Please remember that relic is making 222 a counter to light vehicles. It costs less because it sucks against infantry which is where other more expensive counter parts excel. Its like saying guards ptrs are too good against puma because it kills way more fuel expensive unit and costs less.
The 222 is gonna be a problem that the allies will have to deal with. The only faction that'll really have a hard time is the British but that's only due to lack of snare.
I know what relic is trying to do with the unit.
I believe its completely wrong.
At this point, simply adding Puma and locking it behind side tech in T2 makes more sense to me then plain 222 hp buff, because yes, it does make it stand up to lights, but it also tremendously imbalances its cost effectiveness, resulting in underpriced unit.
222 never needed to be a light tank, this thing was tiny and thin.
All it needed was improved accuracy against infantry and thats it.
Your comparison isn't really accurate either as you're cmparing apples to oranges(inf to vehicles).
2x 222s will be able to stand up to any light in game.
That is 30 fuel being able to fend off or beat 40-70 fuel easily(yes, HP makes that much of a difference, before 2x222 vs M15 was match in favor of M15 but it was still possible to beat M15, now M15 will be shredded).
I don't mind 222 being buffed, I love the unit since coh1, love to use it and want it to be valid choice, but what relic does here makes completely no sense, this is equally stupid like giving T34/76 960 hp all of sudden, because soviet stock tanks don't stand any chance vs OKW armor.
Its a knee jerk change that puts a band aid on a tumor.
This change only proves that relic have no slightest idea how to solve vcoh2 factions problems vs WFA factions. For AT it might have similar impact as the AEC AOE change and will likely result in 222 cost increase in the following patch. I don't believe I need to explain why, there are at least some people who aren't that insane to believe 15 fuel units standing up to 70 fuel ones is balanced in any way, shape or form.
Its quite likely that I'll be equally angry at relic changes to soviets which we're supposed to be getting in next patch(not feb 25 one obviously).
Less BS pls. T34 can finish low HP panther if you shoot it into rear armor. Penetration chance is not huge but its aswell its not zero. Far from zero. By your logic T34 shouldn't even has a chance to penetrate it? Same with 222, it can finish your light armor if you let it get from the rear and you have no support to prevent 222 from doing so.
You've completely lost it, haven't you?

Grasping at straws so hard, you make even less sense then aaa in this post.