
russian armor

Patch notes for 23rd June

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18 Jun 2015, 06:48 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Changes are great and I hope it's one step at the time but...
Some things which were great during alpha (with other changes) may not be great currently without them, like heavy call in limits. It's great step ahead but without other things, it's completly pudding, especially vs Guard Motor.


Because very, very often you can't afford OST T3 to get Stug/Pz IV. So what are you going to do? Call in Tiger. But then you realize, he has 4 T34/85 with Mark Target and you have only 1 Tiger.

What's more, how much fuel OST must spend to get this new Stug G? And how much to get T34?
T1+T2 for Sov = 50 fuel (one tier is free) and since then, you collect your fuel up to 400.

Ostheer? Get Stug G to counter T34/85s and you just spend same amount of fuel for 1 Stug G like SU player spends for 2 T34/85 and still floats another 200.

That's the point.

Change is good, but only with bigger picture. Some things won't work without bigger picture and here we definetly do not have this bigger picture, just little parts, like in mighty Heroes III when you were searching for Obelisk :D Little parts of the picture were useless, you needed all parts together to see everything.
18 Jun 2015, 07:10 AM
avatar of momo4sho
Senior Caster Badge
Donator 22

Posts: 466 | Subs: 1

This thread is very WutFace.

All the shit posters from balance discussion drag themselves out of their smelly caves and swarm the few competent voices in the community, well played guys, well played.

All eyes on guard motor while stug g is a huge indirect buff to CAS. Surprised a lot of people aren't up in arms about CAS being untouched and even being buffed indirectly, well actually not surprised since most people here are very \ WutFace /
18 Jun 2015, 07:16 AM
avatar of Gluhoman

Posts: 380

You cannot "spam" Panthers Gluhoman, seeing even one in a competitive 1v1 is rare now, and the tech did not get cheaper.

As for patch in its entirety, I'll reserve judgement until I play it, however, the faust/at nade nerf (if I understood it correctly) strikes me as both very momentous and remarkably ill-advised to boot...
This makes harassment from the midgame onwards nothing less than exponentially more risky; ie. your Grens/Cons decapping your opponents natural vp, and inevitably the Sherman/PIV turns up to spoil your party, but now, there is nothing you can do to keep him from running down and wiping your squad, situations that have very high impact indeed in 1v1s.

Maybe in 1v1 not. But there coming CAS doctrine with StuG g support.
18 Jun 2015, 07:20 AM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36

RIP Precision Strike
18 Jun 2015, 07:22 AM
avatar of l4hti

Posts: 476

The good news for OKW: IR HT is now technically a fuel cache :snfPeter:
18 Jun 2015, 07:27 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

The performance of the Su-76 was not meeting our expectations.

ROFL! what were your expectations, pray tell?

seriously though, i think the su-76 may end up needing another 5 fuel tacked onto the cost; it's 15 fuel cheaper than the stug and preforms roughly the same while retaining the AI/anti-building barrage. we'll see though, might turn out fine the way it is.

as for the patch overall, i don't see any obviously bad changes in the patch so we'll see, maybe it'll turn out pretty good. it's always the ninja changes and the stuff that no one asked for that causes issues and we won't know about that until the patch actually hits.

18 Jun 2015, 07:29 AM
avatar of Hux
Patrion 14

Posts: 505

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Jun 2015, 22:32 PMCieZ

Nobody talking about plane crashes being changed, as the community begged for. For good reason. They were dumb.

Nobody talking about Relic addressing vehicle death crits.

Nobody talking about removal of precision strike, which was a super dumb ability.

Nobody talking about the first steps in fixing call-in heavies.

Reinforced wire being cuttable.
Sturm sweepers not having terrible range anymore.

Global HMG buffs to counter-act blobbing.

Removal of Flame crits and the flamer model blowing up randomly.

No more weapon crews dying out of the blue while crewed/having to be paranoid and repair them constantly against Guards/PTRS cons.

Better tank control via prioritize vehicle being added...

This is legit. All of these problems was stuff that the community at large complained about - hell even the 'every battle tells a story' RNG has been nerfed a bit.

Coupled with the changes made in the last patch (which were pretty much all community complaints) I think this patch as another step in the right direction with more coming in the future.

I'm not in the Alpha myself so don't know of the rest of the changes coming but I'm satisfied with this new patch, it fixes some annoying stuff and opens up a few more units for realistically using. As long as the next patch isnt too long off, and by all accounts its not.. then I'm looking forward to playing it (well, not against Guard motor, again but w/e.

You alpha queens need to chill the fuck out and just wait.
18 Jun 2015, 07:40 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

I'm not a top Ost player but I have good success rate countering T34-85 with a swarm of Pumas (mobile defense doctrine). T1 + T2 + puma/command tank. I also used the doctrine and Puma swarm to counter Easy8 spam with success.
Vs Sov, the mortar was effectively a big problem and it has been addressed with a good nerf, I didn't test it during the alpha but regular Sov players were crying high when they did remove the precision strike and reduce the damage qualifying it as rubbish now.

People crying now that a Tiger can't counter t34-85 are simply retarded and honestly for most of them it doesn't surprise me reading their comments. Because yes a Tiger can counter two 85 and there is no need to cry for that, so now its time to think a bit further and start using other doctrines/strategies than regular tiger ones.
Sov is still on the top, and what the problem? You wanted to reverse the situation and have Ost/OKW on the top just by revenge? We all know the 1 heavy call-in meta is a huge nerf for Sov primarily which has nothing else than call-in to stay on the field past 10 minutes. 34-85 are the only last call-in they can use with a certain impact. If they go IS2, you can field 2 panthers. Stug have been highly buff and can provide an amazing mobile AT support. Now there are many new options available to counter Sov heaviest vehicles.
Guards have been nerfed, they can't anymore destroy a MG if the servant are alive. MGs will become far more durable vs them and since MGs will also be buff during the patch, Guards will lost a lot of appealing. A MG with a bit of support will be able to stop any swarm of cons/guards in no time. People who've been in the alpha know that.

About the patch note itself, I'm also disappointed by the cut Relic made "to not lost people with many changes". Alpha testers approbation should have been a good indicator of the community will to get those changes as fast as possible.
But For once, I'll support them, decision making at that level is not always easy.
18 Jun 2015, 07:45 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

That collective axis fanboys butthurt :megusta:
Every single one swarmed this thread, jumped blindly on selectively piecked changes, completely ignored the axis buffs and have drown CieZ in their tears.

I expected a popcorn thread.
I was not disappointed. :snfPeter:
18 Jun 2015, 07:46 AM
avatar of KurtWilde
Donator 11

Posts: 440

Because very, very often you can't afford OST T3 to get Stug/Pz IV. So what are you going to do? Call in Tiger. But then you realize, he has 4 T34/85 with Mark Target and you have only 1 Tiger.

If a player can't afford to get fuel for OH T3 and his/her opponent has enough fuel for 4 T34/85, I think that player has been outplayed/or has been playing bad. I doubt getting a Tiger would help that player
18 Jun 2015, 07:47 AM
avatar of Porygon

Posts: 2779

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Jun 2015, 01:08 AMBudwise
Its not bad per se, but you can't limit Tigers when T34/85's + Marked Target are left untouched. Axis is already the underdog in 2v2's now its going to be practically useless.

18 Jun 2015, 07:48 AM
avatar of Burts

Posts: 1702

Oh and by the way guys, the 120mm damage nerf made the AOE kill radius of the 120mm just 1.1 meters, in comparison of the regural mortars , their kill radius is 1 meter.

The old kill radius of the 120mm was 1.65 meters, so i'd say it's quite a significant nerf.

Precision strike removed really is a double edged sword. On one hand, yes precision strike was really useful, on the other hand flares are going to be very useful too, because the soviet mortars fire ~5 times slower than the wehrmacht one :snfPeter: , and the flares last for quite a long time ~45 seconds if i recall correctly, that means you are going to get alot of vision and for quite a long time too.

Keep in mind that having vision on the target increases accuracy by 20%, and the soviet mortars are already significantly more accurate than their wehrmacht counterparts. Now imagine some flares around an OKW medtruck. No escape :snfPeter:

Also the usual axis suspects crying before they even played the patch :snfPeter:

18 Jun 2015, 07:58 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Jun 2015, 07:48 AMBurts

Keep in mind that having vision on the target increases accuracy by 20%, and the soviet mortars are already significantly more accurate than their wehrmacht counterparts. Now imagine some flares around an OKW medtruck. No escape :snfPeter:

Actually, only barrage is more accurate.
Default fire of 81mm and 82mm is the same.
Nevertheless, flares>precision strike imo, 45 muni non doctrinal "mini recon plane" with 80 to 100 range?
Yes please. Urban maps will see a lot of mortar action.
18 Jun 2015, 07:58 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Jun 2015, 07:48 AMBurts
Oh and by the way guys, the 120mm damage nerf made the AOE kill radius of the 120mm just 1.1 meters, in comparison of the regural mortars , their kill radius is 1 meter.

The old kill radius of the 120mm was 1.65 meters, so i'd say it's quite a significant nerf.

Precision strike removed really is a double edged sword. On one hand, yes precision strike was really useful, on the other hand flares are going to be very useful too, because the soviet mortars fire ~5 times slower than the wehrmacht one :snfPeter: , and the flares last for quite a long time ~45 seconds if i recall correctly, that means you are going to get alot of vision and for quite a long time too.

Keep in mind that having vision on the target increases accuracy by 20%, and the soviet mortars are already significantly more accurate than their wehrmacht counterparts. Now imagine some flares around an OKW medtruck. No escape

not to mention that any doctrine that requires los (planes, mortars, artillery, etc) are going to have a field day with this change. i'm really not sad about the loss of precision strike at all and i think that in the right hands flares will be a least as strong. it's the lower end players who will suffer from flares and i don't feel sorry for them at all. it's certainly an interesting change and this game need interesting.
18 Jun 2015, 08:08 AM
avatar of Tatatala

Posts: 589

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Jun 2015, 22:32 PMCieZ

Nobody talking about plane crashes being changed, as the community begged for. For good reason. They were dumb.

Nobody talking about Relic addressing vehicle death crits.

Nobody talking about removal of precision strike, which was a super dumb ability.

Nobody talking about the first steps in fixing call-in heavies.

Reinforced wire being cuttable.
Sturm sweepers not having terrible range anymore.

Global HMG buffs to counter-act blobbing.

Removal of Flame crits and the flamer model blowing up randomly.

No more weapon crews dying out of the blue while crewed/having to be paranoid and repair them constantly against Guards/PTRS cons.

Better tank control via prioritize vehicle being added...

Like seriously... did people just skip over all the amazing changes to immediately QQ about T34/85s, which won't be as strong as they are now relative to other Axis buffs...


This community never ceases to amaze me.

people need to stop thinking that tigers are the only way to deal with t85s. seriously, there are a wide variety of ways to deal with 85s. okw obviously have their shreks, raketens just got buffed, theres always mines you can place if you munitions to spend, the JP4, and panthers as well.
ostheer have shreks, paks (OBJECTIVELY THE BEST AT GUN in the game), a newly buffed stug that fills in the role of mobile AT, and is basically a poormans JP4, teller mines (which have a high chance of destroying engines), fausts, panzer 4s, etc etc etc. combined arms tactics will defeat the very simple strategy of guards > t85s. you have the tools, USE THEM.

Guyz plz. Now is not the time for well thought out and constructive posting...
18 Jun 2015, 08:09 AM
avatar of KyleAkira

Posts: 410

I think we are going in the right direction.

They are implementing the balance changes we had on the alpha test, probably the rest of changes will come when the new faction comes in.

Is it true we might see more guard motor company since it will be the stronger now. But I hope that will change in a near future.

The way I experienced medium armor on alpha test was so satisfying, I hope it will come soon.
18 Jun 2015, 08:11 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

I'm happy and disappointed, certain changes to certain factions weren't included in this patch, yet they were the best part of the alpha. While some very good quality of life changes still made the cut, I can't say I'm particularly excited.

Definately the right direction, but I hope that testing wasn't all for naught, they made certain factions 100x more fun to play.
18 Jun 2015, 08:25 AM
avatar of IpKaiFung
Benefactor 115

Posts: 1708 | Subs: 2

This patch is a very mixed bag.

I like the addition of more modding features and the more frustrating aspects of gameplay being toned down.

However the faction specific changes don't go far enough to freshen up the game and I believe rolling out all of the changes on the 23rd would have been a better decision.

Implementing big changes to gameplay every year is in my opinion a great way to keep your game fresh. Using the March / April 2014 deployments as a good example of this however while they were good changes in the end the manner in which it was executed was frustrating because it was a two step process and two step process just frustrates players. Especially if elements of the initial changes are due to more fundamental changes in the game that are on the way. (SU-76 change for example or in the March/April deployment were soviets had a tough time early game against the improved grenadiers while soviet vehicles remained terrible compared to their german counterparts until the April patch was rolled out)
18 Jun 2015, 08:35 AM
avatar of awa59noob
Benefactor 3110

Posts: 152


the way i understand it, is that most people are disappointed that the alpha changes were not implemented yet. And that it took so long to roll out the patch.
Cynthia says, we go in methodical and will roll it out one by one. People are afraid that it will take ages again or never happen.

I have not played the alpha, so i have not seen the changes and do not know it they are good or bad. Maybe relics wants the game in perfect shape for release of Brits and is afraid of annoying casual players with too much change, so they test again. I do not know.

The one thing i know is, i will keep playing the game. Sometimes annoyed but i will keep playing #it´s complicated.

PS: I can not say anyting about the patch because i wait how it plays. I mostly play americans in very low level anyways...

Best Regards
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