I'd like to join the discussion.
I have a feeling that concentrating purely on calling both smoke and blitz "get out of jail abilities" is wrong. They can only be called in such a way when a player is competent enough to secure the retreat path and has picked a doctrine which allows smoke.
Smoke that insta auto deploys and hitting a button that make you out run any allied tank takes very little skill and I hardly see OH having a problem ever having the munitions to do this against me unless I have deprived them of there munition point.
The opponent should prepare for the chase in exactly the same way; that is collect munitions on abilities plus plan how to conduct a chase using numerical superiority.
IF you hit the magic blitzkreig button there is no chase period that is part of the problem you can out run any of our tanks backwards(which even if we managed to get close enough for one shot your tiger or panther will probably bounce it off the front and out run any of our tanks before a 2nd shot)
The thing is that you have to be a skilled player to use them well.
Part of the problem is that very often the match involves a US player overextending and losing units one afer another while the ost player skillfully manages to repel all
Again, smoke that insta auto deploys and hitting a button that lets you outrun any allied tank backwards takes very little skill and also encourages ost players to be less skilled with there tank as they have that much less to worry about it being knocked out.
Decrewing your vehicle to repair a crit why deploying smoke from your sherman first that has a delay or nearby riflemen that have delays to deploy there smoke takes much more skill then above. It is also highly dangerous if the crew goes below 3 members or is killed you might of just gave the enemy your e8 or jackson, needless to say that is not going to be good. Now when your tanks are in general faster or just as fast as ours I don't see why when we are doing all of this that you have no time to move your vehicle up and through the smoke to get the last hit or attacking ground to kill our sherman or jackson or there crew outside. Especially when you need to chase one of our tanks down for the last 1 or 2 hits you can hit the blitzkrieg button to with out a doubt make that happen.
also the crew members have to be at least vet 1 I believe which obviously that takes little time to happen but could come into effect if said vehicle is crited right out of the shute.