can only dream...

one can only dream
one can only dream
31 May 2016, 05:17 AM
avatar of Lucas Troy

Posts: 508

[UKF] Entrenching Regiment - $4.99

2CP Stand Fast

3CP - Emplacements gain the "Defensive Camo" ability which gives them a bugged jagdpanzer style cloak when not braced - The cloak not only makes them invisible, but also incorrectly causes many of the hits that land on the emplacement to not damage it. Emplacements can fire while cloaked, but will recloak in between shots. Emplacements fire at a reduced rate while cloaked.

4CP - Counter Spotters - any enemy unit with detection abilities that uses them to detect an emplacement will be sniped by hidden off map snipers. Lasts one minute, costs 45 MU. 90 second cool down.

4CP - Counter Battery

5CP - sappers gain the 60 MU "Silent Repair" upgrade that gives them Stealth that is activated while they are repairing something or while they are in cover.

31 May 2016, 05:59 AM
avatar of William Christensen

Posts: 401

[UKF] Reserve Regiment

0CP - Home Guard Infantry (Cost : 240 manpower)
(A 5-men squad like Ostruppen but will received ROF bonus while in cover. Can throw sticky bombs which can temporary break tanks' tracks. Can build sandbags, no trenches. Also, can no longer build IS, the homeguard infantry will replaced the IS in the HQ)

2CP: Designated command vehicles

2CP: Supply drops
(Drops 150 munitions or 75 fuels at the muni or fuel point respectively for the cost of 200 mp)

5CP: For the King and Country!
(Basically the "Valiant Assault" but for Brits)

12CP: Earthquake bomb (Cost: 225 muni)
(A grand slam bomb is dropped at a designated target (out of HQ territory) which basically the same to Stuka dive bomb but slightly higher penetration)
31 May 2016, 06:16 AM
avatar of William Christensen

Posts: 401

[UKF] Royal Air Force regiments

2CP: Designated command vehicles

2CP: Supply drops
(Drops 150 munitions or 75 fuels at the muni or fuel point respectively for the cost of 200 mp)

8CP: Air support operation (Cost: 200 muni)
(5 aircrafts will fly above the designated area: 2 will attack infantries, 2 will strafe armours and structure with rockets while 1 will either recon or drop smoke at friendly damaged armours or pinned friendly infantries)

12CP: Earthquake bomb (Cost: 225 muni)
(A grand slam bomb is dropped at a designated target (out of HQ territory) which basically the same to Stuka dive bomb but slightly higher penetration)

12CP: Air supremacy
31 May 2016, 06:16 AM
avatar of skyshark

Posts: 239

[UKF] Entrenching Regiment - $4.99

2CP Stand Fast

3CP - Emplacements gain the "Defensive Camo" ability which gives them a bugged jagdpanzer style cloak when not braced - The cloak not only makes them invisible, but also incorrectly causes many of the hits that land on the emplacement to not damage it. Emplacements can fire while cloaked, but will recloak in between shots. Emplacements fire at a reduced rate while cloaked.

4CP - Counter Spotters - any enemy unit with detection abilities that uses them to detect an emplacement will be sniped by hidden off map snipers. Lasts one minute, costs 45 MU. 90 second cool down.

4CP - Counter Battery

5CP - sappers gain the 60 MU "Silent Repair" upgrade that gives them Stealth that is activated while they are repairing something or while they are in cover.

I lol'd.
31 May 2016, 06:24 AM
31 May 2016, 07:31 AM
avatar of aomtniome

Posts: 27

[Obercommando west] Advance Parachute Doctrine.{ Epic commander }

2CP: luftwaffe infantry [Costs : 300 manpower]
(New Units 5 Men not like Fallschirmjäger Train like Grenadier strong when in covergreen and yellow. arm Kar98k)

4CP: Weapon drop [Costs : 100 ammo]
(New Ability call to paradrop weapon Random weapon : MG42, Panzerschreck,G43[if mod can do] )

4CP: Stuka Recon

7CP: Elite Fallschirmjäger Airdropped Combat Group [Cost 1000 manpower]* limit 1 time
(Two squads of can be paradropped into the battlefield have 1 sniper in squads and can fire Panzerschreck ability. arm: Kar98k, G43, FG42 )

10CP: Stukal Combat Air Patrol [ Cost 250 ammo ]
(Allows targeting an area of the map for observation by a patrolling group of Ju-87 ground-attack aircraft. )
31 May 2016, 07:39 AM
avatar of nee

Posts: 1216

UKF ones

Line Infantry Regiment
1- Section Officer: an Infantry Section with an officer attached deployed to the field. Grants fire rate bonuses to all nearby infantry, and grants increased defensive bonuses when they are in cover. Officer can call in a single strafing run and mark enemy units.
2- M3 Supply Halftrack
3- "Tally Ho!": Timed ability; while active all infantry units become more resilient to damage when taking losses, making them less prone to squad wipes.
4- Artillery Cover
5- Vanguard Operation “Crocodile”

Cavalry Regiment
1- Early Warning
2- Vehicle Raid: Your vehicles can be upgraded to passively capture territory at half capture rate.
3- Reserve Detachment "Crusader": Similar to Relief Infantry/ Rapid Conscription, medium and heavy vehicles lost to enemy fire will spawn a Crusader Tank Mk. III to T3's rally point; this light tank boasts same speed of the Cromwell, but the firepower and durability of the AEC. Maximum six tanks deployed every duration.
4- Field Recovery Operation
5- Concentrated Fire Operation

Royal Tank Regiment
1- Reconnaissance Section: Deploy an Infantry Section with increased sight range and can call in a Recon plane for free like a designated command vehicle. Has the Valentine's Observation toggle ability that cloaks them but renders them immobile and unable to fire, but reveals all enemy units nearby.
2- Concentration Barrage
3- Heavy Armour Specialization: Upgrading to Hammer Tactics will allow you to train Churchills alongside Comets, and vice versa. Does not unlock the other specialization's powers.
4- Vehicle Crew Repairs
5- Land Mattress Creeping Barrage: Nearby Land Mattress batteries fire at target location.

Royal Marines Armoured Support Group
1- Raid Operation
2- M3 Halftrack with Commandos
3- RMASG Detachment "Sherman": M4 Sherman with ability for indirect fire support like the SU-76; it otherwise functions like 75mm Sherman.
4- Strafing Support
5- Forward Observation Post

Royal Logistics Corps (RLC) Regiment
1- Ordnance Stockpiles: Ability that costs no munitions but has long cooldown; while active, doubles the number of projectiles used by certain munitons-abilities, such as grenades. Certain abilities like Tulips are excluded.
2- Resupply Half-Track
3- Overrepairs: While active, Royal Engineers repair 1.5x-2x faster and grant an additional 25% health of affected vehicles.
4- Air Resupply Operation
5- Logistics Outpost: converts an occupied ambient building to provide (additional) resource bonus to the sector it occupies; the resource is dependent on the type of sector (Fuel sectors increase fuel income), and allows sector to remain in supply when isolated. Only one building can be converted at any time.

Airlanding Regiment
1- Strategic Reconnaissance: Recon planes will slowly fly over the battlefield, revealing the entire map. Cannot be shot down, travels slow but expensive munitions cost and cooldown time.
2- Forward Logistics Glider
3- Air Assault: Select one of your existing gliders, and Commandos will spawn from that glider. Can also select any other area of the map to deploy Commandos from off-map.
4- Airmobile Support: A Hamilcar glider will land at target location and deploy a Tetrarch tank; light but fast, and similar in performance and function to Stuart. If the glider is in friendly sectors that are in supply, additional Tetrarchs may be produced from the glider.
5- Strafing Support

Service Regiment
1- Rearguard Action (Passive)Your infantry units will have reduced upkeep costs when in friendly connected sectors and not fighting; does not apply to capturing neutral sectors or when being attacked.
2- Recon Detachment "Staghound": Light vehicle with similar stats as AEC, but focused on anti-infantry; can upgrade to pintle HMG and can toggle to command vehicle mode, disabling weapons but improving nearby units.
3- Vehicle Crew Repairs
4- Mortar Cover
5- Perimeter Overwatch

Lend-Lease Motorised Regiment
1) Early Warning
2) Designate Command Vehicle
3) M5 Support Halftrack: Can upgrade to drop Vickers and Piat, but can also upgrade to M45 quad; cannot transport, reinforce or drop weapons when upgraded.
4) RMASG Detachment "Sherman": M4 Sherman with ability for indirect fire support like the SU-76; it otherwise functions like 75mm Sherman.
5) Precision Barrage
31 May 2016, 19:00 PM
avatar of Grittle

Posts: 179

[Obercommando west] Advance Parachute Doctrine.{ Epic commander }

2CP: luftwaffe infantry [Costs : 300 manpower]
(New Units 5 Men not like Fallschirmjäger Train like Grenadier strong when in covergreen and yellow. arm Kar98k)

4CP: Weapon drop [Costs : 100 ammo]
(New Ability call to paradrop weapon Random weapon : MG42, Panzerschreck,G43[if mod can do] )

4CP: Stuka Recon

7CP: Elite Fallschirmjäger Airdropped Combat Group [Cost 1000 manpower]* limit 1 time
(Two squads of can be paradropped into the battlefield have 1 sniper in squads and can fire Panzerschreck ability. arm: Kar98k, G43, FG42 )

10CP: Stukal Combat Air Patrol [ Cost 250 ammo ]
(Allows targeting an area of the map for observation by a patrolling group of Ju-87 ground-attack aircraft. )

Well, I wouldn't advise labeling commanders as "epic" as that would put off as truly P2W, but..

1000 Manpower ability? holy root beer floats!
1 Jun 2016, 02:32 AM
avatar of nee

Posts: 1216

US Forces stuff

Light Infantry Company
1) Rangers Recon Team: Rangers armed with M1 Garands; light firepower but can sprint, throw multiple grenades, and capture faster than other units. Vet1 unlocks Deploy Marksman ability, which allows them to snipe a target squad for a munitions cost.
2) Fire Up!
3) Pilfered Equipment: Similar to Recoup Losses- while ability is active, enemy infantry killed by your units will grant munitions, and vehicles destroyed will grant fuel.
4) Bulldozer 105mm Sherman
5) Pinpoint Artillery: Off-map 75mm artillery fire three HE shells precisely onto target. No flares are throw, but shells take 5-10 seconds to arrive.

Defensive Support Company
1) Assault Engineers
2) Man the Defenses: Timed ability, while active all infantry in cover gain increased defensive bonuses.
3) Officer Resource Bonus: Officer squads increase resource income in the sector they are in, depending on the resource type: (Munitions from Munitions sectors, Fuel from fuel, and Manpower from Standard). HQ and VP sectors do not count, and effect doesn't stack from multiple officers in the same sector.
4) Extra Capacity (Passive): All infantry squads gain an additional weapon slot, 2 to 3.
5) Time on Target Barrage

Glider Assault Company
1) Infiltrate Pathfinders: Airborne Pathfinders can be called in on a target building; if unoccupied they will spawn from that building and exit.
2) LMG Supply Paradrop: 2x M1919 LMGs drop for 150 munitions in target friendly sector.
3) Riflemen Glider Insertion: Waco CG-4 Glider lands at target location, spawning a squad of Cavalry Riflemen; drops immediately and with full health when location is near Pathfinder beacon. If in friendly sectors, they reinforce nearby infantry.
4) AT Gun Paradrop
5) P-47 Ground Support: P-47 loiters target area, suppressing enemy infantry with .50 machine guns.

Glider Support Company
1) Blind Drop Pathfinders: Recon plane followed by Pathfinder squad parachuting to target location.
2) Supply Glider: Glider lands at target location to secure sector and increase income. Unarmed and fragile, and maximum eight of this type can be dropped at any time; cannot deploy onto sectors with existing Gliders, and does not stack with existing caches. Pathfinder Beacons allow Gliders to land much faster and without losing health.
3) HMG Paradrop
4) Glider HQ: Glider lands at target location and provides forward weapon racks and combat bonuses to nearby infantry, and will heal nearby infantry; can only deploy one at a time, cannot deploy onto sectors with existing Gliders, and healing does not stack with Ambulance/ Medics. Pathfinder Beacons allow Gliders to land much faster and without losing health.
5) M-83 Cluster Bombs: Air-dropped mines cover target area, functions like AP minefields.

Chemical Warfare Company
1) Assault Engineers
2) Mortar Halftrack
3) M8 Greyhound
4) Vehicle WP Ordnance: Stuart, Sherman and Jackson can fire a single WP shell at target enemy vehicle; shell will land on target location, affecting all units in it.
5) Illuminated Barrage: Off-map M2 heavy mortars fire mix of HE and illumination shells onto target area; location is revealed during barrage, and HE damage similar to Soviet 120mm shells.

Mechanized Support Company
1) Forward Capture: When activated, your vehicles will slowly capture territory; Vehicle Crews will capture 50% faster than normal
2) M3 Halftrack with Cavalry Riflemen: Light vehicle carrying Riflemen armed with Thompson SMGs, can throw cooked and smoke grenades
3) Directed Fire (Passive): Vehicles can use the Button Vehicle ability, making targeted vehicles move and fire slowly; must remain within firing distance.
4) M10 Tank Destroyer
5) T34 Calliope

Signal Company
1) Surveyor Specialization: Officer squads and vehicles gain improved sight range when stationary; officer squads unlock the "Triangulate" ability, revealing all enemy units in fog of war in 2x of sight radius.
2) WC51 Truck
3) Signal Jamming: Timed ability, while active enemy sectors that you are in gain reduced resource income; when decapturing sectors, the enemy receives zero income as if the sector was already neutralized.
4) Focused Fire: Officer squads can "Mark" enemy units to take increased damage.
5) T28 Fragmentation Barrage: Similar to Fragmentation Bombs, off-map M2A1 Howitzer batteries fire Canister shells slowly onto target location; highly effective against infantry, and stuns vehicles when hit.

Assault Infantry Company
1- Rangers Demolitions Team: Rangers with M1 Garands, has Remote bombs and Satchel Charge abilities, can upgrade to 2x Thompsons for 90 munitions.
2- M2 Flamethrower
3- Manpower Requisition: Similar to Rapid Conscription and Relief Infantry; while active, manpower income is increased according to the level of popcap; the lower the popcap the greater the income bonus.
4- WP Covering Barrage: Similar to Assault Artillery, WP shells are fired over target enemy sector; can be fired into Fog of War.
5- Bulldozer 105mm Sherman
1 Jun 2016, 02:56 AM
avatar of Mittens
Donator 11

Posts: 1276

Cavalry support Company
1 Scott smoke barrage
2 Light armor advance (grants cap bonus/LOS buff to lights vehicles)
3 Cav riflemen, comes with halftrack, start with m1s upgrade for thompsons
4 P47 recon overflight
5 M10 battlegroup
1 Jun 2016, 03:06 AM
avatar of PencilBatRation

Posts: 794

Lucas Troy :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Anyways, I bet we won't be seeing any new DLCs for this game. New doctrines are very unlikely to happen.

1 Jun 2016, 09:11 AM
avatar of nee

Posts: 1216

Ostheer commanders

Kampfgruppe Doctrine
1) Sprint
2) Schutzen Grenadier Battlegroup: 250 Halftrack carrying Assault Grenadiers
3) StuH42: StuG III armed with the Brummbar's weapon. Fast, cheap but fragile heavy infantry support vehicle
4) Breakthrough
5) Light Artillery Barrage

Advanced Weapons Doctrine
1) Stormtroopers
2) Infrared Sturmgewehr Package: Grenadiers can upgrade to improve effectiveness and deals full damage against targets in cover; locks out other weapon upgrades.
3) Model 24 Stun Grenades
4) Panzer IR searchlights: StuG III, Panzer 4, Brummbar and Panther can upgrade to use IR searchlights; locks out MG42 upgrade, and requires toggle that disables movement; detects enemies within radius, including in fog of war
5) Railway Artillery

Panzerwaffe Doctrine
1) Mechanized Grenadier Group
2) Recon Overflight
3) Counterattack Tactics
4) Panzer Tactics
5) Nachjaeger Panther: Panther Tank with IR searchlight in place of pintle MG. Searchlight allows nearby detection of camouflaged units and units in fog of war ahead of it's hull; can toggle to provide a wider tracking arc.

Luftwaffe Defensive Doctrine
1) Osttruppen
2) Air-Dropped Medical Supplies
3) Spotting Scopes
4) Stuka Dive Bomb Strike
5) Suppressive Flak Artillery: Offmap flak batteries fire at target location; the volley fires in creeping barrage, suppressing infantry and stunning vehicles.

Auxiliary Troops Doctrine
1- Counterattack Tactics
2- Osttruppen
3- PzB 39 AT Rifles: Grenadiers and Panzergrenadiers can upgrade to carry 1x AT Rifles; improves damage against light vehicles, decreases damage against infantry, and unlocks the Tread Shot ability; low upgrade cost but takes up a heavy weapon slot.
4- Hetzer: Fast tank destroyer able to be camouflaged; fast and cheap with the same long range as Puma, and same 75mm gun as Panzer4, but weak armour makes it more fragile than other medium vehicles
5- Light Artillery Barrage

Luftwaffe Artillery Doctrine
1- Field Artillery Officer
2- Opel Blitz Truck
3- Recon Overflight
4- Decoy Barrage: Off-map barrage fires dummy rounds for low munitions cost but inflicting low damage, ideal for fooling the enemy, has long cooldown time to prevent over-use
5- HEAT Battery Barrage: off-map Batteries fire HEAT shells onto large target area; low AOE but much higher damage damage against vehicles and emplacements, and high munitions cost, this abilities functions very similarly to UKF's Carpet Bombing with its large radius and number of shells.

Urban Combat Doctrine
1- Frangible Grenade Package (Passive): Pioniers and Grenadiers can use the "Frangible Grenade" ability of OKW's Obersoldaten.
2- Urban Assault Grenadiers: Assault Grenadiers with two flamethrowers.
3- Stuka Smoke Pots
4- Flammpanzer III
5- Stuka Fragmentation Bombs

Luftwaffe Defenses Doctrine
1- Recon Overflight
2- Tank Traps
3- Air-Dropped Medical Supplies
4- "Panzerknacker" Strafing Run: Airplane strafes once at a target location with 12 heavy 75mm shells; projectiles are effective against emplacements and all vehicles tanks, but have slow rate of fire, accuracy and AOE. Function and performance is similar to Soviets' IL-2 Bomb Strike ability, expensive but powerful.
5- PaK43

Escort Artillery Doctrine
1- 250/3 Command Halftrack: 250 Halftrack that can deploy Forward Retreat and can toggle camouflage, and has the Fire Flares munitions ability, revealing nearby a target area
2- Sprint
3- StuG III Ausf. E
4- Breakthrough
5- Hummel Creeping Barrage: heavy off-map 150mm shells slowly fire in a straight line, effective against all targets.

Close Quarters Assault Doctrine
1- Assault Grenadiers
2- G43s
3- Breakthrough
4- Panzer 4 Ausf. F1 Support Tank: Panzer4 with StuG E's 75mm gun; can toggle to immobilize, increasing sight range, turret traverse and rate of fire.
5- Wespe HE Barrage: light off-map 105mm shells fire onto target area over long period of time;
shells are fragmentary, highly effective against infantry but only stuns enemy vehicles when hit.
1 Jun 2016, 20:23 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

Who needs teching Doctrine:
-Urban assault PG/Osstruppen
-Command PIV tank

2014 meta Tactics:
-M5 HT Assault Group
-M4C Sherman

Special snowflake Doctrine:
-Infiltration grenades
-Heat shells
-Command Panther

Major is MIA Company
-155mm Artillery Barrage (Mechanized)

Make them QQ Regiment
-Infiltration Commandos
-Stand fast
-Counter Battery
-Land Mattress
-Artillery Cover

1 Jun 2016, 21:27 PM
avatar of pugzii

Posts: 513

fuckboi commander
1) squads spawn instantly for 40 seconds (50 munitions)
2) delete random squad from the game (also affects other games) 100 munitions
3) make em rage (plays some helpinghans rage sound on the enemy) 150 munitions
4) lol mate (spawns Kylo Ren)
5) banned (gives u maphack for 10 minutes)

I like 5 the most.
3 Jun 2016, 03:08 AM
avatar of Mistah_S

Posts: 851 | Subs: 1

[UKF] Entrenching Regiment - $4.99
2CP Stand Fast
3CP - Emplacements gain the "Defensive Camo" ability which gives them a bugged jagdpanzer style cloak when not braced - The cloak not only makes them invisible, but also incorrectly causes many of the hits that land on the emplacement to not damage it. Emplacements can fire while cloaked, but will recloak in between shots. Emplacements fire at a reduced rate while cloaked.
4CP - Counter Spotters - any enemy unit with detection abilities that uses them to detect an emplacement will be sniped by hidden off map snipers. Lasts one minute, costs 45 MU. 90 second cool down.
4CP - Countr Battery
5CP - sappers gain the 60 MU "Silent Repair" upgrade that gives them Stealth that is activated while they are repairing something or while they are in cover.

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Jun 2016, 21:27 PMpugzii
fuckboi commander
1) squads spawn instantly for 40 seconds (50 munitions)
2) delete random squad from the game (also affects other games) 100 munitions
3) make em rage (plays some helpinghans rage sound on the enemy) 150 munitions
4) lol mate (spawns Kylo Ren)
5) banned (gives u maphack for 10 minutes)
I like 5 the most.

I would pay $10 each for these commanders
3 Jun 2016, 08:45 AM
avatar of nee

Posts: 1216

OKW ones:

Luftwaffe Field Doctrine
1- Luftwaffe Support Infantry: Cheap but weak 5 man squad that can repair, salvage and build defenses. Poor combat effectiveness like Osttruppen, but excellent support role.
2- Heavy Defenses
3- Emergency Repairs
4- Recoup Losses
5- Airborne Assault

Schwerpunkt Doctrine
1) Signal Relay
2) Sturmgrenadier Specialization: Volksgrenadiers can upgrade to Flammenwerfers and can use the Incendiary Grenade Assault ability; when activated, the squad will sprint when in close range and throw multiple incendiary grenades; ability shares same cooldown as regular Incendiary Grenade, and costs 60 munitions. This upgrade takes up both weapon slots.
3) Mechanized Marksman Battlegroup: Jaegers in 250 Haltrack
4) Valiant Assault
5) Assault Artillery

Flak Artillery Doctrine
1- Early Warning
2- Luftwaffe Support Infantry
3- Heavy Defenses
4- Percussion-Fuzed Shells (Passive): FlaK emplacements, Flak Halftrack and Luchs gain the "Load AZ 23/28 Fuze" ability: this ability must be targeted against an enemy infantry squad, who will be instantly suppressed by flak shells; cost 30 munitions per use.
5- Off-map 128mm Barrage: Identical in function to Ostheer's Railway Artillery/ USF's 240mm Howitzer Barrage, powerful shells slowly bombard a target location effective against all targets.

Economic Warfare Doctrine

1- Thorough Salvage
2- Automatic Weapons Specialization (Passive): Allows Volksgrenadiers to upgrade to G43s. Upgrading takes up all slots.
3- Resource Transfer: select ability button then select a Fuel or Munitions point: manpower income will decrease but respective resource will increase over a period of time. Requires a captured Munitions/ Fuel point that is in supply; losing the point to the enemy or having it cut off from HQ will halt the transfer.
4- Tiger Ausf. E: Tiger tank with identical stats as Ostheer Tiger, but no pintle MG upgrade, has Sturmtiger's grenade ability instead. This call-in locks out the King Tiger when used.
5- 105mm Howitzer Barrage

Luftwaffe Assault Doctrine
1- Luftwaffe Support Infantry
2- Radio Silence
3- Breakthrough Tactics
4- 250 Halftrack w/ Fallschirmjaegers- same 30 fuel cost as other 250 halftrack call-ins, and appropriate +400 manpower cost, with regular FJ squad.
5- Sector Assault

Auxiliary Troop Doctrine
1- Luftwaffe Support Infantry
2- Heavy Defenses
3- Sdkfz. 223 Funkwagen: Scout car with MG34 and toggle ability to lock down sectors. Gunner can also toggle to cloak and double sight range. Toggling immobilizes vehicle, and toggling to sight range will disable the machine gun. Locking down sectors does not increase resources, but prevents enemies capturing the flag point it is deployed in.
4- Hetzer Flammpanzer
5- Artillery Flares

Subterfuge Doctrine:
1- Jaegers
2- Early Warning
3- Faustpatrone Attack: Volksgrenaiders and Obersoldaten can fire a volley of light anti-tank rockets at targeted enemy vehicle; all living members fire rockets, and ability cost 10 munitions, but only recharges when not in combat. Inflicts very little damage, but guarantees temporary stun when hit.
4- Valiant Assault
5- Artillery Flares

Nebelwerfer Doctrine:
1- Radio Silence
2- Jaegers
3- Smoke Shells: leIG and Walking Stuka can fire smoke rounds.
4- 21cm Incendiary Assault Barrage: Similar to Assault Artillery, selected enemy sector will be barraged with incendiary rockets, followed by smokescreen.
5- Sturmtiger

Mobile Operations Doctrine:
1- Re-assigned Personnel (Passive): All deployed HQ trucks gain the ability to re-assign your medics, mechanics and forward retreat point to any of your other trucks; each ability can only be assigned to one truck at a time. Their requisite side-tech upgrades must be researched before assigning. Does not confer other benefits (ie Mechanized truck cannot heal or reinforce squads), and original trucks will lose this ability when re-assigned.
2- HQ Truck Hull-down: HQ trucks can upgrade to greatly increase durability. Available once deployed and cost 200 manpower. If destroyed, new trucks must re-upgrade.
3- Valiant Assault
4- Ostwind
5- Coordinated Rocket Barrage: Off-map 21cm rockets barrage target area; any existing Walking Stukas in range will also fire their regular barrage ability.

3 Jun 2016, 16:27 PM
avatar of Waegukin

Posts: 609

[Ost] Mobile Assault
-G43s, Spotting Scopes, 251 Halftrack call-in (no infantry with it), Puma, Frag Bombs

[Sov] Scorched Earth
-PMD-6 AI mines (ones in Defense doc), Guards, Con Repairs, Prop War, KV-8

[OKW] Masquerade Doctrine
-Radio Silence
-3CP Captured Goods: Volks can upgrade to an LMG, randomly giving them a Bren or a 1919 for 70 muni.
-4CP AT Carrier: Calls in a captured universal carrier mounted with a 37mm Pak Gun and 320 HP. 260/40 maybe?
-6CP Interference: Interferes with allied communication. Arty and Air call-ins won't fire, unit call-ins won't arrive until the ability wears off, maybe disables enemy team's pings and chat? 80 muni, 60 seconds?
-8CP: LEFH Saturation: 200 muni? Same scatter and damage as an Ost leFH, but twice the fire rate and number of shells. Basically the equivalent of two Ost leFHs bombing an area at max range, intended to deny an area.
-9CP Salvaged Armor: Calls in either a Sherman, Cromwell or skirted T34/76. Costs the same as Cromwell/Sherman to use.

3 Jun 2016, 18:44 PM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

elchino7 pls, no
3 Jun 2016, 19:51 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post3 Jun 2016, 18:44 PMVuther
elchino7 pls, no

Metastasis Commanders :bananadance:
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