I hate blobs too. People aren't complaining that it destroys blobs. It's that it can auto-delete single units too and with great ease. Two clicks.
90 muni is quite expensive but it's a cheap exchange for 250-400 manpower + upgrade (shrek/lmg).
If it was only destroying blobs, I wouldn't mind it so much. But it removes units one by one all through the game. The only way to avoid it is to lead every attack with a minesweeper, to harass every point with a minesweeper. To do that you have to wait for them to get to the field. So you lose territory which means more munis for more demos.
If both sides had demo, the game would become less dynamic with people waiting for sweepers so they can make attacks. If neither side had them the game would be much better.
There are several threads on this with some very high level players calling for its removal and no high level players saying "it's fine". I just wish the less experienced players with a lower understanding of CoH2 and RTS would look to what the top players are saying instead of defending it on the basis of "it makes me feel good when I blow up squads with demo, therefore it's good". or "Axis has OP-Soldaten so we need demos"
Ah...the old "you're not good enough to weigh in with an opinion" gambit.

True, I am certainly not a pro, but this community is made up of good and bad players, and I would venture to say that the percentage of "pros" is quite low. I imagine it's quite fun to play at that level of skill, but for those of us that work, have families, etc...and can't devote as much time to practice, it's very discouraging to be faced with a game that has been tweaked and balanced for the "pros".
Even more discouraging when, all things considered, Axis is more powerful in large team games, and demos are one advantage the Allies get. Please note, I'm talking about large team games. Yes, yes, I know...."play 1v1", "only noobs play team games", "get an arranged team"... bottom line, I really don't think that demos as they are, are unfair. Lots of stuff that the Axis can do, against "non-pro" players can be seen as "unfair". However, for the sake of argument (because nothing is likely to change anyway), why not create a package of baseline units for all factions ? I think it's ridiculous that USF doesn't get snipers, mines, mortars, or MGs (non-doctrinal). I won't pretend to know what's involved in balancing a game this complex, but when faced with the multitude of issues that people bring forward on these forums, Allied demos seems like a pretty trivial one. As someone has already said, they don't get deployed that often anyway...