Welcome to the Mentee sign-ups. Being allotted a Mentor is a great way to meet new people and help learn the ways of

Steam Profile:
Your curreent (or approximate) 1v1 skill levels in the 4 Armies below, in which you want to be mentored (place N/A, against the name of an army in which you are not interested):
Your native language:
Proficiency in speaking English: good/not so good:
Your Timezone in GMT:
Do You Have a Mic?:
Allied or Axis, or Both?:
Any Other Request:
Please remember! Signing up does not guarantee you a Mentor. We do our best, but if there are 10 Mentees signed up for the German timezone and only 1 Mentor available, then obviously we have to make due adjustment. The good news is there are always no-shows, so Mentors often take on more Mentees after the program starts!