It is funny cause everyone supposes UKF to be very strong in indirect fire department but surprisingly UKF has no indirect fire option early game, except the IS's RNG based arty, as mortar pics are just waste of mp
I would suggest Relic to either fix ISGs or simply remove Bofors & mortar pits from game kappa, and maybe give them something like Ost or Soviet's mortar (I much prefer that)
Btw, I'm sure we all know ISG is the most broken, game breaking unit in game now, not only wiping the emplacements but wiping everything in general super quit without any need to micro etc
When I play OKW, I sometimes see in chat my teammates telling me gj/nice etc when it seems to me I did nothing

Just have 2 ISGs in the game, plus a IR half truck to give ur ISGs better vision and spam some inf and win game super easy
To all those are gonna say Centuar. Jp4 is on the field before Centuar plus with two rocketens and a few shrecks u don't even need jp4 to counter that