With last tourney I meant star crossed cup. It got 600 viewers in the finals which is really good.
One thing I have noticed in coh2 is that streaming is a lot bigger now than it was in coh1. Nowadays some streams will often get close to 200 viewers whereas before you could get 100 at most.
A few years ago not everyone could stream with his internet or computer. Also the old CoH1 Stream Website wasnt so popular than Coh2.org.
And i think the last Sesion of SNF had around 1.6K Viewers in the Finals. and Helping Hanz had in CoH1 around 100~150Viewers in the End.
Just look at Gamereplays on the hall of fame replays they got downloaded around 4000times. Peak is 7000k. and than look into Coh2.org replay section. In Coh1 they were more focued on replays not in livestreams.
And even now the last CoH1 Turney had around 150-200Viewers. And if Inverse is streaming around 70Viewers. If i play 1v1 or 2v2At i also get around 70Viewers.
CoH2 has a lot of newplayers. I rly think 80% of coh2 playerbase are new, they didnt even tried to play CoH1 and they dont know a really good RTS like CoH1. 10% is just playin because in Coh1 u need ages for getting a good game. 10% because they played all the time Britts in CoH1 and love the blobbin in CoH2.
Many Many german CoH1 players who playin CoH2 atm sayin me the same. Coh2 isnt good but its better than waiting in Coh1 for enemys.
CoH2 has more players than CoH1 because CoH2 is easy to play. Its all about the Blobbs --- RNG.
CoH1 1v1 or 2v2 was about Strat´s about Teamplay. CoH2 1v1 is what Unit is Overpowering atm NOTHING ells. Same Story in 2v2.
I was watching many CoH2 Turneycast and they all the same *****. There is no Strat no Early Mid Late Game.
And look at your CoH2 " highPro´s" the only one who played on topniveu is BartonPl( btw i think he also dont like CoH2) all others just lowbobs or mid or wanna be experts
I rly think if the hole new Coh2 Community would watch the old SNF CoH1 they would say yes CoH1 is more interisting to watch/play...
For Sovjets its only: before the Call In ; After the Callin.
I played a lot of CoH2 and i would love to say when i lost a game. The Enemy played better but... NO.
You ve the same problems on every new RTS game. Just look at MoW AssaultSquad 2 its the same Story.
and im not sure but CoH2 has around 6k-9k Playerbase and CoH1 on the old server was around 5-6 Peak was on 11K. Im not talkin about the Steam CoH1 im talkin about the good old server RIP.
Coh2 stats
The coh1 Steam has around 2k, okay 80% are well not very good.
Coh1 Steam stats
What CoH1 rly need is just more "good" Players in 1v1 and 2v2. So u dont ve to play all the time vs brainlezz Sniperspamm bs.