Good job, our rather splendid moderators.
How about turning those efforts at the grand final stream chat instead?

Posts: 2779
Posts: 710
Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2
Posts: 1944 | Subs: 2
okay so i just cleaned what im pretty sure is this entire thread and now i can finally say that. Frankly I don't care if you think coh1/coh2 "community" is doesn't really matter and it certainty has no relevancy in this thread. its disrespectful to the guy who put effort into making the thread, not to mention people in the community people are referring to...
Don't be surprised if some of you get some messages in your inboxes about how inconvenient you've just made my night.Okay, okay you got me that would require far more effort than I have the will to give tonight.
) So to pep my tired self up Ive decided to pull an oldie out of box (i found it by searching Google images "coh1 vs coh2"
/hint hint the topic has nothing to do with how shit the community is.
ps: nice thread by OP i haven't felt compelled to save a thread in awhile so congrats.
Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1
Posts: 52
Posts: 311
Posts: 279
Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1
How is sniper war boring?
Another COH1 hate rise again?
Posts: 688
Posts: 3293
Me going from page 2 to page 3: WTF DID I MISS
Lovely, this thread allows no negative comment, no criticizing.
Good job, our rather splendid moderators.
How about turning those efforts at the grand final stream chat instead?
Posts: 52
Wrt. the various bans: I think players will just have to accept that someone has to make the decision about what to ban, and what not to ban. Do realise, that everyone is never going to be happy about these decisions. So maybe shoulder it instead of bitching to the tourney staff about it, right?
Posts: 2819
Posts: 1708 | Subs: 2
Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1
I believe the player from winners bracket didn't have a big enough advantage. Devm already got beaten, it was unfair that Aimstrong wasn't given the same luxury. Even if it takes longer you should have the second set played if the person from winners loses the first set.
Personally I would only allow white bordered commanders only for tournaments to show a stance against game play elements locked behind paywalls and for fairness because all people will have access to those commanders.
Posts: 152
Posts: 66
Posts: 279