
russian armor

2v2 and upward are totally broken

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5 Dec 2015, 00:45 AM
avatar of Qbix

Posts: 254

Heh, you haven't been here long, eh? Since OKW came out, players have been hating on Shreks on Volks. There were less threads for it when they got their Vet bonuses nerfed hard about half a year ago, but the hate for Shreks on cheap mainline infantry has ALWAYS been around. I hate it, because it is the boring, only decent play for OKW. Every strat discussion for OKW starts with: "Build 3-4 Volk squads and when first vehicle shows up, get Shreks".

Well no, I wasn't around back then. But I remember playing with Obers that came with a LMG34 stock and pre-nerf Luchs and FlakHT. Since OKW doesn't really have a snare, I never thought having a single 90 munitions Schreck on a mediocre yet cheap squad was a problem, especially since the Raketens has a very limited range. Oh well.

As I said in another thread, OKW lacks non-doctrinal mid tier infantry, like PGrens or the Captain squad where you could place the Schreck. They also shouldn't become Ostheer v2.

As of now, the vehicles seem to be a problem here, not the Volks, Schreck or not.
5 Dec 2015, 01:15 AM
avatar of broodwarjc

Posts: 824

jump backJump back to quoted post5 Dec 2015, 00:45 AMQbix

Well no, I wasn't around back then. But I remember playing with Obers that came with a LMG34 stock and pre-nerf Luchs and FlakHT. Since OKW doesn't really have a snare, I never thought having a single 90 munitions Schreck on a mediocre yet cheap squad was a problem, especially since the Raketens has a very limited range. Oh well.

As I said in another thread, OKW lacks non-doctrinal mid tier infantry, like PGrens or the Captain squad where you could place the Schreck. They also shouldn't become Ostheer v2.

As of now, the vehicles seem to be a problem here, not the Volks, Schreck or not.

Volk Shreks are the problem, they shut down light vehicle counter play against the Luchs. Late game they serve as extra push with the Panther to break tank lines and punish early mediums. I agree that OKW doesn't have a good mid-tier AT team and I would prefer that over Shreks on Volks.
5 Dec 2015, 01:28 AM
avatar of Corsin

Posts: 600

So 1v1 seems fine, 2v2 and upward are totally broken. The luchs comes even quicker, if you have double OKW they will both get it, allowing them to get both fuels aaaaanddddd GG.

Problems (from a 2v2 perspective, will get worse with 3v3 and 4v4)

  • Double Luchs
    In 2v2s, these units come at 6 ish minute. They need only one fuel point to get their 6 minute luchs, if they both go for it, they can get both fuels without effort, since their vehicles come quicker than soviet t70 and about the same time as Stuart, yet they can have a shreck out that can deter both allied vehicles once they hit the field. This means double shreck supporting double luchs.

  • Double schwere
    Once they have both fuels secured and both of them have luchs and volks are piling up in blobs, they both put down their schwere HQ. They can secure teritory, support it with LeIGs and their shrek blobs which are backed up by the luchs. This is pretty much uncounterable.

  • Double shreck blobs
    They both will go for double shreck blobs, because it is the easiest and best way to support their early aggression and domination, leaving you with no strategic option to counter their luchs play, since you will get confronted by shrecks, which counter your vehicles and luchs will counter your infantry together with the volks blob.

  • Double obers
    And after both fuels are secured, luchs has dominated, shreck blobs have deterred early vehicle play, you will start to see obers followed up by either double P4 or one P4 and one Panther. Have fun!!

  • Double p4
    Double P4 come out after you had your uphill battle in the first 11-12 minutes of the game. These are supported by shreck blobs, a luchs, multiple LeIGs and obers. Again, you are reacting too a synergy which in essence is uncounterable.

  • Double Panther
    If both players don't go for P4, they go for double Panthers. This is simply uncounterable as well, since they are supported by two shreck blobs, whom themselves are supported by luchs, obers and leIGs.

  • KT
    If you manage to kill a P4 or a Panther, or simply don't encounter anything and hold out long enough, you will face KT, which again you can't counter, since KT is supported by either armor from other player, or another KT, two shreck blobs, luchs, obers and leIGs.

Again, 1v1 is fine, 2v2 and upwards, completely and utterly broken.

Your right, Allies aint winning every match anymore...

5 Dec 2015, 01:30 AM
avatar of GenObi

Posts: 556

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT FIX IT....at least for a while I am having Way to much fun trolling with the OKW!!!! :) :) :)
5 Dec 2015, 01:57 AM
avatar of The_Courier

Posts: 665

jump backJump back to quoted post4 Dec 2015, 23:34 PMCieZ

The AEC is great against the Luchs... but not against the 3 schrecks plus rak that is going to be following the luchs around. In my opinion the AEC is just awful because of it's timing and role - same reason the OKW Puma is rarely, if ever seen.

A light vehicle that counters other light vehicles but is borderline useless against infantry just isn't a good fuel investment given that it is going to push back your first tank by such a large margin. Brits are really going to be hurting this patch against OKW with losing their only reliable snare (sniper unless already vet 1)...

I dunno, maybe I'll write up my thoughts on what is wrong with this patch another time, I just don't have the heart or motivation to do it...

Suppression off ISG and Pack Howi is a step in the right direction and mitigating the effects of Vet 4/5 while bringing OKW resources up to 100% is also good but...

Such fast Luchs, Sturms being cheaper plus OKW starting with a disgusting amount of manpower plus Volks STILL having schrecks while being great early/mid game, T4 still locking down a stupid amount of the map, double grenade on Volks, mobile demo charges (as if we needed even MORE things that kill squads in one shot)... I just don't know...

I always prefer trying to adapt over just QQing about OP since it doesn't really get you anywhere but I'm not sure how Allies win team games this patch. Maybe perfect Soviet sniper play into ISU152 or something? Anything else vehicle wise is just going to get eaten alive by a dumb amount of schrecks everywhere.

In my experience the AEC is a dead-end. You're spending 75 fuel to counter the Luchs and... nothing else. It deals no damage to infantry. It barely scratches mediums. A Panther or bigger just rolls over it. Combined with how fragile UKF early game is, and unless you really manage to push back the OKW you're going to be hard pressed to gather the 200 fuel required to start making tanks before you get hit in the face with P4s and Panthers. Assuming the new super Volks don't stomp the lame Tommies beforehand.

Similarily, playing as Soviets now feels more and more like an uphill battle. OKW has the initiative all the time; their infantry is straight up better than yours in many respects, their vehicles arrive earlier, their lategame crushes yours unless you have great SU-85 micro. You need to sink loads of MP into an AT gun and AT nades to counter early vehicles, T1 seems out of the question unless you get a lucky mine, and even getting Shocks is almost a liability because you need that 400 MP on AT. Maybe it's just me but that was my impression.

I play both Soviets and OH in 2v2 automatch, played 8 games since the patch. And the only game in which Allies won was the one in which we got overwhelmed by the double rifleblob. It seems to me brits and SU are the losers of this patch, which sucks for me because the WFA factions are those I dislike to play as, with and against.
5 Dec 2015, 06:29 AM
avatar of ausownage

Posts: 117

Tbh, back in 2008 there were a lot of these kind of threads popping up:


In 1v1, no one really complained. But 2v2, ah, that was absolute hell to deal with as an axis player. And it took a lengthy period of time because 2v2 was reasonable balanced.

CoH 2 has been out for a few years... but it's likely to going to take a few more years as it did with vCoH.
5 Dec 2015, 06:50 AM
avatar of pastasauce

Posts: 29

So 1v1 seems fine, 2v2 and upward are totally broken. The luchs comes even quicker, if you have double OKW they will both get it, allowing them to get both fuels aaaaanddddd GG.

Problems (from a 2v2 perspective, will get worse with 3v3 and 4v4)

  • Double Luchs
    In 2v2s, these units come at 6 ish minute. They need only one fuel point to get their 6 minute luchs, if they both go for it, they can get both fuels without effort, since their vehicles come quicker than soviet t70 and about the same time as Stuart, yet they can have a shreck out that can deter both allied vehicles once they hit the field. This means double shreck supporting double luchs.

  • Double schwere
    Once they have both fuels secured and both of them have luchs and volks are piling up in blobs, they both put down their schwere HQ. They can secure teritory, support it with LeIGs and their shrek blobs which are backed up by the luchs. This is pretty much uncounterable.

  • Double shreck blobs
    They both will go for double shreck blobs, because it is the easiest and best way to support their early aggression and domination, leaving you with no strategic option to counter their luchs play, since you will get confronted by shrecks, which counter your vehicles and luchs will counter your infantry together with the volks blob.

  • Double obers
    And after both fuels are secured, luchs has dominated, shreck blobs have deterred early vehicle play, you will start to see obers followed up by either double P4 or one P4 and one Panther. Have fun!!

  • Double p4
    Double P4 come out after you had your uphill battle in the first 11-12 minutes of the game. These are supported by shreck blobs, a luchs, multiple LeIGs and obers. Again, you are reacting too a synergy which in essence is uncounterable.

  • Double Panther
    If both players don't go for P4, they go for double Panthers. This is simply uncounterable as well, since they are supported by two shreck blobs, whom themselves are supported by luchs, obers and leIGs.

  • KT
    If you manage to kill a P4 or a Panther, or simply don't encounter anything and hold out long enough, you will face KT, which again you can't counter, since KT is supported by either armor from other player, or another KT, two shreck blobs, luchs, obers and leIGs.

Again, 1v1 is fine, 2v2 and upwards, completely and utterly broken.

Ever thought getting captain/at gun/stuart or even zookas?
5 Dec 2015, 10:12 AM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 830

Ever thought getting captain/at gun/stuart or even zookas?

sure, by the time captain comes, you face 4 volks supporting a luchs, which eventually will be supported by double shrecks and a raketten as soon as your lovely stuart arrives. Good luck with protecting your at gun from luchs plus volks combo. Add in some LEIG and heyyyyyy you get outplayed by game design!
5 Dec 2015, 10:16 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Who wants to play as allies in 2v2 and higher if you can simply combine CAS/Luftwaffe with OKW and bring 14-15min KT agasint.... T34/76 or Sherman :snfPeter:
5 Dec 2015, 10:24 AM
avatar of KurtWilde
Donator 11

Posts: 440

sure, by the time captain comes, you face 4 volks supporting a luchs, which eventually will be supported by double shrecks and a raketten as soon as your lovely stuart arrives. Good luck with protecting your at gun from luchs plus volks combo. Add in some LEIG and heyyyyyy you get outplayed by game design!

Agreed, as soviets and USF you still can manage but Brits are proper fucked
5 Dec 2015, 10:28 AM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 830

Who wants to play as allies in 2v2 and higher if you can simply combine CAS/Luftwaffe with OKW and bring 14-15min KT agasint.... T34/76 or Sherman :snfPeter:

lol yeah :foreveralone:
5 Dec 2015, 15:19 PM
avatar of tenid

Posts: 232

After playing some brit 2v2 things feel pathetically one sided. OKW losing all their downsides but keeping their strengths intact was not a good idea.
5 Dec 2015, 15:22 PM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

Make the first truck deployed come with upgrade as now,make 2nd and 3rd truck upgrades purchaseable if they want them for a modest price.
So u can get repair or heal free,but other oen and flak u need to buy.
5 Dec 2015, 15:39 PM
avatar of Grim

Posts: 1096

My greatest fear is facing double OKW....with a UKF teammate.

It's a lose/lose/lose situation.

But yeah, this patch is something of a joke.
5 Dec 2015, 16:38 PM
avatar of Jadame!

Posts: 1122

New OKW should be renamed into BALANCE: THE FACTION.

With popcap change I casually float 1k mp half of my games, when i have full core up (2spio, 3volks, 2obers, 2 rakens and 1k mp on top of that) and no need of anything else.

15 minute panthers and 22-24minute king tigers are widely common. Worst thing is 5 minutes later comes another imba tank.

Shreck blobs combined with insane free mp and tanks are just ggwp for armor.

2spios start thanks to starting mp increase is :hansREKT: on city maps.

Another GG ability is for the fatherland, which for only 50 muni gives huge defensive bonuses and sprint to everything in friendly sectors, raketens (gardening lol) included.

On top of that there 25(if not 20)min gg combos such as a sturmtiger+j4 or cp+jp4 or just 3 p4s with stacked armor bulletins which are pure facesmash.

Volks are 5 popcap :thumbsup:. GG no RE. But 4 popcap kubel and 8 popcap obers are even better.

This is easily most imbalanced patch since release, even industry wasn't so broken.
5 Dec 2015, 17:00 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 830


With popcap change I casually float 1k mp half of my games, when i have full core up (2spio, 3volks, 2obers, 2 rakens and 1k mp on top of that) and no need in anything else.

15 minute panthers and 22-24minute king tigers are widely common. Worst thing is 5 minutes later comes another imba tank.

Shreck blobs combined with insane free mp and tanks are just ggwp for armor.

2spios start thanks to starting mp increase is :hansREKT: on city maps.

Another GG ability is for the fatherland, which for only 50 muni gives huge defensive bonuses and sprint to everything in friendly sectors, raketens (gardening lol) included.

On top of that there 25(if not 20)min gg combos such as a sturmtiger+j4 or cp+jp4 or just 3 p4s with stacked armor bulletins which are pure facesmash.

They won't believe you
5 Dec 2015, 17:17 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

But at least they didn't fix Luftwaffe abilities: Airborne and Valiant assault

It's something :foreveralone:
5 Dec 2015, 21:09 PM
avatar of BIS-Commando

Posts: 137

So 1v1 seems fine, 2v2 and upward are totally broken. The luchs comes even quicker, if you have double OKW they will both get it, allowing them to get both fuels aaaaanddddd GG.

Problems (from a 2v2 perspective, will get worse with 3v3 and 4v4)

  • Double Luchs
    In 2v2s, these units come at 6 ish minute. They need only one fuel point to get their 6 minute luchs, if they both go for it, they can get both fuels without effort, since their vehicles come quicker than soviet t70 and about the same time as Stuart, yet they can have a shreck out that can deter both allied vehicles once they hit the field. This means double shreck supporting double luchs.

  • Double schwere
    Once they have both fuels secured and both of them have luchs and volks are piling up in blobs, they both put down their schwere HQ. They can secure teritory, support it with LeIGs and their shrek blobs which are backed up by the luchs. This is pretty much uncounterable.

  • Double shreck blobs
    They both will go for double shreck blobs, because it is the easiest and best way to support their early aggression and domination, leaving you with no strategic option to counter their luchs play, since you will get confronted by shrecks, which counter your vehicles and luchs will counter your infantry together with the volks blob.

  • Double obers
    And after both fuels are secured, luchs has dominated, shreck blobs have deterred early vehicle play, you will start to see obers followed up by either double P4 or one P4 and one Panther. Have fun!!

  • Double p4
    Double P4 come out after you had your uphill battle in the first 11-12 minutes of the game. These are supported by shreck blobs, a luchs, multiple LeIGs and obers. Again, you are reacting too a synergy which in essence is uncounterable.

  • Double Panther
    If both players don't go for P4, they go for double Panthers. This is simply uncounterable as well, since they are supported by two shreck blobs, whom themselves are supported by luchs, obers and leIGs.

  • KT
    If you manage to kill a P4 or a Panther, or simply don't encounter anything and hold out long enough, you will face KT, which again you can't counter, since KT is supported by either armor from other player, or another KT, two shreck blobs, luchs, obers and leIGs.

Again, 1v1 is fine, 2v2 and upwards, completely and utterly broken.

The game is fckd up right now !!!
6 Dec 2015, 16:57 PM
avatar of sorryWTFisthis

Posts: 322

Current state of team games;

USF blobs supported by their AntiEverything T3 run amok around the map. Brits build 2xpit to negate any inf engagement and their OFFmap ability rekts OKW tier buildings.

The match is pretty much over as USF T3 is on ze field.
6 Dec 2015, 19:45 PM
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