
russian armor

Some changes I would like to see

17 Jul 2015, 09:49 AM
avatar of Intelligence209

Posts: 1124

1. Capture post size reduction/removal. We all know how stupid vehicles get around them. I would rather have them be a "hologram" like units would just walk through them completely..

2. Riflemen "hit-the-dirt" should only be used when before in combat, or should have a no-retreat timer for 5 seconds so there is more risk to it. Have you seen those things with double LMGs.

3. Strumpanzer pathing/unit behavior. Currently this tank acts like it's the size of a JT or a ST. Iv had it stuck in my base on Minsk pocket meanwhile JT and panthers are strolling through.

4. I find myself uneqquiping all my skins and such, but always finding everything back after x amount of time.

5. The German MT takes ages to retreat, like if it has to complete it's firing cycle, have some coffee, then retreat. Anyone else feel that way? The 120mm can pack up and leave twice as fast.

6. Would like to see ranges on some units, or have it an option in the menu to allow a "circle" or a "cone" to all vehicles. Like the firing arch for a MG.

17 Jul 2015, 09:57 AM
avatar of Intelligence209

Posts: 1124

7. Being change the starting position of the strum pios, so I'm not having one model stuck all the time
17 Jul 2015, 12:21 PM
avatar of SwonVIP
Donator 11

Posts: 640

my list of things/features I would like too see

#1 Kübelwagen
Of course the Kübelwagen of OKW is very mobile but due to his required setup time... It shouldnt be able to change its target automatically which can be very frustrating because it can no longer supress the enemy because it needs another small amount of setup time.
It would encourage the use of this unit as a MG.
I would love to see some kind of option like "do not switch target" or "dont move"
At least the pathfinding of this unit is probably the worst ingame.

#2 Commander overview ig
I would love to see a full list of available commanders for your enemy... ofc you can check them during the loading screen but yeah especially in teamgames (2v2) you cant remember exactly every commander of your enemy. I think it is no secret to know them and react to them properly (ofc dont show the selected doctrine)

#3 Multiple language support
Additional option to choose between the russian, german and english soundfiles.
Would love to hear soviets speaking russian and the brits speaking english (btw the british voice acting was very very good in the alpha). I know this feature from other games of the RTS genre (e.g. Blitzkrieg)
I know it is not game changing but a cool gimmick.

#4 Custom Hotkeys bindings
low priority feature but nice to have... would replace tools like AHK and it is also common in every other RTS game

#5 AT Gun sniping
AT Guns shouldnt be able to kill models of an infantry squad. Especially the Soviet AT Gun will snipes models sometimes (at least it killed my sniper once)

#6 Add advanced AA mode to AA tanks/halftracks
AA Tanks like the Ostwind or the M5 should be a reliable counter against Recon flights

#7 Fix "do not attack vehicles" bug
Every time you recrew USF vehicles the "do not attack vehicles" option is disabled again
Every time you use a Vet1 ability on a Ostheer tank (e.g. Stug or elephant target weak point) you have to reactivate it because it will be bugged.

17 Jul 2015, 12:43 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

#5 umm you know that every AT weapon have the same chance to snipe models?
Its 5% at close range.

Its not really reliable in any way.

Non existent AoE and huge scatter against inf doesn't make it frequent occurrence either.

Soviet AT guns don't have any better accuracy at all here, the chance is exactly the same as for PaKs.

You're making rare occurrence look like constant problem, but 5% AT gun accuracy isn't 60% StuG accuracy bug.
17 Jul 2015, 13:05 PM
avatar of Sugmar

Posts: 46

Expansion of infantry:

1. The Russian Red Army. Add squad Commissioner. The squad consists of two soldiers armed with automatic rifles and Commissioner. Has 3 levels of experience. Each level opens up and gives the ability to increase the accuracy of fire and armor of detachment.

1) passive aura - increases protection and speed of movement of infantry. Radius small.
2) Actively - (cost of 25 rounds) - "Attack" Changes passive bonuses provided by the aura - the infantry gets a bonus to accuracy and suppress enemy fire during prolonged attack. It requires experience level 1.
3) Actively - (30 rounds) - "overwhelming bombardment." Requirements: at least one machine-gun and mortar.
A unit with machine gun and mortar squad to get a bonus to attack range, and then fired at a selected area for 5 seconds. All enemy infantry in the affected area - suppressed. Area shelled mortar using fragmentation and smoke shells.
Requires experience level 2.

2. OKW - Staff Officer Doctrine of breakthrough is now being built in the main headquarters. There is a standard 5 levels of experience. The detachment is represented: by the officer and two grenadiers with automatic rifles GV-43.

1) Passive aura - provides accuracy bonus infantry.
2) Actively - concentrated bombardment (price 15 rounds) - located next to infantry units to increase their rate by 10 seconds. Requires experience level 1
3) Actively - Reset smoke bombs (price 30 rounds) - above the battlefield flying aircraft and resets eight smoke bombs through. Requires experience level 2
4) Actively - Binokol (price free). Squad officer narrows the field of view, but increases the range of the selected direction of the review. The speed of the unit is reduced. It requires experience level 2.
At the level of experience of 3 and 5 of the detachment receives a bonus to armor, accuracy, speed bonus recharge capabilities.
at the level of experience of detachment and an additional 4 2 Grenadiers.

Modernization of infantry:
The new proposal for the Red Army - all recruits have reached experience level 3, may surcharge of 100 manpower modernezirovanny a new type of unit - front-line infantry. A prison units at the level of expertise can be 3 to modernize offices breakout star 200 manpower.

1. Frontline Infantry - is a new type of infantry, which can be obtained from experimental - Level 3 recruits.
Armament - standard rifle.
The characteristics are approximately equal to the detachment of grenadiers.
Additional armament: modernization:
a) 3 automatic rifle AVT-10 - increase the efficiency of unit at the far and middle distance. The cost of 40 rounds.
b) 1 machinegun DP-28 - increases the force of an anti-detachment.

- "Cheers" - increases the speed of movement.
- Cocktail Molotov and AT grenade - after buying the modernization of the headquarters.
- "The ability to Flare" menyaetsya the ability - "lie" - force gets 50% of resistance to suppression, 25% damage resistance against explosions and gets + 10% for precision fire. A unit can be crushed by the middle and heavy machinery.
- Build - trench - a new protective cover - reduces damage from explosions by 50%, damage from small arms fire by 55%, increases the vulnerability to grenades and flamethrowers to 30%. Deafening mine (price 5 rounds) - a small area set stun mines that activation techniques stun the crew for 5 seconds.

2. Branch breakthrough - a new type of infantry, made from prison units have reached level 3 experience.
The squad consists of 6 people.
Armament 3 semiautomatic rifle SVT-10, 3 pistol gun PCA.
Modernization: the flamethrower - (if this upgrade has been purchased from the prison unit, which was modernized, the flamethrower is issued immediately after construction). Price 60 rounds.
SCS - Model 1941 - a detachment receives 2 rare specimen SC - improves unit against infantry. Price (45 rounds).

a) an explosion of a package - a standard high-power explosives, which is a prison party.
b) "Snatch" - force a top speed of 3 seconds, no firing during the term of capacity.
c) Combat promotion - within 15 seconds of receiving a detachment increase + 30% armor, precision fire, but also reduces movement speed by 40%.
g) instead of the signal rocket squad gains the ability to - smoke grenade.
17 Jul 2015, 13:17 PM
avatar of Sugmar

Posts: 46

OKW and the Wehrmacht:

Units grenadiers pantsgrenaderov, obergrendaerov get an upgrade to 4 - Sergeant squad.

Sergeant provides increase of survivability unit when it hit a fire mortars and heavy artillery - due to the fact that he was a member of the squad and 5 is somewhat separately. Armament:
Grenadiers - MP-40. At the level of experience of squad Detachment 3 provides the ability to leap.
PantsGrenadery - MP-40 squad at the location in the green shelter provides a bonus to the rate of recharge. It requires experience level 2 unit.
Obergrenadery - armed with a pistol, 3-level unit offers the ability to skyrocket.

Allied Army:

With the first level of experience provides a passive aura increases the accuracy and rate of fire squads of infantry.

Captain. With each level of experience further gains the ability to:
Level 1 - Passive aura of protection - provides 15% protection to the infantry and + 5% for each level of capital.
2. Level - Active ability - "Kill it," the whole infantry with AT and AT-volley technique makes the selected target, the shot comes out of turn.
3. Level - "comes" The infantry received armor bonus + 15%, and resistance to the suppression of explosions and 30%. Lasts 7 seconds.

Major - also has an aura - the distribution of first-aid kits. Increases the health infantry 5 One unit.
17 Jul 2015, 13:29 PM
avatar of Sugmar

Posts: 46

Army allies - an alternative T4. - T5

Over 250 manpower and 15 fuel is absolutely necessary construction of T2 and T3 - the US Army is building a radio station.

At the station, you can buy one type of aircraft, which will provide support. The aircraft can be only one, it is not included in the limit on the number of units. Called as an activated ability of the Allied headquarters.

Types of aircraft:
Fighter - the cost of 250/70. Patrol the selected area of ​​the map, for 90 seconds, 90 seconds cooldown abilities. When the detection of enemy infantry, light vehicles - from machine guns to attack it, suppress, causing heavy damage. With the loss of the aircraft can be ordered for 250 new manpower.

Ground attack - the cost of 300/110. patrol a selected area of ​​the card within 60 seconds, the average attack priimuschestvenno, heavy equipment of the enemy with missiles and aircraft cannons. Inflicts came under attack by enemy infantry. The priority of the attack the whole technology. Reloading capacity of 110 seconds. In case of loss of the aircraft - you can buy a new 350/20.

Bomber - 350/125. It strikes at the selected area. Kandy is not highlighted. You can select the type of bombs before departure. recharge capacity of 90 seconds. Bombs - Smoke - throws off smoke bombs to 8 - a smokescreen for the line. Chlorine bombs - inflict damage on the infantry, but do not kill it. Appliances range of abilities can not shoot.
Fragmentation - infantry causing moderate damage over a large area, low light and medium engineering.
Kummulyativnye - causing heavy damage and damage the module technology, small radius of destruction.
17 Jul 2015, 13:47 PM
avatar of J1N6666

Posts: 306

That was a lot of text for something relic won't implement.
17 Jul 2015, 13:47 PM
avatar of Mittens
Donator 11

Posts: 1276

Adjust kubal to allow for a more reliable USF counter, possibly increase set up time or adjust its speed, even changing its role to more of a support weopon would work.

Decrease cost of wc-51 truck fuel price to also allow for more viable opening strats for USF in 2v2's and up.

Increase the cloak time and decrease detection radios on the jagpnzr 4, the unit currently cloaks rather quickly making it countering the unit rather difficult even with flanking. Another option could be to decrease its movement speed

Adjust su-85 for the late game now that t4 operates as late game unit production. Possibly increase its rotation, increase performance, or give it stealth like the jagpnzr 4. Currently the jagpnzr 4 will out preform the 85 by a 2:1 ratio.

decrease range of OKW flack HQ gun by 5~% to make it less of a lock down on certain VP areas. If this make the building to easy to counter keep the range but decrease the health a little to make it less of a lock down of a point.

Increasing the Sherman health or armor with a would be nice. USF lack heavy armor by design but the over saturation of AT options available to axis late game (when it comes out), makes it a very lack luster tank medium tank. If this option doesn't work make cost adjustments to accommodate for the lack of larger health pool.

Slight Assault engineer HP increase would be welcome, models often get sniped at random due to crits but the unit is very fragile and can often times get wiped without being able to hit the "T" key for retreat.

Lastly make KT fall under the Heavy Armor limit to allow for an across the board limit.

Again these are all recommendations based on my views of the game and don't have to be taken word for word. Flexibility in ones opinions is always key to a balanced game

17 Jul 2015, 13:56 PM
avatar of Grumpy

Posts: 1954

I'd like to see OKW fuel and muni penalties removed, then abilities/units/tech adjusted (including removing vet 4 & 5) to match performance. In the year that I've been playing this game, OKW has never been balanced in all game modes at the same time and I doubt that it will with OKW being so different.

I'd like to see all sandbags have at least 170, but possibly 330 health, and Soviet ones matched to OKW sandbags. Sandbags are worthless in the balance mod.

T34/85 should be the standard Soviet tank in T4. Replace the T34/85's in Guard Motor with vet 3 T34/76's (may lead to Guard Motor not being as popular, but would make many other Soviet doctrines viable). Both Ost and OKW have Panthers non-doc so they still have access to better tanks and their generalist P4 is about as good.

Do something with irregulars and partisans. They're garbage now. Maybe make them similar to Osttrupen (sp?).

Give the USF some different starting options besides 3 rifles. It's incredibly boring to play USF, and almost as boring to play Soviet. The game feels completely different (more fun) playing OST or OKW, and I'm pretty sure that it is because of the variety of units and strategies that are viable, and not because the units look cooler or that I'm somehow a Nazi.
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