
russian armor

Fallschimjager and obersoldaten suck !!

28 Sep 2015, 13:36 PM
avatar of mycalliope

Posts: 721

first of all after the recent changes the obersoldaten suck even more now and fallschimjager well lets just say they are ostrupeen with FG42....both have high input cost and are the most expensive infy in the game...and getting them to vet 5 is even more of a challenge in its own.
obersoldaten ( most expensive dedicated anti-infy unit,they sucked before they suck even more now):
-make lmg and stg44 damage from 6 to 8(post lmg nerfs unlike wfa launch when they were op)
-add -30% weapon cooldown to vet 5

fallschimjager(most expensive strike unit,they need the most buff):
-make fg42 a seperate free upgrade but with long time to equip so there annoyance is removed
-lower base recieved accuracy by -10%
-25 to 33 % increase in fg42 damage
-make vet 5 bonus from -30 % cooldown to -50 % cooldown
28 Sep 2015, 13:41 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

In the next episodes of "mycalliopes random bullcrap":

"Tiger loses to T70."

"Penals 1v1 shwerer."

And long anticipated, "SU-85 hardcounters JT".
28 Sep 2015, 13:45 PM
avatar of ilGetUSomDay

Posts: 612

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Sep 2015, 13:41 PMKatitof
In the next episodes of "mycalliopes random bullcrap":

"Tiger loses to T70."

"Penals 1v1 shwerer."

And long anticipated, "SU-85 hardcounters JT".

I look forward to his posts now :luvCarrot:
28 Sep 2015, 13:52 PM
avatar of TheSleep3r

Posts: 670

What's the point of increasing MG34's damage even more? To make this game look like some kind of Terminator movie? Buff Karabiners, not the mg.
28 Sep 2015, 14:19 PM
avatar of CadianGuardsman

Posts: 348

first of all after the recent changes the obersoldaten suck even more now and fallschimjager well lets just say they are ostrupeen with FG42....both have high input cost and are the most expensive infy in the game...and getting them to vet 5 is even more of a challenge in its own.
obersoldaten ( most expensive dedicated anti-infy unit,they sucked before they suck even more now):
-make lmg and stg44 damage from 6 to 8(post lmg nerfs unlike wfa launch when they were op)
-add -30% weapon cooldown to vet 5

fallschimjager(most expensive strike unit,they need the most buff):
-make fg42 a seperate free upgrade but with long time to equip so there annoyance is removed
-lower base recieved accuracy by -10%
-25 to 33 % increase in fg42 damage
-make vet 5 bonus from -30 % cooldown to -50 % cooldown


Oh wait, you're serious?
28 Sep 2015, 14:30 PM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

Obers are still the strongest infantry squad in the game...

Amazing long range DPS, highest EHP of any squad once vetted versus small arms fire, the only non-HMG squad in the game with passive suppression, booby traps, two grenades. They're monsters.

Falls are kinda meh... they have their uses but yeah maybe they could use a little love. They're annoying to play against but also generally annoying to use. I'd rather see them para-drop in but have a tiny bit more EHP versus small arms.
28 Sep 2015, 14:32 PM
avatar of Burts

Posts: 1702

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Sep 2015, 14:30 PMCieZ
Obers are still the strongest infantry squad in the game...

Amazing long range DPS, highest EHP of any squad once vetted versus small arms fire, the only non-HMG squad in the game with passive suppression, booby traps, two grenades. They're monsters.

Falls are kinda meh... they have their uses but yeah maybe they could use a little love. They're annoying to play against but also generally annoying to use. I'd rather see them para-drop in but have a tiny bit more EHP versus small arms.

After the hefty reinforcement cut i think falls are fine tbh.
28 Sep 2015, 14:43 PM
avatar of Airborne

Posts: 281

buff the mauserkar from the Obers and falls are fine.
28 Sep 2015, 14:51 PM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Sep 2015, 14:30 PMCieZ
Obers are still the strongest infantry squad in the game...

So I guess commandos are totaly shit....?!
28 Sep 2015, 14:52 PM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Sep 2015, 14:30 PMCieZ
Obers are still the strongest infantry squad in the game...

Amazing long range DPS, highest EHP of any squad once vetted versus small arms fire, the only non-HMG squad in the game with passive suppression, booby traps, two grenades. They're monsters.

Although I think that Obers are currently completely fine, I wouldn't say that they're the best infantry squad in the game. That spot should go to the Commando's. Stealth + hold fire and shoot from close can rape every squad. Even multiple squads of Obers.

Falls are kinda meh... they have their uses but yeah maybe they could use a little love. They're annoying to play against but also generally annoying to use. I'd rather see them para-drop in but have a tiny bit more EHP versus small arms.

Problem with the falls is their durability in the game. They got a nice dps, but afterl osing 1 model you losing 25% of your output (obvious) therefor you always need to use them in cover. Sometimes the situation doesn't grant you the micro in which they will quickly lose models and have to retreat. I'd suggest cloack on vet 0 and perhaps a small damage buff OR receive accuracy boost.
28 Sep 2015, 14:52 PM
avatar of SirRaven of Coventry

Posts: 167

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jump backJump back to quoted post28 Sep 2015, 14:51 PMJohnnyB

So I guess commandos are totaly shit....?!

Not shit, but they dob't have the highest long range dps either
28 Sep 2015, 14:53 PM
avatar of Whoa

Posts: 64

first of all after the recent changes the obersoldaten suck even more now and fallschimjager well lets just say they are ostrupeen with FG42....both have high input cost and are the most expensive infy in the game...and getting them to vet 5 is even more of a challenge in its own.
obersoldaten ( most expensive dedicated anti-infy unit,they sucked before they suck even more now):
-make lmg and stg44 damage from 6 to 8(post lmg nerfs unlike wfa launch when they were op)
-add -30% weapon cooldown to vet 5

fallschimjager(most expensive strike unit,they need the most buff):
-make fg42 a seperate free upgrade but with long time to equip so there annoyance is removed
-lower base recieved accuracy by -10%
-25 to 33 % increase in fg42 damage
-make vet 5 bonus from -30 % cooldown to -50 % cooldown

Fallschimjager and obersoldaten suck !!

Just don't 'build' them.

Alternatively use Panzerfüsilier or Jaeger Light Infantry.
28 Sep 2015, 14:55 PM
avatar of Keaper!
Donator 11

Posts: 135

Dude obers do not suck, they are the best long-range infantry in the game. Falls are kinda meh and cost inefficient but your suggestions are way over the top. They'd probably be fine with a slight cost decrease or received accuracy buff tbh.
28 Sep 2015, 15:17 PM
avatar of Zyllen

Posts: 770

With the reinforcements cost reduction they are pretty good actually
28 Sep 2015, 15:25 PM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

The reinforcement cost decrease made it a hell lot better to use
28 Sep 2015, 15:50 PM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

Obers are perfectly fine and Falls could use a little love, but i still really like to use them.
28 Sep 2015, 15:53 PM
avatar of mycalliope

Posts: 721

its just -10% reinfocement cost and okw dot have manpower problem the problem is the unist are not performing might as well take back the reinformcent buff....the faction elite should be eilte the rife and cons buff make it a lot harder...everyone here is having a knee jerk reaction......just look at ocf maybe only 2 obers were build wher the okw was facing massive infantry bobs and they get wrecked and the fallshimjagers just got anhiliated in OCF
28 Sep 2015, 15:54 PM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Sep 2015, 14:51 PMJohnnyB

So I guess commandos are totaly shit....?!

Can you read?

When did I, or anyone else in this thread say anything at all about commandos? They're not even mentioned in the OP and they're not even hinted at in the title. Why bring them up? When did I ever even remotely imply that they were shit?

I stated a fact. Obers, especially when vetted are the strongest single infantry squad in the game. Most EHP, amazing vet bonuses

Of course commandos are good, perhaps even too strong given that they're a call-in and do not require tech like Obers do, but no infantry squad in this game comes close to vet 3+ Obers.
28 Sep 2015, 15:59 PM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

The nice part of the obers is the vet 4 supression
28 Sep 2015, 15:59 PM
avatar of mycalliope

Posts: 721

i dont get this how does just -10% reinformcnet relates to unit perfomance it just helps your manpower which okw doesn't have a issue seriously i dont get this talk of with only - 10 % reinforcment cost they are pretty good it just helps ur income not the unit itself !!
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