For the same reason why 280 mp assault engineer squad have it?
Ass Engies repair faster than regular engineers. So no, they don't have 170 MP repairs. And neither should Assault Pioneers.
Garden me... T3 was designed like that, because OKW was getting 200% income from 3 potions where trucks were converted. This feature no longer exists in game.
It can kill HE Sherman, it's equal to T34/76 and can melt SU-76.
What's more, COH is about capping points. With battle is on the right side, you send 1-2 squads to cap left side. But there you find T3 and the whole capping system is dead.
They kept the Flak Gun on T3 (And they actually
nerfed it's pen a few patches ago) because it's the most important OKW building and without it you can't get access to your most powerful units.
Placing it on a cut off or fuel point allows you to spread your forces and engage the enemy while keeping a reliable fuel income, which is
vital for OKW more than any faction due to the fact OKW has fuel prices as high as any other faction, but lowered income.
While at the start of the game you might not feel the pressure, later on if you haven't had fuel for a while you will just get pistol whipped when you have 1 Panther or none and your facing off against 2 shermans or some Scotts.
Enginners? Really? Cause when I said that vetted Engis cannot have better vet than pure combat Paras, you said they are not engis.
And they should cause they have insane DPS and utility in the early game.
Stuka needs health nerf.
Kubel on maps like Minsk Pocket is OP like hell when microed well.
It forces you to go for M3 or M20.
How the garden T0 cheapet unit can force to tier? 
Sturms are effective because they are expensive to build and expensive to reinforce, and they wipe easy thanks for being a 4 man squad. They are seriously not an issue, if you need faster repairs as soviets make a second engineer, trust me it's quite good. I always 2 engineers so I can spam demo's/mines faster anyway.
1. I belive OKW and OST Panthers have separated files so changing OKW wont touch OST.
2. That's why OKW should get Stug III instead of Luchs or something else. Pure mid-game unit which can help to survive.
3. I dont get your point about doctrinal Tiger or Ele... IS2 is doctrinal as well and you want to counter it with stock units?
How often do you see Panther from OST player? 2/20? Cause in 1v1 it's like 1/40 games.
Nerfing the fuck out of the OKW Panther isn't going to fix anything, and nor is replacing the Luchs (which is a good tank) with a piece of shit like the StuG III Ausf G going to make anything better for anyone.
If you make the Panther shit people are just going to spam Shreks harder, if you get rid of the Luch's people are going to spam Obers harder.
This isn't a game were people will make subpar units just so you can roll them over because ~reasons~.