Well, we know you haven't played anything but a few AT games in 3+ weeks. Every single one of your other rankings is on hold. But I don't want to get into playercard fuckery.
I highlighted why OKW has issues in this thread; http://www.coh2.org/topic/40455/okw-design-and-gameplay-outdated
i doubt you even played USF or UKF at all so dont call other people for things your self are responsible for
why i believe you are not even playing Allied factions???
1)calling the Pack Howitzer better then the ISG
anyone who has played USF and used this gun KNOWS how awful it is at providing indirect fire support
you on the other hand believe otherwise
its fine really if you didnt......
2)Werhmacht Sniper
calling its current state balanced while ignoring UKFs problems against it
but hey you dont own UKF so i say garden it what else would give me the idea that you dont play allies
3)calling the AVRE OP but the Sturmtiger "balanced"
calling a copy of a unit OP but the unit it was copied from "OK" or "balanced"
just SHOWS you dont play allies
"but hey nabarxos i dont own UKF"
well then alex i never brought this fact to point out you dont play UKF but that you dont play SOVIETS and USF
when many threads started appearing about the OP nature of the AVRE(one shooting Panzers 4s and damaged Panthers)
BUT when people started calling out the Sturmtiger OP for doing the same thing you DEFENDED IT
but since you havent expirianced the STURMTIGER from the allied point of view you clearly think its balanced
"but the sturmtiger has long reload"
and so what? it still is not ok and its called "BAD DESIGN"
"it doesnt bounce as many shoots as the AVRE"
well then first you should buy glasses then cause you cant clearly see when the AVRE bounces AT shots and when it doesnt
second you should try penetrating Sturmtigers with shermans and 57mm AT GUNS(play abit USF) and tell me which unit is more durable the AVRE or the Sturmtiger
but hey maybe you dont see many Sturmtiges when you play Allies
but hey that justifies your opinion on katitof right.........
aslo about your OKW issues
the idea is nice but lets start with somethings you dont even understand
1)the Vet System
instead complaining about British vet being supirior you should make a huge detailed thread as to why so many OKW units(like the king tiger) have shit vet abilitys
you want OKW to get their vet stats faster then intended(a buff where they dont need one)
2)"Lack of diversity".......
no comment on that one,
look at their tech tree just one damn time
3)"No real heavy indirect fire outside of the Stuka Zu Fuss"
HA-HA-HA so you tell me that you dont have many options of heavy indirect fire support HA-HA-HA
guess which faction doesnt have one AT ALL in ther tech and doesnt have a damn heavy tank even on damn commander

4)"Lack of defensive options"
you tell me a faction that has 2 commanders that provide the best Defencive options ingame with off-map arty has awful defencive options?
the ability to garrison your basic AT gun in a building,the ability to shut down an area with a tech building,the ability to camouflage your Jagdpaner 4 like it is somekind of sniper,have an indirect fire support unit that stops blobs like a HMG gun but hey they lack defencive options now.....
play USF and tell me how many defencive options THEY HAVE and then complain about your beloved OKW faction
5)"To little fuel and to much MP"
so you dont like the idea of having few POWERFUL TANKS that are being supported by other units NOT TANKS but infantry units
if you want MP problems PLAY THE BRITISH you will love having 300fuel BUT NO MANPOWER
6)"To little to late phenomenon"
fiedling panthers faster then shermans is now called "TOO LATE"
also the fact that you must choose your vehicles CAREFULY is a DESIGN decision and is also meant to stop TANK SPAM from the AXIS but also GIVING THEM good units
NO TANK other then the KING TIGER comes late BUT SOONERS then their counterparts
do you even understand the concept of OKW???
7)"Reliance on gimmicks"
that doesnt even need a comment