1) What is your Steam name?: Talesofvalor40
2) What will your name in Ventrilo be? (so we can recognize you): Tales
3) How long have you played?: I originally played the first installment of Company of Heroes a couple years ago. I have played 204 hours of Company of Heroes 2 so far, and I plan to add a lot more than that.
4) What factions do you want to play or focus on if any?:I prefer to focus on Allied factions. I'm big on the Soviets and some USF. I am willing to play some Ostheer if I am in a team game.
5) What do you feel your strengths are?: Most of my strength comes in team games. Including 2v2s and 3v3s. My teammates tell me I am a decent teammate that compliments their strategies. I recently returned from a 3 month long break, so I have not visited 1v1s yet.
6) What do you feel are your weaknesses?: 6) At this time, I have many weaknesses. My micro is poor at times, I become distracted, I construct improper units for a situation, I poorly time construction of units and tend to float. The list goes on, but I get better with every game.
Notice: I would like to apologize for the late arrival and response. Recently, I went on vacation beginning the 25th, I returned today on July 30th. Hopefully I am not to late to the party. |
Steam Profile: Talesofvalor40
Ostheer: 2
USF: 4
Soviets: 3
Your native language: English
Proficiency in speaking English: English is my native language
Your Timezone in GMT:(GMT -5:00)
Do You Have a Mic?: Yes, as well as my own private Teamspeak 3 server.
Allied or Axis, or Both?: Both(Mostly Allied)
Any Other Request: I have played quite a bit of Company of Heroes in the past, but I took quite a long break from the franchise. Currently, I am trying to get use to the game after finally revisiting it. I would also like to do some 2v2s, for I love team fights. |
2-3 rifles call in jeep(if you see oportunity to kill kubel) get your 3rd rifle unless you are winning hard then go fuel caches. Go captain and bars if they go puma go lt if not. AA halftrack, Bars, major, Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman
Save munitions for bombs to kill okw buildings / anything that you don;t like. Sherman Mgs aren't as good as bars/bombing strikes since the Shermans usually die alot(thats why you need fuel caches) but if you have the munitions they are still good mbs.
MAKE SURE you build at least 2 fuel caches, more if possible so you can spam shermans Honestly just build fuel caches instead of rifles if you feel they are in safe places just make sure you have enough map presence to fight effectively. Feel free to build more AA halftracks or a stuart if you want it, just refund it if it doesn't work out or is outclassed. Sell the jeep once it stops being useful
Going Lt tier is really good b/c you can call in an m20 later, lay mines then sell it for basically free m20 mines backteching to is pretty good imo 50 cals are pretty good also if you feel you need to stop their infantry get an ambulance at some point use it agressively
Never get the jeep if you are directly vs ostheer and i wouldn't recommend this doctrine vs ostheer either
Hey man, thanks! Those are all good points. I think I will try to put all this info into a specific build order, I will get to testing it and tell you how it works out if you are interested. |
I wish to find a build order that works well with Soviet Shock Army. I want to maximize the use of my mortars and howitzers if at all possible. Any suggestions? Should I avoid this doctrine and try another that contains the 120mm mortar? Build orders and advice is appreciated! |
I am looking to use the Mechanized Company more effectively in 2v2 games. Can anyone provide a straight forward build order during their regular game while using Mechanized Company? I'm not really sure where to invest my manpower, and when to use my call-ins. Any advice and build orders will be appreciated! |
I NEED FRIENDS... If you are interested in doing some 2v2s, add me on steam: TalesofThanksGiving40 (Had to be festive). I am currently a level 42, but level does not mean much to me. I have beaten other players who have prestiged once or twice, so I do not pay much attention to level. Hit me up and let's fight for the US/Fatherland/Motherland!
EDIT: Would like a teammate I can communicate with through voice, I own a Teamspeak Server that we could easily use when we are playing.
My mate and I use a combination of the Spearhead Doctrine and the Jaeger Armor Doctrine
in 2v2. The two work well together, they compliment each others weaknesses with their strengths. |
I was thinking of writing one, haven been playing a lot of double US now with my mate. Guess I'll write it a bit faster now 
Some quick tips:
infantry + airborne is probably the strongest combination
Absolutely veto minks and road to kharkov
Build a tank trap (gives green cover) at your cutoff if there is no heavy cover available
The one going airborne should rush an m20 and plant a mine so you can bait the coming puma. Other guy can go captain and more rifles even with grenades. Pack howitzer if they are campy around med truck otherwise an atgun against puma/luchs
Great tips so far! It would be great if someone setup a guide in the Guide Section. I feel a lot of players need guidance when it comes to playing as USF in a 2v2. Perhaps you are the one to do it? Keep 'em coming lads. |
Read this guide early today, it appears to be from quite some time ago, but I still love the idea. Does this guide work well against 2x USF or a USF and Soviet combo? It only appears to talk about the Soviets, since USF wasn't even out when this was written. Any adjustments I need to make to counter USF?
EDIT: Used this strategy against two higher level players, ended up winning in the long run. Works very well against Soviets, haven't seen how the Americans or Combined factions work out yet. |
My friend and I have been independently playing 1v1s for a while now, and we are looking to take both of our skill sets into a team auto match. I have browsed around Coh2.org and the rest of the web, and I cannot exactly locate a quality 2v2 double USF strategy that is thoroughly explained(build orders, tasks, etc. for each player). We want to know how to counter OKW as a team especially. We work well in terms of teamwork and communication, we just aren't exactly sure how to use great synergy with double USF.
Does anyone have a strategy to suggest? Perhaps a replay? Please post advice below, I will surely read it. |