Soviet holds arguably the most powerful ground force in the WW2 and on to the collapse of the soviet union, but in the game soviet are heavily rely on some specific commanders to make itself viable. And I have to say, soviet is probably the least fun faction among entire COH series.
Soviet has no non-doctrinal LMG upgrade for basic infantry, for years it's like GO SHOCK/SPAM MAXIMUM......
Soviet have no good Gernalist Tank, the most produced late war tank AKA T-34/85 has been locked in to commanders, one of which is paid content...(KT, panther, ostwind, brumbar disagree that T-34/85 should be non-doctrinal

Soviet non-doctrinal equipment remains late 1942 scenario T-34/76 SU-85 and stuff are all out dated
(meanwhile all other factions has late war equipment as non-doc, M36 1944 September, Comet end 1944, KT 1944, Panther med 1943(with a total failure of first show in kursk became combat ready in may 1944, ostwind LOL?)
Soviet suffers from terrible veterancy,infantry trip wire(WTF?) ,vehicle capture point vs. Turbine enhanced Blitzkireg Engine?
In DOW2 retribution, for me, the imerpial guard was so successful(compare to other factions), they have crappy untrained troopers with loads of upgrade to be more durable(still shitty DPS), and some elite troopers which shines in some aspect, and....... powerful powerful tanks(non-doc), I was expecting a imperial guard V2 in COH2 after the announced eastern front, but what I get is a faction with every-fucking-core-unit-is-locked-in-commanders.
please, relic, give soviet more non-doctrinal choice.....and some more new units like SU-100, DP-28 for the basic infantry...... and a non-doc T-34/85