
russian armor

Are the Brits actually OP?

9 Sep 2015, 00:30 AM
avatar of gman1211

Posts: 133

I've been hearing little bits and pieces of complaining from everyone. Brit players say they have no good infantry, and very little ways to respond to MG's and snipers making the early game atrociously bad. Everyone else says there super op, their commandos do super high dps, there tanks are to tough, and the arve/croc and every other heavy tank is op.

Me personally, I think the most Op thing about the brits is by far the bofors gun. Thing wipes way to fast, but aside from that I can honestly say I don't feel their units are as over the top over powered as everyone suggests. For example everyone complains the brits commandos do way to much DPS, but the problem is they almost have to be at melee range before they do any DPS. They have clear strengths, but they also have clear weaknesses.
9 Sep 2015, 00:33 AM
avatar of Omega_Warrior

Posts: 2561

They have quarks. Some parts are overpowered and some under, but overall they are pretty even. It is probably the most balanced faction release to date.
9 Sep 2015, 00:48 AM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053

Should be nerfed further soon enough so 4v4 search rates can go back to normal.
9 Sep 2015, 00:58 AM
avatar of Jadame!

Posts: 1122

Up without other allied factions support, op with it.
9 Sep 2015, 01:05 AM
avatar of ThoseDeafMutes

Posts: 1026

They are OP and UP in different ways.

+ Croc too good in current live version
+ Bren WASP has too much range/damage in live version
+ Commandos too powerful overall
+ Some abilities too good
+ Bofors nuking things in buildings instantly is obviously dumb and their vs inf accuracy too good in live version

- Sniper openings absolutely wreck Brits who have no meaningful counters until its far too late.
- British early game is weak, especially vs OH.
- British are garbage in 1v1s in general, especially vs OH
- British have a variety of garbage units to complement the OP ones.
- British lack good artillery. Mortar pit is solid, Base 25 pnders are abysmal and Sexton is terrible.
9 Sep 2015, 01:51 AM
avatar of Latch

Posts: 773

As mentioned above some parts are but some parts are not:


Tommies - Great in cover, useless out of it, thus making attacking risky/difficult, far too expensive to reinforce.

Universal Carrier - Weak to small arms, faust takes 60% health off it and it can't be repaired until vet 1 or you tech up to unlock engies. Wasp is OP, the bren upgrade is meh, not tried it fully.

Vickers MG - Great MG, high damage, insane range but not great at pinning.


Engies - A fair unit, nothing OP or UP really

Sniper - The worst sniper in the game due to its cloak time and aim time, the anti vehicle ability is great and well balanced with the current cloak delay but it needs sorting out to make counter-sniping fun.

AT gun - A fair unit, nothing OP or UP really

(forgot the name, AEC? The light tank) - Pretty crappy to be honest, a weak Puma in all honesty.


Centaur - OP, it wipes a little too fast to be honest especially on retreat, a lot better than the Ostwind, far far superior in fact.

Cromwell - A fair unit, nothing OP or UP really

Firefly - A fair unit, nothing OP or UP really the cost for the tulips are VERY expensive.

Churchil - Great HP, Poor to average damage, fairly easy to kill as most shots will pen

Comet - Don't use it but it feels fragile when I tried it


BOFORS - OP as Fook
Mortar - Just meh
AT - Fine


Alligator - OP as Fook

AVRE - If the sturm is fine, the AVRE is fine

Commandos - Op up close, UP at any range but touching, squishy as anything

So as you can see its OP in some parts but UP in others, once fixed though it will be a great faction to play.

The brace nerfs will stop people building emplacements though, brace is needed, without it they die far too fast.
9 Sep 2015, 03:21 AM
avatar of the_onion_man
Patrion 14

Posts: 117

I've only played a handful of games vs brits but I largely agree with Latch. One thing I will say though is that while some form of Brace may be needed, in its current form the ability is just ridiculous. Perhaps the MP (and fuel where relevant) cost of emplacements could be reduced, in exchange for a weaker Brace; but to me the ability is basically game-breaking, especially on the Bofors.
9 Sep 2015, 03:30 AM
avatar of ThatRabidPotato

Posts: 218

I've only played a handful of games vs brits but I largely agree with Latch. One thing I will say though is that while some form of Brace may be needed, in its current form the ability is just ridiculous. Perhaps the MP (and fuel where relevant) cost of emplacements could be reduced, in exchange for a weaker Brace; but to me the ability is basically game-breaking, especially on the Bofors.
Precisely. Emplacements are far too expensive to play the central role they're supposed to play for the Brits, but they are far too hard to kill for Axis with Brace in its current form.

Drop Mortar to 320 MP, nerf Brace.

Unsure of current costs of Bofors and 17lbr so can't say what would be fair for them.
9 Sep 2015, 04:06 AM
avatar of Appleseed

Posts: 622

jump backJump back to quoted post9 Sep 2015, 01:51 AMLatch
As mentioned above some parts are but some parts are not:

AVRE - If the sturm is fine, the AVRE is fine

only thing I don't like AVRE is it reload while moving and it seems have faster reloads than strum. I got a experience with my Stum exchange fire with AVRE, then AVRE chase my strum while taking hits from two shreks finish reload then finished off my Strum with 2nd shot.
9 Sep 2015, 06:02 AM
avatar of RMMLz

Posts: 1802 | Subs: 1

Up without other allied factions support, op with it.

Exactly. Even in 2s, they can lockdown a small portion of the map and just support their ally. Save fuel and then here come the Churchills. It's boring to play Defensive commander every game for MHT.

IMO, they need huge early game buffs and huge late game nerfs (or tweaks) specially for emplacements. Make them cheaper but also make them weaker, make them expendable.
9 Sep 2015, 06:14 AM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

Up without other allied factions support, op with it.

They are OP and UP in different ways.

+ Croc too good in current live version
+ Bren WASP has too much range/damage in live version
+ Commandos too powerful overall
+ Some abilities too good
+ Bofors nuking things in buildings instantly is obviously dumb and their vs inf accuracy too good in live version

- Sniper openings absolutely wreck Brits who have no meaningful counters until its far too late.
- British early game is weak, especially vs OH.
- British are garbage in 1v1s in general, especially vs OH
- British have a variety of garbage units to complement the OP ones.
- British lack good artillery. Mortar pit is solid, Base 25 pnders are abysmal and Sexton is terrible.


Exactly. I'll add some things.

+ Commander abilities are really good in general. For example: TIL Artillery cover can really wreck you. I would love the IL2 been as good as the Typhoons. The global presence with offmaps can get really annoying on the higher modes.
- 222 can wreck you till you get a AEC but a faust and 2-3 222s can own you really badly. Get some mines.
+ Barrage with bofor is also good
- Fire wrecks you. MHT all day.
+/- IS scales really well but unless you get some bs wipes and mp damage, you are gonna suffer from the effect "i've too few units in comparison to my opponent".
+ GL winning against brits if they ever survive well into the lategame.
9 Sep 2015, 06:17 AM
avatar of Latch

Posts: 773

only thing I don't like AVRE is it reload while moving and it seems have faster reloads than strum. I got a experience with my Stum exchange fire with AVRE, then AVRE chase my strum while taking hits from two shreks finish reload then finished off my Strum with 2nd shot.

For me it's balanced by the fact the Stum can fire through the FOW so you often don't even see it coming. As the AVRE range is within the FOW its much easier to avoid. Also, the AVRE shell (at least at vet 0) seems much less than the Stum, I could be wrong.
9 Sep 2015, 06:20 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

I've been hearing little bits and pieces of complaining from everyone. Brit players say they have no good infantry, and very little ways to respond to MG's and snipers making the early game atrociously bad. Everyone else says there super op, their commandos do super high dps, there tanks are to tough, and the arve/croc and every other heavy tank is op.

Me personally, I think the most Op thing about the brits is by far the bofors gun. Thing wipes way to fast, but aside from that I can honestly say I don't feel their units are as over the top over powered as everyone suggests. For example everyone complains the brits commandos do way to much DPS, but the problem is they almost have to be at melee range before they do any DPS. They have clear strengths, but they also have clear weaknesses.

From what I experienced untill now, the units that need nerfs are the bofors and churchill (all variants). And why da faq is churchill moving so fast anyway? In reality it was moving like a coffin on wheels. It's absurd to whipe the entire map with one unit killing everything from infantry and at guns to medium tanks and being also fast about it.....
One more thing: is the logistic glider providing resources for partner too? If yes, I WANT MY OPEL BLITZ BACK, the way it was, providing resources buffs for allies too.
9 Sep 2015, 06:35 AM
avatar of MoreLess3rd

Posts: 363

may i know how much dmg does IS dealt in all Range..cause i know Far-Close range is the same dmg..
i just wanna know how much.. :help:
9 Sep 2015, 06:54 AM
avatar of Von Sturm

Posts: 50

I've been hearing little bits and pieces of complaining from everyone. Brit players say they have no good infantry, and very little ways to respond to MG's and snipers making the early game atrociously bad. Everyone else says there super op, their commandos do super high dps, there tanks are to tough, and the arve/croc and every other heavy tank is op.

Me personally, I think the most Op thing about the brits is by far the bofors gun. Thing wipes way to fast, but aside from that I can honestly say I don't feel their units are as over the top over powered as everyone suggests. For example everyone complains the brits commandos do way to much DPS, but the problem is they almost have to be at melee range before they do any DPS. They have clear strengths, but they also have clear weaknesses.


- Early > Inf + Universal carrier + MG push
- Middle > Centaur + boosted inf or lolmando
- Late > Shit OP tank/ NUKE everyhting with Callin all over the map

The only weakness of the brits are ... their emplacements (and maybe the lack of decent non doctrinal antitank inf). They are useless as hell even with "bracewhine", better save fuel for tanks, because the TRUE pain in the ass are the fucking tanks and this is completly retarded regarding the spirit of the brits gameplay. I dont understand why they are so OP in every way and barely counterable in late, especially in teammatch (Firelol sniping your tanks at the bottom of the map lolilol, middle finger Paks with warspeed etc).

"UNIQUE PLAYSTYLE: Experience a unique tech-tree that challenges the player to balance the constant trade-off between mobility and defense – basically giving you two factions for the price of one. Surprise your opponents with your development choices and an open end game configuration."


9 Sep 2015, 06:59 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8


- Early > Inf + Universal carrier + MG push

Hardcountered by sniper and grens just being there.
- Middle > Centaur + boosted inf or lolmando

That'll help against that P4 that hits the field much earlier due to map control dominance and getting pushed from almost whole map in early game.

- Late > Shit OP tank/ NUKE everyhting with Callin all over the map

Croc is exclusively op late game, everything else is on axis level or slightly lower.
9 Sep 2015, 07:27 AM
avatar of MoreLess3rd

Posts: 363

- Early > Inf + Universal carrier + MG push

2 Volk with 1 reken Kubel, sturm n ISG follow up by more Volk if u want

- Middle > Centaur + boosted inf or lolmando

Usually u have like JP4 or Panther

- Late > Shit OP tank/ NUKE everyhting with Callin all over the map

Dont let them get the Late game..its basicly GG..^_^ for me ofcourse

firefly? The slowest TD with lowest AT DPS in game and immense cost?


Comet? The weaker and more expensive panther?

but still having a Better AI capibility n Greater Speed :(

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