
russian armor

USF and potential suggestions for its Design

21 Aug 2015, 23:08 PM
avatar of spaz
Donator 11

Posts: 44

My biggest gripe with the US is that the over-all faction design is (for the lack of better terms) boring. Yes there are scaling issues and issues with its late game, but frankly they just aren't as fun to play as the other factions.

For instance, I want openings that dont always start with 3 rifles into lieutenant or 4 rifles into captain. I know that some higher level players are able to *somehow* able to make RE spam work, but seriously, it would be nice to have the ability to diversify the openings.
21 Aug 2015, 23:12 PM
avatar of BeefSurge

Posts: 1891

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Aug 2015, 23:08 PMspaz
My biggest gripe with the US is that the over-all faction design is (for the lack of better terms) boring. Yes there are scaling issues and issues with its late game, but frankly they just aren't as fun to play as the other factions.

For instance, I want openings that dont always start with 3 rifles into lieutenant or 4 rifles into captain. I know that some higher level players are able to *somehow* able to make RE spam work, but seriously, it would be nice to have the ability to diversify the openings.

21 Aug 2015, 23:16 PM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053


Commanders what? Factions are supposed to be somewhat enjoyable without them.
21 Aug 2015, 23:36 PM
avatar of Gluhoman

Posts: 380

Changes rifles vet.
Increase speed of ambulance (it is slower then KT)
Increase survivability of 50 .cal and at gun crew or give five men.
Increase zookas damage.
Decrease major fuel cost (110 or 100 maybe).
Buff a little bit volley fire.
Buff major arty.
Buff LT tier somehow.
Add new units.
21 Aug 2015, 23:46 PM
avatar of miragefla
Developer Relic Badge

Posts: 1304 | Subs: 13

Things USF Needs for its Core

-Riflemen Veterancy:
-Make the accuracy bonus to their weapons that they receive the same as the other faction: 40%. Possibly split it between vet 2-3.
-Received Accuracy bonus to 27-28% from 23%. Possibly split between vet 2-3 if accuracy bonus was also split.

-Decrease price to 50 munitions to allow it to be more available as a soft counter/deterant to vehicles.
-increase its accuracy at range to make it more reliable at chipping health.
-Maybe make its penetration flat so not drop-off at range to make it more consistent.

-.50cal: -Increase .50cal penetration from 3.0/2.0/1.0 to 4.5/3.0/2.5, would allow the USF LT tier to have a soft counter to light armour when supported with rifle AT grenades.
-Fix issues/bugs with .50cal such as the overpriced crew, gun health/armour and its vet 2 weapon not having the same bonuses that all MGs got in the June/July patch which Cruzz has stated. Removed received accuracy penalty on the crew.
-Maybe drop cost to 260.

Ambulance: Lowers is population cap from 4 to 2. Yes it can reinforce, but the moment it steps out of the base it's at risk of being on shotted by everything.
-Give it a slow passive healing ability when in the base sector and stationary.

Pack Howitzer: Increase the number of shells on all barrages to make these better at area denial. -Standard HE and WP is 6 rounds, no longer losses standard HE from vet.
-HEAT fires 4 rounds.
-Remove cost on WP to give more incentive on using it over the regular barrage.

57mm ATG:
-Increase its base penetration to 165/150/135 to make it more reliable vs mediums.
-Possibly move to T1 and require any officer.

Major: Major model population from 3 to 1. Makes the whole squad only 3 pop cap.
-Revamp his barrage ability and fix the timer on the drop-time between shells that is currently inversed. Make it have a long cooldown and shorter range a tad, but make it much cheaper/free. Not effective, but it would give more incentive to push him forth and be the heavy indirect-fire unit the USF lacks to force weapon teams to move without mass smoke and be an interesting take on artillery.

Tank .50cals: Cost dropped to 50-60 munitions form the hefty 70.

Add a Mortar:
-Fast rate of fire, good accuracy, access to smoke, lower OHK radius compared to other mortars and less range that is meant to operate right behind the rifles and give them the fire support they need and force weapon teams to move if not from damage, then from sheer ROF.
-Found in T0

Lieutenant: Change to a long-range combat support unit (Modified M1 Garand profile similar to Pathfinder rather than a BAR) with various abilities rather than Riflemen 1.25 like possible auras similar to the artillery officer. Would help him later in the game in toughening nearby USF units while making him not this shock unit that would be followed up by various light armour.
-Starts at four man to emphasize support role. Goes back to five at vet 2-3.

-Manpower from 340 to 260/280 to reduce that hefty MP price.

-Similar to M20, lower its MP cost to 300 from 360(?). It already pays by having a high fuel cost.

Things that Need to be Fixed

Crew Crit Repair: Increased time before it repairs the crit. Not by much, but not fixing the engine the moment they bail out and the game allows you to get back in.

Defensive Stance: Actually defensive stance. Cannot be used in combat.

Veteran Riflemen: Only ever start at vet 1 with no more experience over.

Other doctrinal items can be talked about later.
21 Aug 2015, 23:49 PM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

At gun to t1? That is a tad to much in my opinion.

No it isn't, of all the support weapons, USF should not have to choose between AT Gun or no AT Gun.
21 Aug 2015, 23:57 PM
avatar of Cabreza

Posts: 656

Outside of rifleman scaling the biggest problem I see USF facing is a lack of opening diversity. There is no alternative to rifle/RE spam. Furthermore the lack of an early mortar and a tech structure that forces USF to choose between the LT and Captain and by extension choose between an MG or an AT gun makes combined arms (which apparently USF are supposed to be great at according to relic) generally impossible. If I could make some fantasy changes it would be something along the lines of this:

Decouple LT/Captain/Major from tech tiers. Make each unit build-able from their respective tier and give each an aura bonus, better abilities, or better combat capacity so that it is actually desirable to build officers.

Ambulance (Fix popcap/speed issues)
Add a "mechanized supply lines" upgrade to the HQ that decreases the reinforcement cost and pop cap of Rifles/weapon teams

M2 machine gun (5-man squad with appropriate reinforcement cost)
AT Gun (5-man squad with appropriate reinforcement cost)
M1 Mortar
M20 Utility Car
LT tier is build-able right from the start of a match and provides USF a combined arms option.

Pak Howie (Redesigned to be barrage based and function like light rocket arty)
M5 Stuart
Captain tier requires LT tier be built and arrives around the same time soviet T3 does.

M4A3 Sherman
M8 Scott HMC
M36 Jackson
Major tier requires captain tier be built and arrives slightly earlier than it does now.
Add a "76mm barrel" upgrade to the Major Tier that gives all Sherman tanks a 76mm barrel (similar to lend lease) in exchange for removing the ability to use HE shells.

22 Aug 2015, 00:26 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Aug 2015, 23:57 PMCabreza
Add a "76mm barrel" upgrade to the Major Tier that gives all Sherman tanks a 76mm barrel (similar to lend lease) in exchange for removing the ability to use HE shells.

I disagree with this, you shouldn't lose the ability to make 75mm Shermans.
22 Aug 2015, 01:11 AM
avatar of BeefSurge

Posts: 1891

The USF only have two things to research in their T0 while the UKF and Soviets have 3. Giving the USF something to research that solves their MP bleed and reliance on munitions is also a really good idea. One of the below upgrades in the U.S.F. would help the Americans scale with the British power creep.

Motorize Logistics Upgrade
-Reinforcment of infantry requires 20% less Manpower and occurs 35% faster
-costs 250 MP and 50 fuel

Prioritize Supplies Upgrade
-weapon rack upgrades cost 25% less, abilities 30% less
-250 MP and 50 fuel

Defensive Tactics Upgrade
-Owner's territory takes 25% longer to be uncaptured by the enemy
-150 MP and 25 fuel

Offensive Tactics Upgrade
-enemy territory is uncaptured 25% faster
-150 MP and 15 fuel

22 Aug 2015, 01:48 AM
avatar of Omega_Warrior

Posts: 2561

Things USF Needs for its Core

-Riflemen Veterancy:
-Make the accuracy bonus to their weapons that they receive the same as the other faction: 40%. Possibly split it between vet 2-3.
-Received Accuracy bonus to 27-28% from 23%. Possibly split between vet 2-3 if accuracy bonus was also split.

-Decrease price to 50 munitions to allow it to be more available as a soft counter/deterant to vehicles.
-increase its accuracy at range to make it more reliable at chipping health.
-Maybe make its penetration flat so not drop-off at range to make it more consistent.

-.50cal: -Increase .50cal penetration from 3.0/2.0/1.0 to 4.5/3.0/2.5, would allow the USF LT tier to have a soft counter to light armour when supported with rifle AT grenades.
-Fix issues/bugs with .50cal such as the overpriced crew, gun health/armour and its vet 2 weapon not having the same bonuses that all MGs got in the June/July patch which Cruzz has stated. Removed received accuracy penalty on the crew.
-Maybe drop cost to 260.

Ambulance: Lowers is population cap from 4 to 2. Yes it can reinforce, but the moment it steps out of the base it's at risk of being on shotted by everything.
-Give it a slow passive healing ability when in the base sector and stationary.

Pack Howitzer: Increase the number of shells on all barrages to make these better at area denial. -Standard HE and WP is 6 rounds, no longer losses standard HE from vet.
-HEAT fires 4 rounds.
-Remove cost on WP to give more incentive on using it over the regular barrage.

57mm ATG:
-Increase its base penetration to 165/150/135 to make it more reliable vs mediums.
-Possibly move to T1 and require any officer.

Major: Major model population from 3 to 1. Makes the whole squad only 3 pop cap.
-Revamp his barrage ability and fix the timer on the drop-time between shells that is currently inversed. Make it have a long cooldown and shorter range a tad, but make it much cheaper/free. Not effective, but it would give more incentive to push him forth and be the heavy indirect-fire unit the USF lacks to force weapon teams to move without mass smoke and be an interesting take on artillery.

Tank .50cals: Cost dropped to 50-60 munitions form the hefty 70.

Add a Mortar:
-Fast rate of fire, good accuracy, access to smoke, lower OHK radius compared to other mortars and less range that is meant to operate right behind the rifles and give them the fire support they need and force weapon teams to move if not from damage, then from sheer ROF.
-Found in T0

-Manpower from 340 to 260/280 to reduce that hefty MP price.

this is very close to what I think should happen. The only differences I would make is that if they are going to add a mortar, the pack howitzer should be changed to a barrage only unit with buffs of course. That way it could stay mobile with the rest of the USF army between barrages instead of the be stuck being static and defensive.

22 Aug 2015, 02:48 AM
avatar of Rizza
Donator 22

Posts: 101

My suggestions,

-Give the USF a heavy non-doctrinal tank and possibly anti tank mine to REs.

-Give the USF a way to upgrade weapons out in the field so they don't need to retreat to upgrade, to make LT more appealing maybe you could upgrade weapons around the scout car?, you shouldn't have to concede ground just because you need to run all the way back to the base to pick up a weapon.
22 Aug 2015, 07:57 AM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 830

The USF only have two things to research in their T0 while the UKF and Soviets have 3. Giving the USF something to research that solves their MP bleed and reliance on munitions is also a really good idea. One of the below upgrades in the U.S.F. would help the Americans scale with the British power creep.

Motorize Logistics Upgrade
-Reinforcment of infantry requires 20% less Manpower and occurs 35% faster
-costs 250 MP and 50 fuel

Prioritize Supplies Upgrade
-weapon rack upgrades cost 25% less, abilities 30% less
-250 MP and 50 fuel

Defensive Tactics Upgrade
-Owner's territory takes 25% longer to be uncaptured by the enemy
-150 MP and 25 fuel

Offensive Tactics Upgrade
-enemy territory is uncaptured 25% faster
-150 MP and 15 fuel

The defensive tactics upgrade sounds to unfair to me. I like the Supplies upgrade and Logistics upgrade. Although I would make the reinforcement speed something like 15% faster. 35% is a bit to much. We don't need to overbuf the USF, just make it potent again!
22 Aug 2015, 07:57 AM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 830

Things USF Needs for its Core

-Riflemen Veterancy:
-Make the accuracy bonus to their weapons that they receive the same as the other faction: 40%. Possibly split it between vet 2-3.
-Received Accuracy bonus to 27-28% from 23%. Possibly split between vet 2-3 if accuracy bonus was also split.

-Decrease price to 50 munitions to allow it to be more available as a soft counter/deterant to vehicles.
-increase its accuracy at range to make it more reliable at chipping health.
-Maybe make its penetration flat so not drop-off at range to make it more consistent.

-.50cal: -Increase .50cal penetration from 3.0/2.0/1.0 to 4.5/3.0/2.5, would allow the USF LT tier to have a soft counter to light armour when supported with rifle AT grenades.
-Fix issues/bugs with .50cal such as the overpriced crew, gun health/armour and its vet 2 weapon not having the same bonuses that all MGs got in the June/July patch which Cruzz has stated. Removed received accuracy penalty on the crew.
-Maybe drop cost to 260.

Ambulance: Lowers is population cap from 4 to 2. Yes it can reinforce, but the moment it steps out of the base it's at risk of being on shotted by everything.
-Give it a slow passive healing ability when in the base sector and stationary.

Pack Howitzer: Increase the number of shells on all barrages to make these better at area denial. -Standard HE and WP is 6 rounds, no longer losses standard HE from vet.
-HEAT fires 4 rounds.
-Remove cost on WP to give more incentive on using it over the regular barrage.

57mm ATG:
-Increase its base penetration to 165/150/135 to make it more reliable vs mediums.
-Possibly move to T1 and require any officer.

Major: Major model population from 3 to 1. Makes the whole squad only 3 pop cap.
-Revamp his barrage ability and fix the timer on the drop-time between shells that is currently inversed. Make it have a long cooldown and shorter range a tad, but make it much cheaper/free. Not effective, but it would give more incentive to push him forth and be the heavy indirect-fire unit the USF lacks to force weapon teams to move without mass smoke and be an interesting take on artillery.

Tank .50cals: Cost dropped to 50-60 munitions form the hefty 70.

Add a Mortar:
-Fast rate of fire, good accuracy, access to smoke, lower OHK radius compared to other mortars and less range that is meant to operate right behind the rifles and give them the fire support they need and force weapon teams to move if not from damage, then from sheer ROF.
-Found in T0

Lieutenant: Change to a long-range combat support unit (Modified M1 Garand profile similar to Pathfinder rather than a BAR) with various abilities rather than Riflemen 1.25 like possible auras similar to the artillery officer. Would help him later in the game in toughening nearby USF units while making him not this shock unit that would be followed up by various light armour.
-Starts at four man to emphasize support role. Goes back to five at vet 2-3.

-Manpower from 340 to 260/280 to reduce that hefty MP price.

-Similar to M20, lower its MP cost to 300 from 360(?). It already pays by having a high fuel cost.

Things that Need to be Fixed

Crew Crit Repair: Increased time before it repairs the crit. Not by much, but not fixing the engine the moment they bail out and the game allows you to get back in.

Defensive Stance: Actually defensive stance. Cannot be used in combat.

Veteran Riflemen: Only ever start at vet 1 with no more experience over.

Other doctrinal items can be talked about later.

Nailed it brother!
22 Aug 2015, 09:11 AM
avatar of Kothre

Posts: 431

  • Americans were masters of artillery in WW2, so their lack of reliable arty in-game is out of place. Their lack of non-doctrinal heavy artillery needs remedy, because the pack howitzer just does not cut it. Either the Priest or a Calliope need to be in the American arsenal by default. Perhaps the standard Sherman could have a munitions upgrade for a Calliope attachment?
  • The major is worthless as anything but a retreat point and the occasional arty barrage. Allow the ambulance to act as a retreat point by itself once the tank tier is unlocked. Either remove the major or completely change his role.
  • Rear echelon troops need mines. Why isn't this in the game already? I can't believe they can't build them. And not those crappy 5-muni mines. Good ones. They should be able to build sandbags, too.
  • Ambulance should heal passively if in base sector
  • Americans need a tier 0 mortar.
  • Put the 57mm in the tier 0 building but make it require either captain or lieutenant. Captain tier then gets a more expensive, higher damaging and higher-penetrating M5 3" AT gun. This is basically the same as having the mortar in tier 0, with the pack howitzer being an "upgrade" in the Captain tier.
  • Please add rangers and/or a Thompson weapon rack :wub:
  • Armor company's worthless Thompson vehicle crew upgrade could instead be changed to a Thompson weapon rack in place of the M1919
  • M20 manpower cost is too high. AA halftrack manpower and fuel cost is also debatable, but understandable.
  • When I pop out vehicles crews, I like to shift click them back into the vehicle so they'll re-embark when finished repairing. However, it takes a over a full second before you can do this. Fix that pudding!
  • Increase the Sherman's penetration slightly. Not too much, just enough so it doesn't bounce off Panzer IV's all the time.
  • Weapon crews need a received accuracy reduction, or 5 men. As of now, they get torn to ribbons too fast.
22 Aug 2015, 09:17 AM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 830

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Aug 2015, 09:11 AMKothre
  • Americans were masters of artillery in WW2, so their lack of reliable arty in-game is out of place. Their lack of non-doctrinal heavy artillery needs remedy, because the pack howitzer just does not cut it. Either the Priest or a Calliope need to be in the American arsenal by default. Perhaps the standard Sherman could have a munitions upgrade for a Calliope attachment?
  • The major is worthless as anything but a retreat point and the occasional arty barrage. Allow the ambulance to act as a retreat point by itself once the tank tier is unlocked. Either remove the major or completely change his role.
  • Rear echelon troops need mines. Why isn't this in the game already? I can't believe they can't build them. And not those crappy 5-muni mines. Good ones. They should be able to build sandbags, too.
  • Ambulance should heal passively if in base sector
  • Americans need a tier 0 mortar.
  • Put the 57mm in the tier 0 building but make it require either captain or lieutenant. Captain tier then gets a more expensive, higher damaging and higher-penetrating M5 3" AT gun. This is basically the same as having the mortar in tier 0, with the pack howitzer being an "upgrade" in the Captain tier.
  • Please add rangers and/or a Thompson weapon rack :wub:
  • Armor company's worthless Thompson vehicle crew upgrade could instead be changed to a Thompson weapon rack in place of the M1919
  • M20 manpower cost is too high. AA halftrack manpower and fuel cost is also debatable, but understandable.
  • When I pop out vehicles crews, I like to shift click them back into the vehicle so they'll re-embark when finished repairing. However, it takes a over a full second before you can do this. Fix that pudding!
  • Increase the Sherman's penetration slightly. Not too much, just enough so it doesn't bounce off Panzer IV's all the time.
  • Weapon crews need a received accuracy reduction, or 5 men. As of now, they get torn to ribbons too fast.

Great! How do you envision the upgrade to the calliope? I think it should also require a fuel upgrade beforehand. How about 250 mp and 50 fuel? This will be followed by a 150 munition upgrade to the Calliope? So they can't be spammed that easy. Perhaps a limit on the calliope upgrade of 1?
22 Aug 2015, 09:27 AM
avatar of Kothre

Posts: 431

You know another one I thought of? Popping Sherman smoke bombs shouldn't stop your vehicle. That drives me nuts and makes me not use it a lot, because I feel like the extra second of movement could potentially allow me to get away, while stopping for even a second would mean death.

Great! How do you envision the upgrade to the calliope? I think it should also require a fuel upgrade beforehand. How about 250 mp and 50 fuel? This will be followed by a 150 munition upgrade to the Calliope? So they can't be spammed that easy. Perhaps a limit on the calliope upgrade of 1?

Yes, a fuel upgrade seems reasonable. I would agree that having a horde of Shermans all with their standard guns with Calliopes on top would be crazy OP, though I don't really like the idea of hard caps on any unit except call-in heavies. Perhaps one solution would be to give Shermans the Calliope with vet, or restrict the buying of the Calliope upgrade to Shermans vet 2 or above. But even that could get potentially hectic in team games especially, so it's hard to say.

I'd be fine with the Calliope just being its own unit if this weren't feasible balance-wise.
22 Aug 2015, 09:34 AM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 830

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Aug 2015, 09:27 AMKothre
You know another one I thought of? Popping Sherman smoke bombs shouldn't stop your vehicle. That drives me nuts and makes me not use it a lot, because I feel like the extra second of movement could potentially allow me to get away, while stopping for even a second would mean death.

Yes that indeed needs to go! But if it can fire it on the move at a certain spot in a 360 degree field of view, the range should be decreased slightly, to compensate. This will ensure that it will not become the ultimate moving smoke dispenser.

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Aug 2015, 09:27 AMKothre

Yes, a fuel upgrade seems reasonable. I would agree that having a horde of Shermans all with their standard guns with Calliopes on top would be crazy OP, though I don't really like the idea of hard caps on any unit except call-in heavies. Perhaps one solution would be to give Shermans the Calliope with vet, or restrict the buying of the Calliope upgrade to Shermans vet 2 or above. But even that could get potentially hectic in team games especially, so it's hard to say.

I'd be fine with the Calliope just being its own unit if this weren't feasible balance-wise.

I think having only one allowed would be the best idea. The HQ fuel upgrade together with a 150 munitions upgrade for the Sherman itself will suffice. There can be only one at the field at any given time, so to remove the hazard of having it's crew pop out and allowing another one to upgrade again, it's crew should be restricted from popping out. The main gun should still be able to fire but only when the barrage ability is not active. Since it can fire with its main gun and has the enormous rocket installation on its chassis, it should move a little slower, so it can be destroyed by enemy units and not haul ass out of every situation. I think a number of rockets ranging from 20-25 will do nicely.

Restricting doesn't really cut it for me, that means you have to get a sherman, get it to vet 2, unlock the calliope upgrade at the HQ and then invest another 150 munitions into your sherman. To harsh..

So summon it up:

  • HQ upgrade
    The Calliope feature requires an upgrade at the USF HQ sector. To my believe a 250 mp and 50 fuel upgrade will suffice. Available after captain tier upgrade (not totally sure to what tier it should be tied)

  • Munitions upgrade
    After the HQ upgrade, a 150 munitions upgrade on a sherman of the player's choosing must be completed.

  • Restrictions and possibilities
    Once the Calliope upgrade has been installed, the player can no longer upgrade it with a .50 cal machine gun, if there was an existing .50 cal upgrade, it has been removed by the Calliope upgrade.

  • The Calliope Sherman can use it's main gun, but only when the Barrage ability is not active.

  • The Calliope Sherman can still use smoke, but at a smaller effective range

  • The Calliope Sherman upgrade is limited to one Sherman at a time. The Calliope Sherman's crew can't pop out, ensuring that there can only be one Sherman Calliope at a time (nothing like the priest pop cap debacle).

  • The Calliope Sherman can use its main gun and has the enormous Rocket installation on its chassis, it's movement speed should be reduced slightly, so it can't haul ass out of every situation. This will make it a unit that has to be micro'ed well and will require thought as to where and when you move it in closer for a barrage.

  • The barrage ability should have the same range as the katyusha, Veterancy levels adding to the barrage's range. A number of 20-25 of rockets per barrage should suffice. Damage should be slightly lower than the katyusha's rocket damage.

Any thoughts?
22 Aug 2015, 10:22 AM
avatar of Kothre

Posts: 431

A movement speed penalty would be fair and maybe the crew not being able to pop out. But I'd only support the latter if you got rid of all the other crazy requirements. If it's going to cost munitions, a fuel upgrade, and veterancy, and be limited to one, it had better be firing nuclear missiles. I think the best thing to do would just have it be an alternative purchase from the .50 cal upgrade, and cost 150-200 munitions. If you get lower speed and can't pop out the crew, I don't think people would spam them so much.

But in all honesty, I'm now just thinking the best solution would be to have the Calliope as its own unit, but still have a normal main gun that's a lot weaker than the standard Sherman's. Around the strength of the Panzer IV Command Tank (albeit a little weaker against infantry). I think that would make American artillery a lot more flexible, mobile, and unique to the faction, rather than making it like any other artillery-only platform.

I think it would be really interesting if it could actually fire on the move like the Scott, but have higher scatter while doing so.
22 Aug 2015, 11:12 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

I really don't like the idea of a Calliope in CoH2. It goes against all the designs for Artillery in the game thus far. Fragile, and unable to defend itself. The Calliope would be both durable and able to defend itself against infantry and vehicle attacks. And after it forces the infantry away, it can barrage the retreat point to wipe 'em. And counter-barraging would be ineffective because it's a medium tank, not exactly vulnerable to any Artillery. It's just too much in one package.

Plus the price, if we compare it's performance to the Sherman and Katyusha and get a price from that, it could easily reach 200 fuel. So if you only wanted artillery you're getting the short end of the stick. A Xylophone would be better: same rockets but mounted on a 2½-ton cargo truck.
22 Aug 2015, 11:13 AM
avatar of F1sh

Posts: 521

I posted this in another thread, but here goes:

  • HQ: Riflemen, Rear Echelon, Ambulance, M26 Pershing (after all tiers unlocked)

  • Lieutenant (25 fuel): HMG, Mortar (or pak howitzer), M20 Utility Car

  • Captain (70 fuel): Stuart, AA Halftrack, AT gun.

  • Major stays the same, but Shermans can upgrade to a slightly better gun with more penetration, but lose ability to use HE shells.

I made Lieutenant so cheap so you can actually get support weapons early on, no more waiting 5 minutes until your first HMG. And this way, you can get Lieutenant and Captain.

And I want Rear Echelons to be able to place mines. No faction should be without mines.
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