
russian armor

Wasp Overpowered

7 Sep 2015, 07:16 AM
avatar of LuGer33

Posts: 174

jump backJump back to quoted post7 Sep 2015, 07:05 AMEsxile
The only problem is it kill way too fast, range isn't an issue but damage his. At this point of time, you don't even have time to micro anything, models die in a matter of seconds.

Kinda like playing as USF.

All Flamer damage is going down in the next patch though. It's gonna be exactly as you asked... less damage and instant slaughter but longer burning / more area denial.
7 Sep 2015, 07:25 AM
avatar of Kreatiir

Posts: 2819

Well it's freakin easy to kill with T2, so I wouldn't nerf it to the ground.
It's also 90 muni, which is pretty much .. :)
7 Sep 2015, 07:32 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Kinda like playing as USF.

No joke, check my stats.
7 Sep 2015, 10:09 AM
avatar of scratchedpaintjob
Donator 11

Posts: 1021 | Subs: 1

i have played against the wasp in 2v2 AT and i think its even better there than in 1v1, beause the soviet partner can protect the wasp with mines, ATnades and ATguns. we basically lost one game because of the wasp....
7 Sep 2015, 10:16 AM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

if the damage is going down next patch the price should really go down as well. 90 munition is pretty expensive.
7 Sep 2015, 14:52 PM
avatar of Blalord

Posts: 742 | Subs: 1

if the damage is going down next patch the price should really go down as well. 90 munition is pretty expensive.

Flame Haltrack says hi
7 Sep 2015, 15:03 PM
avatar of cr4wler

Posts: 1164

You should have 222 about the same time as wasp. Considering that the faust IS a hard counter to it anyway, these are L2P issues.

Play as brits, get a wasp, and get too close to some grens. Let me know what happens.

if you're lucky, you get the faust off. if you're unlucky, it keeps killing the guy that tries to faust until the squad is wiped. even if you manage to get in range for the faust (which already is a misplay on the british side), the probability of your squad getting wiped is pretty high. and if you can't faust it twice, in all likelihood it will just drive off and come back fully repaired. there's a reason the wasps damage is going to get CUT IN HALF. the bren also is the answer to all the "manpower bleed" arguments, since it doesnt cause you to bleed manpower, and in turn discourages the use of snipers and forces the ostheer player to be in complete defense mode until he has a counter up.
7 Sep 2015, 21:20 PM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

Flame Haltrack says hi

flame halftrack isn't exactly a popular unit. I am afraid that this will make the wasp useless like the flame halftrack.

The british also lack a good alternative method of clearing building. The wasp is really the only unit they have until the cromwell. Meanwhile the Ost can use a mortar or flame Pio.
7 Sep 2015, 22:04 PM

Posts: 9

the bren also is the answer to all the "manpower bleed" arguments, since it doesnt cause you to bleed manpower, and in turn discourages the use of snipers and forces the ostheer player to be in complete defense mode until he has a counter up.

notable counters like "having grenadiers" which will put the bren out of commission if not kill it until t2. good call, great suggestion.
7 Sep 2015, 22:49 PM
avatar of cr4wler

Posts: 1164

notable counters like "having grenadiers" which will put the bren out of commission if not kill it until t2. good call, great suggestion.

sry, but since every brit player always says that to every complaining... but if you lose a bren to grens you need to "l2p". bren outranges faust by a mile and is way faster. you can kite them to oblivion (and back). i could also talk about timings (like when wasp can hit the field and when the scout car can) or what happens if you blindly try to counter the bren by going t2 and he never gets one... but most decent players (and relic) agree that the wasp is overpowered.
7 Sep 2015, 23:02 PM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053

Bren doesnt magically appear as a Wasp on its first encounter with the enemy; it can easily be killed on that first encounter, or Ostheer can capture a decent portion of the map and set mines or something when it has the advantage.

The Wasp seriously has a very limited window, and IMO Brit is better off teching really fast for RE's, sniper, etc instead of wasting 15 fuel on UC which slows teching really bad. When Wasp dies, 222 rolls around free while you dont have any counters right away.
7 Sep 2015, 23:10 PM
avatar of cr4wler

Posts: 1164

Bren doesnt magically appear as a Wasp on its first encounter with the enemy; it can easily be killed on that first encounter, or Ostheer can capture a decent portion of the map and set mines or something when it has the advantage.

The Wasp seriously has a very limited window, and IMO Brit is better off teching really fast for RE's, sniper, etc instead of wasting 15 fuel on UC which slows teching really bad. When Wasp dies, 222 rolls around free while you dont have any counters right away.

if the bren dies, you played wrong (or, on the other hand, you could just say that the 222 can also easily be killed by small arms). it has superior range and speed, and comes at a time when no mines could possibly be anywhere. even by the time you can get the wasp, which is at roughly 5 minutes, the area where any mine could be is very limited. theoretically you could just send the wasp into his base and prevent him from ever building t2. it is getting nerfed for a reason after all.
7 Sep 2015, 23:14 PM
avatar of AchtAchter

Posts: 1604 | Subs: 3

Wasp is fine. 90 mun for a unit which has a small sometimes nonexisting time window is quite a gamble and needs to be rewarded.

Brits have no snares and won't put down mines if they get the wasp upgrade, so rush a 222 as ost or get a raketenwerfer asap as okw.
7 Sep 2015, 23:16 PM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053

it is getting nerfed for a reason after all.

Relic has been nerfing and buffing all sorts of flame weapons for a variety of reasons.

I dont know why i and everyone else bothered responding when things are changing very often, giving little reason to bother complaining or responding after changes have been put up on the balance mod. Not all are implemented, but flame damage etc is changing again...
7 Sep 2015, 23:40 PM
avatar of What Doth Life?!
Patrion 27

Posts: 1664

This is totally anecdotal, but I have won every 1v1 I played vs. the Wasp. Early Puppchen or Teller Mine are clutch.
7 Sep 2015, 23:46 PM
avatar of broodwarjc

Posts: 824

I like the Wasp as a way to counter MGs in buildings, but not as the super wipe tool it is now, if the damage nerf lowers its wipe potential enough a muni decrease to 60 would be fine. Then it would be a good early-ish game tool to attack MG42s in buildings, which Brits really don't have a decent counter to early on(garden paying that tech cost for the nade).
8 Sep 2015, 00:27 AM
avatar of Flyingsmonster

Posts: 155

Something I noticed about the WASP is that it actually can counter light vehicles.

I've seen it kill kubels easily with its range and flame attack, as well as damaged 222s and halftracks.
8 Sep 2015, 01:46 AM
avatar of ThoseDeafMutes

Posts: 1026

flame damage will be halved next patch, this also refers to croc, it's range is ofcourse too OP, longer than flamer HT or KV-8's but i dunno, croc flame range is actually logical (it had like 100m range in reality)

Flames in CoH2 are way longer range in proportion to main gun ranges. In real life a church croc flamer might have gone 100m, but the main gun could hit moving targets at 1000m+ with good gunnery and stationary ones at multiple km. It's sort of the same deal with shrecks where they're almost the same range as tanks, compared to RL where they were a close range defensive / urban weapon only.

Not hating the idea of some flamers being longer ranged but I think the croc range might be a bit too much.
8 Sep 2015, 09:10 AM
avatar of OZtheWiZARD

Posts: 1439

Wasp in its current state it's a broken unit. Upcoming patch halves its damage in half. Let's see where to go from there.
8 Sep 2015, 11:38 AM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

Wasp in its current state it's a broken unit. Upcoming patch halves its damage in half. Let's see where to go from there.

my first impression with the new unit in the preview is that it would be fine for 60 mu, but not 90 mu.
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