
russian armor

USF wishes for patch

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30 Mar 2015, 15:04 PM
avatar of ☭ Калашникова ☭

Posts: 322

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Mar 2015, 14:53 PMKatitof

Siberian(I think, not 100% sure) recently killed Jackson frontally with vet3 Ost puma :snfPeter:

I saw that it was legit. (I wish ost puma was viable in team games)
If you catch the Jackson off guard and lock its turret you will kill it.
But other then that i try to avoid Jackson's with it :foreveralone:
30 Mar 2015, 15:06 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Except Rifles have higher DPS than both of those infantry units, and Fuss cost more than Rifles.

Rememebr when I asked you to check thing before saying something? Well, here's the thing. Fusiliers have better DPS than Rifles at 15+. Rifles have better ar 15-.

And it's funny cause you have said many times that "if you lose Jackson to schrecks/Pz4... etc.... cause of higher range" but now you are saying that Puma with higer range and selfspoting is diying to any medium. Double standards or what?
30 Mar 2015, 15:10 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Rememebr when I asked you to check thing before saying something? Well, here's the thing. Fusiliers have better DPS than Rifles at 15+. Rifles have better ar 15-.

And it's funny cause you have said many times that "if you lose Jackson to schrecks/Pz4... etc.... cause of higher range" but now you are saying that Puma with higer range and selfspoting is diying to any medium. Double standards or what?

The Puma has 10 more range than a medium, while a Jackson has 20 more range than a medium. And Pfuss having better long range DPS isn't really that amazing when they cost about the same and most fights take place at sub 10 range anyway. If OKW didn't have such a huge MP float thanks to no spending options they wouldn't be as amazing.
30 Mar 2015, 15:21 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
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Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

The P2 can win games if they're isn't enough AT or it avoids a mine and wipes multiple squads on retreat. So not being able to get a panther a few mins later is irrelevant if you are forced to give up the flanks or lose all your infantry.

And rifles lose to folks in the big picture because there are more volks than rifles and volks have the benefit of retreating to a damn fortress to further dominate rifles for their cost,

Once they vet,even a little bit,t they can resist even LMG rifles until other numerous squads arrive to help

unless they spend muni and fuel ON DOUBLE BARS(because one has no noticeable effect)which makes them cost disproportionately more. And then obers shit all over that mechanic

DPS comparison is a fucking lie unless you're fighting in a vacuum. just having a 1v1 gun fight at range with both in proper cover will take ages for rifles to win unless there both standing in red cover looking each other in the eye and smellin each other's breath. Which doesn't happen. Unless it's Stalingrad or something similar. Hats the only time rifles truly dominate anything. Losing 2-3 models and health and not being able to fight the inevitable next squad is not dominating anything.

sturms are well balanced because they beat rifles when used properly and with skill and ability usage, and get murdered when used idiotically with no brains like Volks are used 90% of the time.
You also bleed thanks to reinforce cost.
30 Mar 2015, 15:24 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

The Puma has 10 more range than a medium, while a Jackson has 20 more range than a medium. And Pfuss having better long range DPS isn't really that amazing when they cost about the same and most fights take place at sub 10 range anyway. If OKW didn't have such a huge MP float thanks to no spending options they wouldn't be as amazing.

When was the last time you saw Jackson fightning medium like Pz4?
The only unit with 40 range is Tiger but it has good survability. Jackson usually fights with 60 range Jadgpanzer or 50 range Panther so it's 10 more, just like Puma vs medium so again... Double standards?
30 Mar 2015, 16:04 PM
avatar of kamk
Donator 11

Posts: 764

It isnt a weird vaccum example and is in the conext of refuting Alexs many false claims. Primarily in this post around Tech costs. USF has one of the highest. In a 1v1 assuming equal map control the USF may get upwards of 100-120 more fuel on average assuming a game lasting 20 mins then OKW depending on if its the Size of Kholdney or Minsk so please stop with the OMG FUEL STARVED! i.e if you control the map and kill a single Medium no more fuel advantage for USF. So to enjoy this benefit they must lose 0 armored units all game long AND the USF player must not go Captain.

Further in 1v1 going directly to Panther is very common for OKW. And it usually arrives shortly after the first Sherman in most games. And depending on Map control and I know youll find this HARD to BELIEVE! But OKW can have superior map control and have the Panther arrive at the same time as the Sherman. Its rare but it happens. Either way 1 Sherman is going to do 0 to a Panther with that 1-2 min difference anyway.

BTW JP4s focus sites are not vet related. Go load up cheat mod and test for yourself. IT GETS BETTER with Vet. And even then its not even as good as the SU85s. Again if you are going to argue stats please check them first.

The fuel advantage is over the course of the whole game, it does not matter if it's 5 or 50 minutes long.
And i'm not saying "OMG FUEL STARVED", i'm saying that it has an impact on OKW is supposed to be played, and obviously on unit cost. That it currently doesn't work as intended is another story.
It btw. isn't just 1-2 minutes, it's around 5-6 till the Panther arrives, your second Sherman could also arrive (fuel wise, mp wise is another deal).

Again, even if you lose a medium, you still have the fuel advantage, it doesn't magically change. Just at this one point in your vacuum example you "lost it". A minute later you got it again.
But that's like running 4 Volks into a Demo, and saying you got MP problems.

It still does not self spot as claimed by you, once it reaches vet2 it does.

Touché, at least use compareable unit costs if you do vacuum examples for a time index.

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Mar 2015, 15:21 PMEsxile

So it cost less. OKW panther comes way faster in the field than Ostheer one, so at the end OKW is never late in his teching, it is quite the opposite actually since OKW can deploy his T4 faster than any other faction. OKW isn't starving of anything.

Anyway, the only wish is to have from this patch is balance stuff, 6 months to build it is quite a lot and we are clearly in right to expect something working and bug free.

Fuel wise OKW Panther is slightly more pricy than the OST one, MP wise it's waaaay cheaper.

Soviet T4 can be the fastest btw., fuel and mp wise.

The main difference is: after the first Panther it becomes way more expensive, which isn't really a bad thing, considering you basically get a free defensive building, access to the best AI inf, and "save" a huge amount of MP while doing so.

Anyways, for the original patch wishes: i wish USF wouldn't be so damn heavy on the baby sitting part.
30 Mar 2015, 16:18 PM
avatar of JHeartless

Posts: 1637

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Mar 2015, 16:04 PMkamk

It still does not self spot as claimed by you, once it reaches vet2 it does.

Except I just showed you that it has 10 more site range then any other Medium or Heavy tank in game. It can see to range 40 at Vet 0. All other armor in that class see out to 30....

If you are driving a Sherman down the road the JP4 unsupported will see it first and get the first shot advantage.

The SU85 can see farther only when its movement is nerfed through focus sites. The imapact of the fuel advantage will not kick in until late game. Period as USF needs to pay more fuel while starting with less to Tech. And again that advantage only amounts to about one more tank with equal map control. Its not like USF gets 33% more tanks!

The reality of the impact of this advantage is incredibly small. Alot smaller then people make it out to be. And OKW isnt lacking in infantry that Allies require Tanks to do (Ober/Shrek blobs)
30 Mar 2015, 16:34 PM
avatar of kamk
Donator 11

Posts: 764

Except I just showed you that it has 10 more site range then any other Medium or Heavy tank in game. It can see to range 40 at Vet 0. All other armor in that class see out to 30....

If you are driving a Sherman down the road the JP4 unsupported will see it first and get the first shot advantage.

The SU85 can see farther only when its movement is nerfed through focus sites. The imapact of the fuel advantage will not kick in until late game. Period as USF needs to pay more fuel while starting with less to Tech. And again that advantage only amounts to about one more tank with equal map control. Its not like USF gets 33% more tanks!

The reality of the impact of this advantage is incredibly small. Alot smaller then people make it out to be. And OKW isnt lacking in infantry that Allies require Tanks to do (Ober/Shrek blobs)

Okay, so the 10 meters difference of forward sight range makes the OP difference to you?
Not the fact that a JP4 is a designated TD, which costs around 60mp and 90 fuel more, has no turret, and no other purpose than... obv. hunting tanks.

And why you would drive around with an unsupported Sherman on a lonely road, driving to the front of a JP4, and then just sit there, is absolutely beyond my understanding.

Fuel wise they could get way more than 33%, and they mostly do.
(also, a 66% income doesn't equal 33% more for the other faction)
30 Mar 2015, 16:48 PM
avatar of JHeartless

Posts: 1637

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Mar 2015, 16:34 PMkamk

Okay, so the 10 meters difference of forward sight range makes the OP difference to you?
Not the fact that a JP4 is a designated TD, which costs around 60mp and 90 fuel more, has no turret, and no other purpose than... obv. hunting tanks.

And why you would drive around with an unsupported Sherman on a lonely road, driving to the front of a JP4, and then just sit there, is absolutely beyond my understanding.

Fuel wise they could get way more than 33%, and they mostly do.
(also, a 66% income doesn't equal 33% more for the other faction)

Where exactly did I say the JPIV was OP? I didnt. Alex said it has no stats that are better then the Panther and implies that the Jackson is the most effective Tank Destroyer. When in fact the JP4 has MANY stats that are better than the Panthers and is a good Tank Destroyer in its own right. Its is almost a 100% mirror to the Pak40 but immune to Infantry. It has lesser Pen of course but against USF that doesnt matter. Its just not was easy to use so there you go. Use it as a Pak and support it like a Pak and your golden.

On the Sherman note yes NO ONE EVER has any reason in any game to give chase to anything with a Sherman. Shermans are ALWAYS going to be used behind an infantry screen in EVERY case! Please...

We can argue all day. I have shown what the actual lack of fuels impact. About 1 more tank. That is the point and the point is proven. If having one more tank is such an impact to justify just about better EVERYTHING else then ok. I dont think it does personally.
30 Mar 2015, 16:54 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

The P2 can win games if they're isn't enough AT or it avoids a mine and wipes multiple squads on retreat. So not being able to get a panther a few mins later is irrelevant if you are forced to give up the flanks or lose all your infantry.

And rifles lose to folks in the big picture because there are more volks than rifles and volks have the benefit of retreating to a damn fortress to further dominate rifles for their cost,

Once they vet,even a little bit,t they can resist even LMG rifles until other numerous squads arrive to help

unless they spend muni and fuel ON DOUBLE BARS(because one has no noticeable effect)which makes them cost disproportionately more. And then obers shit all over that mechanic

DPS comparison is a fucking lie unless you're fighting in a vacuum. just having a 1v1 gun fight at range with both in proper cover will take ages for rifles to win unless there both standing in red cover looking each other in the eye and smellin each other's breath. Which doesn't happen. Unless it's Stalingrad or something similar. Hats the only time rifles truly dominate anything. Losing 2-3 models and health and not being able to fight the inevitable next squad is not dominating anything.

sturms are well balanced because they beat rifles when used properly and with skill and ability usage, and get murdered when used idiotically with no brains like Volks are used 90% of the time.
You also bleed thanks to reinforce cost.

The P2 is good at it's job, this isn't an issue. The issue is that the Stuart needs to be redone and the T70 needs more health.

There are more Volks than Rifles because Volks are cheaper, but they are also effective filler, they aren't your DPS. You use them to screen for your real hard hitters. Rifles are your mainline unit and you can actually upgrade their anti infantry DPS.

And once they vet up, they still get owned by LMG rifles because LMG's are very good right now. Volks are basically all you have unless you spam call in infantry, which isn't a smart idea.

The DPS comparison isn't a lie, most maps are small and filled with cover letting you get right in an enemy's face to do the most amount of DPS you can, and Volks are 5 models just like Rifles, every loss of a model for Volks is equal in a model loss for rifles since in each case your losing 1/5th of your DPS. And when Volks are upgraded with the shrek they lose 1/5 of their AI dps anyway.

Sturms are expensive because they have very good close range DPS that falls of as you get into medium range. They are basically your only way have discouraging rifles from just running into your Volks and out DPSing them. Sturms don't really require that much more skill, don't charge them at enemy ranged squad's, not really much of a hard thinking task there.

When was the last time you saw Jackson fightning medium like Pz4?
The only unit with 40 range is Tiger but it has good survability. Jackson usually fights with 60 range Jadgpanzer or 50 range Panther so it's 10 more, just like Puma vs medium so again... Double standards?

The Jackson is normally fighting Panthers/Tigers because people don't make PzIV's anymore thanks to the Jackson itself. And no it's not normally facing JPIV's because the JPIV as I said earlier is just a shittier Panther, if you can make a Schwer there is no reason to go for it. The Puma's strength is it's mobility, but it's pen isn't fantastic and at the end of the day it's still an armored car.

It's not double standards, the Puma doesn't do 240 damage, nor does it cost the same as a Jackson. The two are incomparable.

The SU85 can see farther only when its movement is nerfed through focus sites. The imapact of the fuel advantage will not kick in until late game. Period as USF needs to pay more fuel while starting with less to Tech. And again that advantage only amounts to about one more tank with equal map control. Its not like USF gets 33% more tanks!

Think about it like a race, OKW starts with a lead but is slower meaning that USF and OKW get to the finish line about the same time. The issue with OKW however is that you shouldn't give a faction a fuel penalty and then no medium tanks resulting in OKW either being stuck making very light easy to kill vehicles, or big monstrous heavy's that cost a fuckload.

If OKW had a analogue to the Sherman or T34 in Tech 2 you might see less fuckery with Panthers. They could add in the PIV Ausf J at 105 fuel.
30 Mar 2015, 17:01 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Where exactly did I say the JPIV was OP? I didnt. Alex said it has no stats that are better then the Panther and implies that the Jackson is the most effective Tank Destroyer. When in fact the JP4 has MANY stats that are better than the Panthers and is a good Tank Destroyer in its own right. Its is almost a 100% mirror to the Pak40 but immune to Infantry. It has lesser Pen of course but against USF that doesnt matter. Its just not was easy to use so there you go. Use it as a Pak and support it like a Pak and your golden.

On the Sherman note yes NO ONE EVER has any reason in any game to give chase to anything with a Sherman. Shermans are ALWAYS going to be used behind an infantry screen in EVERY case! Please...

We can argue all day. I have shown what the actual lack of fuels impact. About 1 more tank. That is the point and the point is proven. If having one more tank is such an impact to justify just about better EVERYTHING else then ok. I dont think it does personally.

The game doesn't work in a perfect vacuum. Both USF and Soviets can make caches to improve income and Soviets can avoid having to spend fuel on teching at all by using call in.

The JPIV has less armor and health, less mobility, and less pen than the Panther. While this makes sense as the JPIV is 135 fuel and the Panther 175, the reduced OKW fuel income makes building the JPIV undesirable because it delays you ability to counter enemy blobs because you won't have Flak HT/P2/Obers/Sturmtiger.

The problem the JPIV faces the most honestly is it's shit tier mobility, meaning you can't reposition it to effectively fight the fast and agile allied mediums it's supposed to be dealing with.
30 Mar 2015, 17:09 PM
avatar of JHeartless

Posts: 1637

The game doesn't work in a perfect vacuum. Both USF and Soviets can make caches to improve income and Soviets can avoid having to spend fuel on teching at all by using call in.

The JPIV has less armor and health, less mobility, and less pen than the Panther. While this makes sense as the JPIV is 135 fuel and the Panther 175, the reduced OKW fuel income makes building the JPIV undesirable because it delays you ability to counter enemy blobs because you won't have Flak HT/P2/Obers/Sturmtiger.

The problem the JPIV faces the most honestly is it's shit tier mobility, meaning you can't reposition it to effectively fight the fast and agile allied mediums it's supposed to be dealing with.

I never said it was desirable. Because players like certain advantages over others. Mobility and Health/Armor are the Top desires as it makes it easier to preserve your investment. But that doesnt mean that there arent merits in other units that live outside those preferred stats.

The Pak40 is a perfect analogy as it too is slow to move and requires protection. But both units AT DPS are almost identical as is range.

On the less armor part I would LOVE to have that crap armor on a Sherman....Armor 230

Sherman? 160
Easy 8? 215

Combined with being as small as a T70 causing alot of misses. That is not bad at all. Only thing against it is its casemate.
30 Mar 2015, 17:18 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

I never said it was desirable. Because players like certain advantages over others. Mobility and Health/Armor are the Top desires as it makes it easier to preserve your investment. But that doesnt mean that there arent merits in other units that live outside those preferred stats.

The Pak40 is a perfect analogy as it too is slow to move and requires protection. But both units AT DPS are almost identical as is range.

On the less armor part I would LOVE to have that crap armor on a Sherman....Armor 230

Sherman? 160
Easy 8? 215

Combined with being as small as a T70 causing alot of misses. That is not bad at all. Only thing against it is its casemate.

If a unit is to expensive nobody will use it even if it could be reasonably called "good". And the less armor is quite important, since it means that it can easily get penned by enemy AT guns like the ZiS as well as enemy TD's.

The Pak40 has the advantage of being arguably more mobile as it can turn faster, it also doesn't cost fuel.

What the JPIV needs is a increase in mobility, or maybe being brought to T0 while the Rackten is put on T1.
30 Mar 2015, 17:23 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
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Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

DPS comparing is assuming everything is in a vacuum.

quit throwing bullshit fodder stats at me to improve your bullshit argument without accounting for the big picture.

I don't care if volks do more DPS than re echelons at range 32.4 blah blab blah. WHO CARES.


YEAH they're actually vulnerable to a giant blob of LMGs, which becomes useless when obers and Luchs comes.No shit



There is no question volks are the best starting infantry in the game. Denying that and acting like theyre just this totally weak squad to LMGs only fortifies the fact that you will live and die by your beloved OKW love train, only one more day. Might want to get your remaining free wins in while you still can.
30 Mar 2015, 17:29 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

DPS comparing is assuming everything is in a vacuum.

quit throwing bullshit fodder stats at me to improve your bullshit argument without accounting for the big picture.

I don't care if volks do more DPS than re echelons at range 32.4 blah blab blah. WHO CARES.


YEAH they're actually vulnerable to a giant blob of LMGs, which becomes useless when obers and Luchs comes.No shit



There is no question volks are the best starting infantry in the game. Denying that and acting like theyre just this totally weak squad to LMGs only fortifies the fact that you will live and die by your beloved OKW love train, only one more day. Might want to get your remaining free wins in while you still can.

Except that Allied early game strengths derive entirely from the fact Volks cannot out scale or out DPS mainline allied infantry till the Volks squad in question hits Vet 3. Stop ignoring the fact that Volks cost less MP and popcap, but they preform worse, this is how the entire game is designed.

Are Soviets now 2OP because cons are easier to reinforce and produce than Grens?

LMG rifles and Paras are not useless when Obers come out, because you have enough LMG's to ruin his day still. The Luchs will come around the same time your producing your first medium to counter it, so just chase it off when it gets to close. Or make an AT gun, or drop one in, or give one of your Rifles 2 zooks to shoo it away.

The Schwer doesn't "map lock" any harder or earlier than USF can with FP spam, which if you haven't tried is quite fun and extremely good at establishing and keeping map presence. OKW has the Schwer because it has no defensive emplacements like USF and Ost do, and no demos like Soviets do.

30 Mar 2015, 17:35 PM
avatar of Volsky

Posts: 344

-Knock Rifles down to 4 men,

-Force the player to click a button to deploy the AAHT and fire its 37 mm.

-Reduce the Jackson's range by 10 and change nothing else; this will allow Axis T3 to charge up to it and derp it much easier.

I'm serious. Just give these guys what they want and then wait for the QQ about how they can't get a single game ever as the Axis. Then we can finally explore some actual balance changes. But I'm utterly serious about my points--do it, let's see how far we can neuter the Allies before people start seeing reason.
30 Mar 2015, 17:37 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Mar 2015, 17:35 PMVolsky
-Knock Rifles down to 4 men,

-Force the player to click a button to deploy the AAHT and fire its 37 mm.

-Reduce the Jackson's range by 10 and change nothing else; this will allow Axis T3 to charge up to it and derp it much easier.

I'm serious. Just give these guys what they want and then wait for the QQ about how they can't get a single game ever as the Axis. Then we can finally explore some actual balance changes. But I'm utterly serious about my points--do it, let's see how far we can neuter the Allies before people start seeing reason.

Make USF just like Ostheer? Hell, I'm game.
30 Mar 2015, 17:49 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
Admin Red  Badge
Patrion 314

Posts: 10665 | Subs: 9

We are indeed fortunate if the Strategy Section has now awoken from its slumber, with the infusion of new blood :)

For that reason, it is perhaps helpful if I remind posters, that if Strategy Specialists lend their time to help us understand the mechanics of the game, I do not want to see less gifted posters try out their e-peen, by imprudently challenging the advice they are given.

We are all equal, but some are more equal than others.

There is nothing wrong at all by asking a Strategy Specialist questions, or discussing a point politely. I am sure they would welcome it.

But it is highly annoying, to put the matter at its lowest, if a self-opinionated poster bangs off as if they know it all: it is both impolite, ignorant, and wastes all our time. I want our Strategy Specialists to stay in the forums and help you all, rather than turn their backs and concentrate on their game play.

For that reason, I am asking some of you to show more respect when posting. I have ways of enforcing this, if some disruptive posts continue to prevail.

30 Mar 2015, 17:51 PM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

Except that Allied early game strengths derive entirely from the fact Volks cannot out scale or out DPS mainline allied infantry till the Volks squad in question hits Vet 3. Stop ignoring the fact that Volks cost less MP and popcap, but they preform worse, this is how the entire game is designed.

Are Soviets now 2OP because cons are easier to reinforce and produce than Grens?

LMG rifles and Paras are not useless when Obers come out, because you have enough LMG's to ruin his day still. The Luchs will come around the same time your producing your first medium to counter it, so just chase it off when it gets to close. Or make an AT gun, or drop one in, or give one of your Rifles 2 zooks to shoo it away.

The Schwer doesn't "map lock" any harder or earlier than USF can with FP spam, which if you haven't tried is quite fun and extremely good at establishing and keeping map presence. OKW has the Schwer because it has no defensive emplacements like USF and Ost do, and no demos like Soviets do.

Yeah next to OKW soviets aren't exacly struggling to win in any mode vs any faction

Cons spam will destroy everything Ost has early on and the only reason sovs don't do it to OKW Is overs and T4 flak.

Don't folks get a received accuracy buff at fucking vet 1? Or are you gonna throw more DPS notes at me?

So should I get MOAr moar moar LMG?? or plant enough M6 mines to not get all my rifles impaled with 20mm rounds? A Sherman will NOT come out at the same time as a Lucas unless the American had won already. And even then you are floating enough that you can get a luchs,double raks, and obviously your shriek blob so yeah please chase that Luchs, lose your Sherman,and fall even more behind.

ONE PUMA OR EVEN A FLAK HT will destroy any number of fighting positions with impunity. Keep posting shit, and while you're at it wipe off your fingers and enter key with some baby wipes.

I don't know why I even attempt to have a real discussion with you..even now to this day NOT ONE 1v1 RECORDED
30 Mar 2015, 18:01 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

We are indeed fortunate if the Strategy Section has now awoken from its slumber, with the infusion of new blood :)

For that reason, it is perhaps helpful if I remind posters, that if Strategy Specialists lend their time to help us understand the mechanics of the game, I do not want to see less gifted posters try out their e-peen, by imprudently challenging the advice they are given.

We are all equal, but some are more equal than others.

There is nothing wrong at all by asking a Strategy Specialist questions, or discussing a point politely. I am sure they would welcome it.

But it is highly annoying, to put the matter at its lowest, if a self-opinionated poster bangs off as if they know it all: it is both impolite, ignorant, and wastes all our time. I want our Strategy Specialists to stay in the forums and help you all, rather than turn their backs and concentrate on their game play.

For that reason, I am asking some of you to show more respect when posting. I have ways of enforcing this, if some disruptive posts continue to prevail.

Except he is the one typing in all caps and insulting me, so the reverse is true in this situation.

Cons spam will destroy everything Ost has early on and the only reason sovs don't do it to OKW Is overs and T4 flak.

Con Spam is far more powerful against OKW thanks to the options you have to squad wipe early on in the game as well as the fact OKW trucks are no issue thanks to satchels, early AT guns, and indirect fire.

Versus Ostheer it's a little less good, thanks to Grens being more balanced towards con's compared to Volks.

Don't folks get a received accuracy buff at fucking vet 1? Or are you gonna throw more DPS notes at me?

Yes but until you hit and surpass Vet 3 Cons and Rifles will still be ahead of you survivability and DPS wise. The strength of the additional levels of Vet is it allows Volks to get ahead.

So should I get MOAr moar moar LMG?? or plant enough M6 mines to not get all my rifles impaled with 20mm rounds? A Sherman will NOT come out at the same time as a Lucas unless the American had won already. And even then you are floating enough that you can get a luchs,double raks, and obviously your shriek blob so yeah please chase that Luchs, lose your Sherman,and fall even more behind.

If both of you hold equal territory a Luchs will come out slightly before you get your first medium. But it still is best used for good impact when it hits the field and then later it is best used for supporting your infantry.

The question here isn't "Do we nerf the P2" it's "Why have we not buffed the Stuart yet?"

ONE PUMA OR EVEN A FLAK HT will destroy any number of fighting positions with impunity. Keep posting shit, and while you're at it wipe off your fingers and enter key with some baby wipes.

Except the Flak HT takes damage from HMG's like the .50 cal, sitting a Flak HT in front of a FP is not a smart idea. And yes a Puma will take care of it, but he has to waste that 70 fuel on it and you can negate his purchase with an AT gun or a captain or just 2 zooks.

FP spam is great for early game domination since the Rackten can't hit shit and it insta supress's volks. If you force him to go T2, then fantastic, no forward retreat point or healing for him!

I don't know why I even attempt to have a real discussion with you..even now to this day NOT ONE 1v1 RECORDED

USF is the best faction in the game in 1v1, don't need to play it to know that. So I assumed you were talking about larger game modes. :)
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