What can you do from main menu in CoH 2:
1. Enter singleplayer. Ok
2. Enter Multiplayer. Here is problem. You open new page with 4 buttons with screens from Alpha CoH 2, and difference between this buttons in what type of match will be set by default in your lobby (Versus Players, versus AI, Custom Game). You can choose it in lobby. No need to make separate menu before opening of lobby.
It's enough space in main menu for 1 additional button (Server browser)
3. Enter Theater of War.
4. Enter Live games. Ok
5. Watch Replays. Ok
6. Tutorials. Ok
7. Addition Content. Ok
8. Exit to Windows. Ok
Also, you have additional small menu in bootom-left corner. I think it should be integrated in the Main Menu.
1. Showcase. Unnecessary. You have steam achievments for this.
2. Options. Why they are not in the main menu?
3. Match stats. It's the only unique button here. I don't know what to do with it. Maybe add it to the lobby?
4. Leaderboardes. Can be added to main menu, also you can look it from the lobby.
5. Customer Service. Can be added to main menu.
6. Credits. Can be added to main menu.
7. Exit to Windows. Duplicate.
8. Enter global chat. Never see somebody talking here. We are here for fight, not for talking. Also, you have many other ways to communicate with people and find teammates (like coh2.org

What i want to say as conclusion? CoH 2 need menu redesign. Player should have no problems to do everything he needs from main menu.

1. Singleplayer:
1.1 USSR Campaign
1.2 USA Campaign
1.3 Theater of War
2. Multiplayer:
2.1 Open Lobby
2.2 Open Server Browser
Edit. I think multiplayer section from vCoH is the best solutin here. With it's upper menu you see everything you need from multiplayer in game.

3. Learn.
3.1 Live Games
3.2 Replays
3.3 Tutorials
4. Additional Content
4.1 In Game Store
4.2 Modding Hub
5. Other
5.1. Options
5.2 Customer Service
5.3 Credits
5.4 Exit to Windows
Thank you for attention!