OKW is basically an entirely different faction now and I can't predict what to think on most of it without trying it. Not a fan of incendiary grenade removal though (MOVE TO STURMS PLS), also rather worried about Schreck spam with the cost reduction, and a nerf to all those units' vet 4-5 should probably also should have followed with a vet xp requirement reduction on most of them.
USF be quite interesting, still doubt increasing the XP required for Rifles vet 3 is going to fix the silliness when you do get them as vet 3 was hardly impossible without Elite Rifleman so making it 15% harder probably won't nerf it a ton, though it and the removal of Elite Rifleman will at least stop the redonk snowballing it had. Otherwise USF sounds fine to me (aside from giving T0 mortar pls).
UKF changes sound fine too me, aside from how they still can't anti-garrison without Snipers.
Don't get why the Osttruppen Reserves nerf. I was under the belief the 25 extra MP for two of them was based around the chance for XP or a LMG42. Considering the odds of an LMG42 are pretty low, not really sure its cost and CP count will really be justified. Otherwise, very nice.
SOVIET INDUSTRY WILL BE USABLE I CAN BARELY BELIEVE MY EYES! Sounds like IL-2 will still be bad though, as will T4.
RE COST NERF THOUGH! Of course, with a DPS increase. I don't really know what will happen now either.