Everyone was effected by the vet, not just axis. I don't think any games had any vet 5 units anyway considering they all ended around the 20 minute mark. It wasn't just arty cover, people could use Mark Target - multiple British OP abilities whether arty cover or multiple players calling in Typhoon and Mega bombers concurrently, which is still a huge problem in 4s. There should be limits on how many p47s/strafing/megabombers can be called at once; like we had with p47s.
Im not sure what your point is here,both sides actually have stupid the most stupid offmaps, skillplanes, and mark target combos.
Im also not sure why you're only naming allied abilities....Does axis not have like, the most AA in the game
Not sure why you think most teams were allied favored, other than Northweapons. He was able to take an decent group of players and beat really good teams only using USF - which I think stressed how easy allies were at the time. We had FOCUS, SOE, NS, RUKA, and TATUS. (TATUS and SOE both held #1 as axis for lengthy periods, FOCUS was typically ranked around 3 or 4.)
im not gonna go look it up again but every single team except the ones i mentioned played a noticeable amount more allies 4v4 at than axis.
northweapons team.. pls. i started the 4v4 only usf vs the world meme, js, and it hinged completely on the calliope because otherwise it was not 'ez' even vs complete morons.
Also allies were winning (4v4AT) even before the brits so I'm not so sure that you'd want to bet your life
. Remember b4's percision strike-shootzens Eles/Jagdtigers/KT's/Tigers in one shot with Market Target? Maxim spam (yes this was a 4v4 strat long before it was a 1v1 strat), call in t34/85s with market target, (I could go on and on).
Yes that was a bit of an exaggeration.
Im still deeply confused as to why you're just pointing out mark target like its some end all be all, considering, again, axis has a more cost effective and more powerful version of it on the cpanther.
This is also a totally different argument but 4v4 AT is pretty much vs randoms 98% of the time and it is not difficult at all for any team or strategy to dominate with, axis or allied.
which is pretty much what you're basing a huge amount of your argument around, i'd imagine. Theres been like 2 4v4 tournaments ever. Neither of which, based of the opinions of most of the 1v1,2v2 elitists that dared played in them, were taken THAT seriously. I'd imagine things would be different if we convince Jesulin or DevM to take 4v4 100% dead seriously for a while

and b4 one shotting? what is this, 1995? How long ago was precision strike and the damage veterancy removed?
Either way I'd imagine people learned pretty quickly to have one of out of 4 players pick a recon/divebomb doctrine for the b4, especially since those docs usually include the lulzy beat my dick while playing with one hand Elefant