Command Panzer IV - 0,8x damage
Command Panther - vet 0: +20 sight range, +10% speed, +10% ac/de-celeration. Vet 2: +20% accuracy. Vet 3: -20% reload. Vet 4: +5 range. Vet 5: Infantry affected too. Mark target, 1,5 damage against vehicle for 10? seconds.
Sturmofficer: 1.25 accutary? Force retreat and increase accutary against enemy unit
Arty officer: I dont know effects, but costs munitions.

Soviets: Forward HQ (thank you johnny

Captain - "On me": squads in 30? range rally to captain,breaks suppression, incresed accutary and decreased received accutary bonus? (no cost)
Airlanding officer - I think its kinda similar to captain? Havent used it so much. (cost 30 muni?)
Command vehicle - Accuracy 1.35 Recieve accutary 0.7 Reload 0.7 Cooldown 0.7 (cost 70 muni to make command vehicle, free recon flight) (0,5 speed penalty for command vehicle)
So why these units don´t belong to the game? First of all specially Command Panzer IV gives a very unfair advantage. All units have 120% health, don´t you think that is kinda broken? And specially in team games, literally a Panzer IV can make vet 5 volksshrekblob so devastating.
Command Panther buffs ALL german vehicles and if you manage to vet up your panther to vet 5 it buffs infantry too. (which rarely happens), command PIV, command Panther, sturmofficer blob can just win you the game.
What about officers? Captain and Airlanding officer breaking suppression is just....

German officers are more balanced because if officer model dies all buffed OKW players must defeat, but sturmofficer still buffs whole team and ally troops dont retreat. Anyway its easy to hide sturmofficer behind a building or tank scrap so it won´t get killed.
Meanwhile arty officer is useless

Why to remove these units? Because aura units promote only blobs and more blobs which Coh2 shouldnt be about.
So i suggest, that all aura bonuses are removed from this game and replaced with something else. For example make command tanks able to call in artillery barrages. Give recon flights for officers or something like that.