What I don't like in Soviets

Posts: 935
1) Very poor design commander especially the one with IS2 and shock,That commander has The best infantry option the best call in artillery option the best heavy tank ALL in ONE commader. Give me the reason to use some other commader. - Poor design
2) Guard Motor commader have the best medim tanks (2 T34-85s) AND Mark target - poor design
3) Same with ISU 152 + mark target poor design
What would I like to see?
1) Mark target to Commanders that don't have Call in tanks.
2) IL2 patrol for 180 amm is in a good spot but a bit expensive I really wish to use it more frequet or add more armor pentration for 180 ammo to inflict more damage to medium/heavy tanks. Or just lower the price of it to 150-160
3) I would to use ML20 arty if the price was not 600 but 450-500 AND decrease a bit popcap. Also, is a good Idea to allow all arty to move inside some circle to avoid divebomb or similar
4) I doubt in usefullness the vet 1 ability of medium and heavy tanks.
5) Scout car does nothing by itself.
Conscripts outdated in late gave having very low survivabilty in the late game besides they can't inflict damage.

Posts: 641 | Subs: 1
3) would be stupid
4) it is usefull although situational
5)the purpose of scout car is something else than dealing damage by itself

Posts: 125
2) It's cheap enough, the planes stay for a long time. You have to control your enemy's AA.
3) 600mp is ok. ML-20 is very strong.
4) If you're talking about the capping ability I agree with you.
5) First of all it does, you're probably using it wrong. And secondly, it's a *scout* car.
edit: Have you tried attacking with the rear mg? It's better against infantry because it has better accuracy.

Posts: 647
2) t34/85 are quite subpar, only thing they are good for is that they have 800hp and do not need t3 tech. still, they come with paper thin armor and an average gun for such an expensive late game tank. not enough dps to scare away tanks, heavily reliant on rear hits and often more trouble to micro than it is worth. i would take a panther over t34/85s anyday.
without mark target they are horrendous. give me mark target that boost penetration rate rather than damage.
3) no comments.
1) horrible idea, soviets are heavily reliant on call in tanks. rather than shifting mark target to them, buff their standard non doctrinal stuff.
2) no comments.
3) make field guns resistant to dive bombs, but decrew them.
4) yes its useless, vet1 smoke to tanks please.
5) niche unit, great to terrorize t1 units without faust or schrecks and most importantly, chase down kubels. avoiding faust and schrecks is key to its survival.

Posts: 104

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1
- I feel forced to always go T2 every game because of AT gun
- Inconsistency of Soviet armor performance against infantry: squadwipe or complete miss. I would like to see it closer to Stug III E or Tiger I performance (ofc scaled down because Soviets oppose 4-man squads), or just slight buff to T-34 MGs (IS/ISU DShKa is fine or maybe even somewhat OP)
- Lack of situational commanders/commander abilities: they are generally either too good or plain bad.
- Tired of facing IS-2 every game when playing against them

Posts: 1958
I don't like of using call ins tanks always
What would I like to see?
1) Mark target to Commanders that don't have Call in tanks.
2) IL2 patrol for 180 amm is in a good spot but a bit expensive I really wish to use it more frequet or add more armor pentration for 180 ammo to inflict more damage to medium/heavy tanks. Or just lower the price of it to 150-160
3) I would to use ML20 arty if the price was not 600 but 450-500 AND decrease a bit popcap. Also, is a good Idea to allow all arty to move inside some circle to avoid divebomb or similar
4) I doubt in usefullness the vet 1 ability of medium and heavy tanks.
5) Scout car does nothing by itself.
Conscripts outdated in late gave having very low survivabilty in the late game besides they can't inflict damage.
If you did #3, I would build a sniper, an extra CE, 2 SU85's, and six ML20's, and spam mines. With roughly 24 large shells landing per minute, no place would be safe. Wouldn't be a fun game, for anyone.
Scout car is a great early game counter to Kubel, and just like the Kubel, it has a limited time of usefulness.
I think the real problem with Soviets is that the tech tiers were balanced versus Ost, and no change was done to either Ost or Soviet when Western Front came out. Now, if the Soviet player wants T3 or T4, they have to pay 240mp and 120 fuel for the privilege of buying some really lackluster units. Unless I really need a Katy, I'll skip T3 and T4 and just use call-ins.
Ost has it slightly worse, as they have to tech through T3 to get to T4. For roughly the cost of T4 + SU85, I can get 2 T34/85's or an IS2. Ost has the same problem, which is why you see so many commanders with Tigers used. I haven't added it up, but think that Ost loses the cost of a Tiger if it wants to tech to T4 and buy Panthers. Two Tigers versus one Panther is also an easy call in 1v1.
My suggestions for Soviets would be to greatly decrease the tech cost of T3 and T4 for both Soviets and Ost, or keep it the same but give the player a USABLE unit, like the lieutenant, or a usable building like the OKW Panzer Schwerer. As for the units themselves, I would only change the SU76 (full disclosure - I haven't tried the Ost Panzerwerfer). Since the SU76 was a field gun, the barrage should have the range of a field gun which is more than a mortar. Give the barrage a range of 120-160 and it would be useful. Leave the direct fire range the same.

Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2
Permanently BannedIt becomes stale playing them

Posts: 2470
If you did #3, I would build a sniper, an extra CE, 2 SU85's, and six ML20's, and spam mines. With roughly 24 large shells landing per minute, no place would be safe. Wouldn't be a fun game, for anyone.
and you would get rolled because you have no field presence and nothing to defend your artillery with.

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

Posts: 1740
Mostly all of their tier units are worse than their Call Ins.
T34/75 is worse than t34/85 or IS-2
SU-85 is worse than ISU-152 or IS-2
SU-76 is a joke
The only two things that are useful IMO are the T-70 and the Katy.
But teching and building them delays your IS-2 too much.
The sad thing is that I, as a mostly German player, most of the times can be sure that a game withouth an enemy IS-2 or T34/85 is an easy win for me. Soviets have so many commanders but only 3-4 of them are really viable. Different game styles result in a mostly sure loss for soviets.

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1
Soviets = currently the most powerfull faction. So anything you dislike about them it's compensated by this.
So, if I dislike Soviets faction because it is boring to play for me - it is compensated by how OP they are too?

Posts: 1740
So, if I dislike Soviets faction because it is boring to play for me - it is compensated by how OP they are too?
Gotta say you got a point.
There was a time in CoH when soviets were even better than now. Back in the time when you had to win as a German by far before minute 20 because when the ISU hit the field it simply was gg.
And was it fun to play? Not at all. It was like 'Well, I place this ISU here and now I can go to the post office because this thing will do the job'.

Posts: 2779
Gotta say you got a point.
There was a time in CoH when soviets were even better than now. Back in the time when you had to win as a German by far before minute 20 because when the ISU hit the field it simply was gg.
And was it fun to play? Not at all. It was like 'Well, I place this ISU here and now I can go to the post office because this thing will do the job'.
You can still go to post office, just remember to bring your smartphone and teamviewer switching the HE/AP round.
I don't care what they say, but Soviet are truly the bullshit heritage of the abusive part of Brit, PE and US and Wehr.
Cons, spam uncrushable, very durable sandbag everywhere at vital points, German can't win unless outnumbering it. OKW Volks sandbag? Does it last for 2 mins?
Clowncars, fucking BC and Roos, from Brit.
Wehr Volks depends on their sandbag helping their survival, but NOT making them 2X more durable.
Every Soviet squads (and Fusiliers), 6 men squad, never need to afraid getting one shot by AOE until the very late game. Meanwhile, Grens, Ober, all German support weapon, getting themselves one shot 24/7.
82mm and 120mm, precision strike is the greatest bullshit ever. See a squad capping? See a MG or german mortar you want to take out? Pay munition and a click, or just sit there, alt-tabbing out, switching tune in iTunes, done. All experienced guy dead. #Esport
And Relic think German mortar count-barrage means something in this mortar warfare, ROFL.
Guards, new Obers, period. Oh yeah, remember your Great wall of sandbag?
Shocks, six men KCH, never changed.
T-34/85, best medium tank in the games, come without even need to tech, arrive on battlefield even faster than Panthers, come with marked target. I thought PE panther groups call in was abusive enough, dude. At least PE need to tech all structures. Soviet don't even need to get a damn T3/T4. And it come with a stupid click bumping even MOAR damage.
ISU, anti-all units, I proved it is bullshit by trolling Stephenn 9 Cons, no tech into 2 ISUs 18 months ago. And guess what? No one cares. (And Lenny doing this now 24/7 I heard?)
IS2, able to bounce panthers, tiger, Pak40, Tiger Ace shell 24/7, and some dudes out there asking more buff to it.

Call me a Axis fanboy, I don't care. That's my feeling about this game.
When playing Soviet, it is like playing without needing your brain working.
Spam 4 Cons, or T1 clownars, call in 2 Guards/Shocks, call some 120 behind shot blockers for free Squadwipe™ (NEVER NEED TO MICRO BECAUSE THEY NEVER DIE), tech for T70 or Kat, spam some fuel cache. Repeat calling in ISU/T3485, A move (or just move) until you win.
There is absolutely zero strategy at all.
Meanwhile playing Germans is so frustrating, Squadwipe™ happens 24/7 by AOE NO MATTER how you micro them, because guys love hugging each other. Ostheer combined arms are fun, quite effective on theory, but guess what 120 just wipe them all.
MHT or Stuka? It doesn't matter, that thing can survive with one dude left. Even all six are dead, just pick it up back, Squadwipe™ continues, forever and ever, Amen.

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1
You can still go to post office, just remember to bring your smartphone and teamviewer switching the HE/AP round.
I don't care what they say, but Soviet are truly the bullshit heritage of the abusive part of Brit, PE and US and Wehr.
Cons, spam uncrushable, very durable sandbag everywhere at vital points, German can't win unless outnumbering it. OKW Volks sandbag? Does it last for 2 mins?
Clowncars, fucking BC and Roos, from Brit.
Wehr Volks depends on their sandbag helping their survival, but NOT making them 2X more durable.
Every Soviet squads (and Fusiliers), 6 men squad, never need to afraid getting one shot by AOE until the very late game. Meanwhile, Grens, Ober, all German support weapon, getting themselves one shot 24/7.
82mm and 120mm, precision strike is the greatest bullshit ever. See a squad capping? See a MG or german mortar you want to take out? Pay munition and a click, or just sit there, alt-tabbing out, switching tune in iTunes, done. All experienced guy dead. #Esport
And Relic think German mortar count-barrage means something in this mortar warfare, ROFL.
Guards, new Obers, period. Oh yeah, remember your Great wall of sandbag?
Shocks, six men KCH, never changed.
T-34/85, best medium tank in the games, come without even need to tech, arrive on battlefield even faster than Panthers, come with marked target. I thought PE panther groups call in was abusive enough, dude. At least PE need to tech all structures. Soviet don't even need to get a damn T3/T4. And it come with a stupid click bumping even MOAR damage.
ISU, anti-all units, I proved it is bullshit by trolling Stephenn 9 Cons, no tech into 2 ISUs 18 months ago. And guess what? No one cares. (And Lenny doing this now 24/7 I heard?)
IS2, able to bounce panthers, tiger, Pak40, Tiger Ace shell 24/7, and some dudes out there asking more buff to it.
Call me a Axis fanboy, I don't care. That's my feeling about this game.
When playing Soviet, it is like playing without needing your brain working.
Spam 4 Cons, or T1 clownars, call in 2 Guards/Shocks, call some 120 behind shot blockers for free Squadwipe™ (NEVER NEED TO MICRO BECAUSE THEY NEVER DIE), tech for T70 or Kat, spam some fuel cache. Repeat calling in ISU/T3485, A move (or just move) until you win.
There is absolutely zero strategy at all.
Meanwhile playing Germans is so frustrating, Squadwipe™ happens 24/7 by AOE NO MATTER how you micro them, because guys love hugging each other. Ostheer combined arms are fun, quite effective on theory, but guess what 120 just wipe them all.
MHT or Stuka? It doesn't matter, that thing can survive with one dude left. Even all six are dead, just pick it up back, Squadwipe™ continues, forever and ever, Amen.
The funniest thing of all is that all these soviet lovers are still saying that OKW is OP (lol) or their beloved faction is to weak, because cons "suck", because T34/76 is to shitty curently, and so on. I guess PTRS is Up now too. Just lol.

Posts: 2779

Posts: 670
You can still go to post office, just remember to bring your smartphone and teamviewer switching the HE/AP round.
I don't care what they say, but Soviet are truly the bullshit heritage of the abusive part of Brit, PE and US and Wehr.
Cons, spam uncrushable, very durable sandbag everywhere at vital points, German can't win unless outnumbering it. OKW Volks sandbag? Does it last for 2 mins?
Clowncars, fucking BC and Roos, from Brit.
Wehr Volks depends on their sandbag helping their survival, but NOT making them 2X more durable.
Every Soviet squads (and Fusiliers), 6 men squad, never need to afraid getting one shot by AOE until the very late game. Meanwhile, Grens, Ober, all German support weapon, getting themselves one shot 24/7.
82mm and 120mm, precision strike is the greatest bullshit ever. See a squad capping? See a MG or german mortar you want to take out? Pay munition and a click, or just sit there, alt-tabbing out, switching tune in iTunes, done. All experienced guy dead. #Esport
And Relic think German mortar count-barrage means something in this mortar warfare, ROFL.
Guards, new Obers, period. Oh yeah, remember your Great wall of sandbag?
Shocks, six men KCH, never changed.
T-34/85, best medium tank in the games, come without even need to tech, arrive on battlefield even faster than Panthers, come with marked target. I thought PE panther groups call in was abusive enough, dude. At least PE need to tech all structures. Soviet don't even need to get a damn T3/T4. And it come with a stupid click bumping even MOAR damage.
ISU, anti-all units, I proved it is bullshit by trolling Stephenn 9 Cons, no tech into 2 ISUs 18 months ago. And guess what? No one cares. (And Lenny doing this now 24/7 I heard?)
IS2, able to bounce panthers, tiger, Pak40, Tiger Ace shell 24/7, and some dudes out there asking more buff to it.
Call me a Axis fanboy, I don't care. That's my feeling about this game.
When playing Soviet, it is like playing without needing your brain working.
Spam 4 Cons, or T1 clownars, call in 2 Guards/Shocks, call some 120 behind shot blockers for free Squadwipe™ (NEVER NEED TO MICRO BECAUSE THEY NEVER DIE), tech for T70 or Kat, spam some fuel cache. Repeat calling in ISU/T3485, A move (or just move) until you win.
There is absolutely zero strategy at all.
Meanwhile playing Germans is so frustrating, Squadwipe™ happens 24/7 by AOE NO MATTER how you micro them, because guys love hugging each other. Ostheer combined arms are fun, quite effective on theory, but guess what 120 just wipe them all.
MHT or Stuka? It doesn't matter, that thing can survive with one dude left. Even all six are dead, just pick it up back, Squadwipe™ continues, forever and ever, Amen.
Now this is a cancerous post.
The funniest thing of all is that all these soviet lovers are still saying that OKW is OP (lol) or their beloved faction is to weak, because cons "suck", because T34/76 is to shitty curently, and so on. I guess PTRS is Up now too. Just lol.
OKW is no more OP, just bad designed, while more /75s means less /85s. Would it be bad for you, Axis Only Player™?
It is also quite funny and depressing at the same time seeing Relic making second Axis faction ridicously OP and bad designed in both games, then nerfed and only bad designed.

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8
And the Blitzkrieg of panthers, tigers were supposed to be the counterplay of the noob-friendly stupid one click and win mark target, got nerfed into nothing but 30 muni into trash can, AGAIN.
Still beats what soviet armor gets for vet, still allows for speedy retreats, unchanged for 100% of medium tanks.
Blitz was never meant to be free out of jail card, which it always was.
And please, tell me, what is supposed counterplay for OKW mark target of command panther against soviet armor? Are they supposed to cap points to death?
You want a good example of noob friendly click and win ability?
Try Combat blitz and blitzkrieg or command panther much stronger mark target(the panther also happens to spot for itself).
You can be axis fanboy all you want, but don't be a hypocrite at least.
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