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tightrope Shoutcasts

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4 Mar 2015, 09:20 AM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

I'm going to toss my hat into the shoutcasting ring. If you have a replay that you want to be cast either pm me here or send it to tightropegaming@gmail.com. Also I am willing to create highlights for those who don't have game capture, for them please send in details of what/where/when to make things easier.
Highlight Playlist

Live casting on occasion at http://www.twitch.tv/tightropexilo New Zealand timezones (and accent)


1. Miragefla (OH) vs HolySheet (SU)
2. Crazyman64335 (OK) vs OMGPOP! (SU)
3. SturmTigerSage6 (SU) vs BananasInPajamas(OK)
4. Helmut (US) vs Vladislavs (OH)
5. Kenker (OH) & Teitoku (OK) vs HelpingHans (US) & Yuno (US)
6. 4v4 Tomzi(OK), ForrestFunk5(OK), Tannhauser(OK), chinese characters(OK) vs Fortune(SU), HansMoleman(SU), stevebud(SU), Caeltos(SU)
7. [KOR]Azathoth (OH) & DOOM BOOM BOMB (OK) vs nateums (SU) & -HOI-Meganekko (SU)
8. 3v3 DrinkII Clan vs Devlish & TheGreatPumpkin & empirescurropt
9. Iron Emperor (OH) vs Choccy Starfish (SU)
10. BananaInPajamas(OH) & Duffman(OK) vs Cann0nBall(SU) & Katyusha7(SU)
11. Lenny12346 (SU) vs Ninja (OH)
12. cruzz (SU) & Nachtmahr667 (US) vs Sully (OK) & Ninja (OH)
13. it's just luck (SU) & Brix (US) vs 7ruswolf (OH) & Iron Emperor (OH)
14. jove (SU) & The Last of the Mohicans (SU) vs Sully (OK) & Stark (OH)
15. Ninja (OK) & NovSeb (OH) vs Rounce (US) & davschutt1 (SU)
16. Uzmanoy (SU) vs Thunderhun (OK)
17. Sir Dukington (OK) vs Narpason (OH) vs PhoenixReborn (US) & kdech15 (SU)
18. tightrope (OH) vs PzKampfwagenkanone (SU)
19. ronlq (SU) vs Jono (OK)
20. Rootid (SU) & Commissar Lag (US) vs Iron Emperor (OH) & Aerohank (OK)
21. Sage6 (OK) vs Danny (SU)
22. Crazyman64335 (OH) vs dfsCRO (SU)
23. Stormless (OK) vs Gluhoman (US)
24. TheMachine (OH) vs The Last of the Mohicans (SU)
25. Lenny12346 (SU) & Stormless (SU) vs skySHARK (OK) & TugaElite (OH)
26. Vipuks (OH) vs IronFox (SU)
27. Shadowwada (OH) & Wanderer (OK) vs Pop (US) & Blackcurrent (US)
28. SCC3 Series: Korean Army vs cruzz
29. SCC3 Series: ihitto vs dbmb
30. SCC3 Series: Giap vs String Bean
31. GoldenPath (SU) vs TheMachine (OH)
32. tightrope (OH) & Jono (OH) vs CookiezNcreem (US) & commash (US)
33. Ninja (OH) & Tr00per (OK) vs Pop (US) & Blackcurrent (US) (2 matches)
34. Alastor (OH) vs DonnieChan (SU)
35. skySHARK (OH) & Relic Lover (OK) vs Dadobiwan (US) & Adjudant Culay (US)
36. JeViolet (SU) vs VindicareX (OK)
37. Angreifen (OK) vs Andres (SU)
38. Vulpine.L (SU) & Meganekko (SU) vs Xeno (OK) & Qmotion (OK)
39. Tr00per (SU) & Ninja (SU) vs Xeno (OK) & Qmotion (OH)
40. 3v3 tightrope (OH), Devils Brigade (OH) & riorraw (OK) vs HULK (SU) Cow. (SU) & MOist (US)
41. Lenny12346 (SU) vs ZeFish (OK)
42. Lionking (US) vs NordLand (OH)
43. Zuna (OK) vs ShaggyPanda (US)
44. MrYippeeKiYay (SU) & MoaningMinnie (SU) vs Don'tKnow (OK) & Chillycoco (OH)
45. Devils Brigade (US) vs Barbarossa (OK)
46. Gyunwoo (OK) vs TheMachine (SU)
47. Ciez (US) vs God Is An Astronaut (OK)
48. TAW 2v2 Final series Jove & Alastor vs Lemon & Dusty
Patch 23/6/15
49. TheMachine (US) vs Yelv Hao M (OH)
50. Siberian (OK) & VonIvan (OH) vs Lemon (US) & Dusty (US)
51. Imro (SU) & Rootid (SU) vs NoobsShudNotPlayMultiplayer (OK) & Operation Andromeda (OH)
52. CieZ (US) & Brian (SU) vs taNjuuu (OK) & Butcher (OH)
53. [BOB]smile:) (OK) vs kim.Jong.Un (SU)
54. Lenny12346 (SU) vs momo4sho (OK)
55. king99 (OK) vs Rootid (SU)
56. park (US) vs RedxWings (OH)
57. cruzz (US) vs ihitto (OH)
58. Devils Brigade (OH) & Burmie (OH) vs ll l ll l ll ll l (SU) & Virgile Fr (SU)
Patch 21/7/15
59. FaHu (OH) & Fortune (OH) vs Pedobear (US) & Danny (SU)
60. ZarkCloud (OH) vs miragefla (US)
61. Bisu[Shield] (OK) vs PauL.a.D (SU)
62. Iron Emperor (OK) vs DragoN (SU)
63. Rootid (OH) & ILikeCuteBunnies (OK) vs leps046 (SU) & Petrichor (US)
64. l4hti (OK) vs Cyanara (US)
65. wuFF (SU) vs Angreifen (OH)
66. Cataclaw (SU) vs FaHu (OK)
67. Gentlefox (OK) vs ihitto (SU)
68. CookiezNcreem (US) & BarBeCue (SU) vs Surprise (OK) & Lewtid (OH)
69. VonAsten (OK) & Ram1 (OH) vs Kenker (SU) & MoaningMinnie (SU)
70. TheMachine (US) vs VindicareX (OK)
71. Giap (OK) vs Hama (SU)
72. VindicareX (OK) vs Hama (US)
73. tightrope (OH) vs Juan El Stretchy Neck
74. tPI rd1 OMGPOP! vs FaHu
75. tPI rd1 Devils Brigade vs momo4sho
76. tPI rd2 Devils Brigade vs PauL.a.D
77. tPI Finals PauL.a.D vs OMGPOP!
78. zeroEJ (SU) & agentSmithCZ (SU) vs WuFF (OK) & Fortune (OH)
Patch Brits Release 3/9/15
79. PauL.a.D (OH) vs momo4sho (SU)
80. Neff (OH) & Gaddafi (OH) vs GreatSerdj (SU) & Jay (US)
81. kim.jong.un (UK) vs Giap (OK)
82. XinYing (UK) & Rootid (UK) vs plk485 (OH) & Fed by your Dread (OH)
83. Wulpenstein (OK) vs The 9th Flying Toddler Brigade (SU)
Patch 17/9/15
84. Nobody (US) vs Iron Emperor (OK)
85. OCF Quals R2 VonIvan (OH) vs CiniMini (US)
86. OCF Quals R3 VonIvan vs Walther
87. OCF Quals R4 VonIvan vs VonLinden
88. OCF Quals R5 VonIvan vs Marcus2389
89. OCF Quals R6 VonIvan vs Jove
90. OCF Quals R4 Theodosios vs Fortune
91. dfsCRO (SU) vs momo4sho (OK)
92. OCF Winners Bracket R1 Symbiosis vs VindicareX
93. OCF Winners Bracket R2 VindicareX vs Jesulin
94. OCF Winners Bracket R1 PauL.a.D vs DevM
95. OCF Winners Bracket R2 Luvnest vs PauL.a.D
96. Devils Brigade (SU) vs CaptainSPrice (OH)
97. SCC4 R2 cruzz vs Burmie
98. SCC4 R2 Hon3ynuts vs Sage6
99. SCC4 R3 OMGPOP! vs Red Beard
100. tightrope (SU) vs Devils Brigade (OH)
101. Cpt. Tampon (UK) vs Wulpenstein (OK)
102. VonAsten (US) vs BartonPL (OK)
103. kollega (SU) vs Rootid (OH)
104. Danny (SU) & Luvnest (UK) vs Pitt66 (OK) & InSaNiedi (OH)
Patch 29/10/15
105. RoyalHants (UK) vs GentleFox (OH)
106. SdKfz 251 (UK) & Wolf Rider (UK) vs InSaNiedi (OH) & Pitt66 (OK)
107. tightrope (UK) & Burmie (UK) vs nyamo_BRC (OK) henkajumper (OH)
108. Dirk Diggler (UK) & lurk1ng (UK) vs Vetman (OH) & Rootid (OH)
109. FTC4: ASSBAG vs Lyconious
110. MoaningMinnie (SU) & Ash (UK) vs A-Team (OK) & A de gege (OH)
111. Jackas4life (US) vs Ari (OK)
112. Krotentoten (UK) & AbsoluteMachine (SU) vs TuMe (OH) & VonAsten (OK)
113. Uzmanoy (SU) vs GentleFox (OH)
114. Zoobee (UK) vs PauL.a.D (OK)
115. Antillies950 (SU) vs PaoJ (OH)
116. NorthWestFresh (SU) vs Resistance Prime (OK)
117. CPU - NonStandard (US) & AchtAchter (UK) vs Kronosaur0s (OK) & Cactlosio (OH)
patch 3/12/15
118. wheatzend (SU) vs What Doth Life (OK)
119. momo4sho (US) vs CaptainSPrice (OH)
120. Easy Win Easy Life (SU) & Lemon (US) vs Marksnus (OK) & Rootid (OH)
Hotfix 10/12/15
121. Iron Emperor (OK) vs GBPirate (US)
122. tPI2 Semi Final: PauL.a.D vs Burmie
123. tPI2 Final: PauL.a.D vs momo4sho
124. HelpingHans (OK) vs Jove (UK)
125. VindicareX (OH) vs RedxWings (US)
126. Krotentoten (UK) & PaRaNoMiA (UK) vs CrossFire (OK) & Sully (OK)
127. Taras_bike (US) vs CzechMate (SU) vs Santa Claus (OH) & Chow yung fat (OK)
128. VonIvan (SU) vs Luvnest (OH)
129. Burmie (US) vs Dusty (OH)
130. IQ200 (US) vs GBPirate (OK)
131. Lemon (UK) & zzZzzzz (UK) vs Stark (OK) & Sully (OK)
132. Bungjjeubungjjeu (US) & CPU - NonStandard (US) vs Vitor #52 (OK) & Krotentoten (OK)
Patch 14/1/16
133. Overlord (US) vs cruzz (OH)
134. Strategos (US) & TwistedTootsy (OK)
135. fox (UK) & Hobo Santa (UK) vs Calneon (OH) & Sengar (OK)
136. Dusty (UK) vs shadowwada (OH)
137. cblanco (US) & taNjuuu (SU) vs PanzerGeneralForever (OH) & DirtyDog (OK)
138. Looney (US) & Sully (UK) vs Krotentoten (OK) & Gwynbleidd (OK)
139. Jackas4life (UK) & bigmac (US) vs PzKpfw (OH) & Nebuchadnezzar (OH)
140. DevM (SU) vs Heinz Guderian (OK)
141. Lyconious (SU) vs VindicareX (OK)
142. RedxWings (OH) vs Lyconious (SU)
143. Barton (SU) vs cruzz (OK)
144. DarkFurst (SU) vs Blackace (OH)
145. ASSBAG (SU) vs cruzz (OH)
146. Noggano (UK) vs Walther (OH)
147. Pappy O'Daniel (US) & Spearhead (SU) vs CrossFire (OH) & Sully (OK)
148. bigmac (US) & Jackas4life (UK) vs pure (OH) & qrter (OK)
149. Tarkus (US) & Minnie (SU) vs Dezman (OH) & BoCa (OK)
150. PauL.a.D (SU) vs Dusty (OH)
151. Noggano (US) vs cruzz (OH)
152. cruzz (UK) vs Noggano (OH)
153. ESLNA10 RO16 OMGPOP! (US) vs Alexander (OH)
154. ESLNA10 QF VonIvan vs Vindicare
155. ESLNA10 SF PauL.a.D vs momo4sho
156. ESLNA10 Final PauL.a.D vs VonIvan
09/03/16 Veterancy Hotfix
157. ESLNA11 SF VonIvan vs shadowwada
158. ESLNA11 Final PauL.a.D vs shadowwada
159. NvidiaGeforceFTW (SU) & Krotentoten (UK) vs Dimon (OK) & PlatzFichte (OK)
160. Moltke (UK) & flipster (SU) vs Apoticarius (OH) & An2lix (OK)
161. ESLNA12 Final VonIvan vs PauL.a.D
162. ESLNA12 3rd Place RedxWings vs Dusty
163. Outlaw Star (UK) & Kingcoolcat (US) vs Despe (OK) & Foxhound (OH)
164. taNjuuu (UK) & Jihad Mo (UK) vs John Thomke (OK) & passthejelly (OK)
165. Burmie (OH) vs kil4thrilz (UK)
166. MoaningMinnie (SU) & Ash (UK) vs The Mad Hat (OK) & Stormless (OH)
167. Legendary (UK) & Pit66 (UK) vs cblanco (OK) & Kronosaur0s (OK)
07/04/16 Patch
168. fox (UK) & Krotentoten (UK) vs Barsiel (OK) & Dengar Dengar Dengar (OK)
169. XinYing (OH) & Soul_Wehrmacht (OH) vs CattlBruiser (UK) & lurk1ng (UK)
170. Liquid_Spork (UK) & DAWHIPPA (SU) vs Kpen97 (OK) & Immature (OH)
171. Fancy Josh (UK) & hans_sundin (SU) vs because (OH) & why (OK)
172. Movia (UK) & Basti (UK) vs Kovutalli (OK) & Iron Emperor (OK)
173. BattleMoose (OK) vs 365450349 (UK)
174. Maxson (OK) vs Wapoon (US)
27/04/16 patch
175. MilesTeg (SU) & O M N I (US) vs Krotentoten (OK) & Fuck it is Just a game (OK)
176. max1336 (OH) vs Macos (SU)
177. KoreanKimchiSlap (OK) vs Wapoon (US)
178. Competitive Mod HelpingHans (UK) vs Shadowada (OK) Final G2
179. Let Me Down Slow (UK) & Joris (UK) vs Taylor Swift (OH) & HiI'mPaul!69#NWA (OK)
180. NomaFans (OK) vs Burmie (SU)
181. El Polvorilla (OK) vs Hasnotalent (SU)
182. wuff (OK) vs Chanadler Bong (SU)
183. 4v4 Crazy Steppes Showdown
184. Luvnest (UK) & Danny (UK) vs MeSSerVonHinTen (OK) & Sil3nt (OK)
185. Pappy O'Daniel (OK) vs Don'tKnow (UK)
186. vbmars (OH) vs Kpen97 (US)
187. Frost (OK) vs Fortune (SU)
188. DMusicMan (UK) & Luciano (US) vs Tomakaze (OK) & Havoc (OH)
189. Bulgakov (OK) vs Lotus (SU)
190. BonKerS (UK) & mamelskill (SU) vs Luciano (OH) & Xmetal (OK)
191. ASSBAG (OH) vs Pure heart (SU)
192. VonIvan (OH) vs max1336 (SU)
193. Leiarde (OH) vs Korean Airforce (UK)
194. Jesulin (SU) & Marcus2389 (US) vs Theodosios (OH) & Thanatos (OK) QFG3
195. VindicareX (OK) vs Korean Airforce (UK)
196. Lemon (US) & CookiezNcreem (US) vs HelpingHans (OH) & Talisman (OK)
197. joe jan (OK) vs max1336 (US)
198. Finndeed (OH) vs Kryptic (US)
199. Walther (UK) & Otto Skorzeny (US) vs Flamee (OK) & Sturmabteilung Koch (OK)
200. Siberian (US) & Ramirez! (US) vs Burmie (OK) & Immature (OH)
201. Luciano (OK) & Thridi (OK) vs jove (SU) & Mohican (SU)
202. Kri (UK) & m4rkkz (SU) vs Despe (OK) & Foxhound (OH)
203. Increase (OH) vs MavHunter (SU)
204. Spanky (UK) vs webster.b (OK)
205. spander (OK) vs Yellow Moon Monkey (SU)
206. tPI3 QF Talisman vs shadowwada
207. tPI3 SF VonIvan vs Luvnest
208. tPI3 SF PauL.a.D vs Talisman
209. tPI3 Final Luvnest vs PauL.a.D
210. USE-M246 (OK) & Zarkcloud (OK) vs Sturmpanther (US) & aerafield (UK)
211. Lyconious (SU) & Tomakaze (UK) vs TuMe (OH) & Talisman (OK)
212. Antillies950 (OK) vs Briefcase Taco (SU)
213. tightrope (OH) vs Tomakaze (US)
214. Melchett (UK) & MarkvA (UK) vs Archangel Michael (OK) & DooMaSS (OH)
215. Stormless (OH) vs TheMachine (SU)
216. DevM (OH) vs Noggano (US)
217. Dani (OH) vs Fat Matt (US)
218. Jesulin (OH) vs Pappy O'Daniel (UK)
219. Burmie (OH) vs hazuki watora (UK)
220. Apathy Prime (SU) vs cruzz (OH)
221. Competitive Mod miragefla (OK) vs tightrope (US)
222. WPC RO32 RedxWings vs Finndeed
223. WPC QF VonIvan vs Jove
224. Talisman (SU) & TuMe (UK) vs BananaInPajamas (OK) & Ciperdias (OK)
225. Captain Slav Czepis (US) & sky SHARK (UK) vs REDFORCE (OK) & Coh2 is Terminal Cancer (OK)
226. Knight's Cross (OK) vs Aymes (UK)
227. TuMe (UK) & Talisman (SU) vs Stark (OK) & Pit66 (OK)
228. BartonPL (SU) & CaptainSPrice (US) vs Lyconious (OH) & Tomakaze (OK)
229. Talisman (SU) & TuMe (SU) vs Legendary (OH) & InSaNiedi (OK)
230. wuff (OK) vs PrincessOfCamelot (UK)
231. KrypticRTS (SU) & Zarok (UK) vs YGNOW (OK) & aerafield (OH)
232. A Fist Full of Badgers (US) & PaRaNoMiA (UK) vs insaneHoshi (OK) & DonnieChan (OK)
233. Luna (OK) vs Meister. Yoon (US)
234. Kpen97 (OK) vs Stormless (UK)
235. patient (OK) vs Unknown Legend (US)
236. WPC DevM vs Jesulin G1
237. War Paint Championships G 2 & 3
238. WPC DevM vs Jesulin G4
239. WPC DevM vs Jesulin G5
240. Bulgakov (OK) vs EliasZhao (UK)
241. henkajumper (OH) vs Lyconious (US)
242. tightrope (OH) vs puco (SU)
Patch 25/10/16
243. Finndeed (OK) vs Fortune (SU)
244. Tom_BR (US) & cblanco (SU) vs Xeno (OK) & firefly (OK)
245. CrossFire (OK) & VonAsten (OK) vs cblanco (SU) & SilentHIT (SU)
246. bblckandggld75 (OH) vs Chandler M. Bing (SU)
247. alrockz (OH) & pomDomz (OK) vs GuyFawkes (UK) & DimitriTheCannonFodder (UK)
248. Self elected ape of the year (OH) & rhytm (OK) vs Relicaa (US) & Tric (SU)
249. 3v3 Top 15 teams Comets vs Panthers
250. Overlord (OK) vs wuff (UK)
251. Barsiel (OK) & Tatenruhm (OK) vs hans_sundin (UK) & Robocop (SU)
252. VonIvan (OH) vs Burmie (SU)
253.VonIvan (OK) vs Overlord (US)
254. 3v3 Buildings contain enemies
255. TheRazgriz (OK) & FoxsayS03 (OK) vs DRAGON (US) & woody (US)
256. AndresTC (SU) vs BartonPL (OK)
257. Overlord (OK) vs whorunbartertown (US)
258. TheMachine (SU) & Guitarninja (UK) vs Kpen97 (OK) & tightrope (OH)
259. TheMachine (OH) vs tightrope (SU)
260. Kolchosebauer (OK) & C45P32 (OH) vs Naboo (UK) & k-net1 (SU)
261. Brosras (SU) & Guard2707 (UK) vs VonAsten (OH) & CrossFire (OK)
262. Kpen97 (SU) & Immature (SU) vs Unknown Legend (OK) & Intelligence209 (OK)
263. Guard2707 (UK) & Brosras (SU) vs Jove (OH) & Alastor (OH)
264. Jono (OH) & TheMachine (OK) vs Finndeed (US) & Kpen97 (SU)
265. Paul (OK) vs Brosras (SU)
266. LeaKciM (US) & Dizilluzion (SU) vs Sierra (OH) & CPU - willford222 (OK)
267. Paul (OK) vs Brosras (SU)
268. TheBosnianBadger (US) & WindTalker (US) vs cleanexari (OK) & [c.B] Reyon (OK)
269. Imagelessbean (US) & K I R O V (SU) vs Thunderhun (OK) & X The Eliminator (OH)
270. Pop (UK) & current (US) vs GG EZ (OH) & Dizilluzion (OK)
271. Frost (OH) & Finndeed (US)
272. Luvnest (OH) vs Paul (SU)
273. joris (OK) vs jove (US)
274. DIRTY_FINISHER & Barry Chuckle vs Crippling Depression (OK) & Sierra (OH)
275. Noggano (UK) vs Walther (OK)
276. pomDomz (SU) & Ostlegion (UK) vs Califax (OK) & 347716035 (OH)
277. CaptainSPrice (OH) vs Frost (SU)
278. cruzz (OH) vs shadowwada (SU)
279. lepractioner (OH) vs Chandler M. Bing (US)
280. Paul (OK) vs HelpingHans (US)
281. yurek (OH) vs Meister. Yoon (US)
282. joris (UK) & Yealim! Look at it! vs Sturmpanther (OH) Rowdy (OK)
283. Gyunwoo (OK) vs Odan ITA (US)
284. 4v4 [c.B] vs [L2P]
285. Assault Gun Express
286. cblanco (SU) & Veivam (SU) vs CaptainSPrice (OK) & Jesulin (OK)
287. momo4sho (OK) vs Deep Dark Fantasy (UK) feat. shadowwada
288. 3v3 Lazur Anchor
289. K I R O V (SU) & Imagelessbean (US) vs VonIvan (OK) & Siberian (OH)
290. Sane C# (OK) vs Brosras (SU)
291. Stuve (UK) & PaRaNoMiA (UK) vs Troyd (OK) & cruzz (OH)
292. jove (OK) vs Pappy O'Daniel (US)
293. Chateaumani (UK) & LimaOscarMike (US) vs SkyGrenadier (OK) & WgYnXg (OH)
294. haruky (US) & Viking (UK) vs The bloodthirsty Butcher (OK) & Delphalor (OH)
295. 4v4 Tanks vs Artillery
Patch 28/03/17
296. Luciano (OK) vs PanzerGrenadierAngreifen (US)
297. Tomakaze (OK) vs havoc lol (SU)
298. BadBoy (OK) & AssassiN (OH) vs E corp The Sage (SU) & Nerine (US)
299. Earth (OH) vs Spanky (UK)
300. Nightcloud (UK) & Brickman (SU) vs Aquila (OH) & verrekkte mongol (OK)
301. Heroicserv4nt (OH) vs Dave (US)
Patch 25/04/17
302. KoreanArmy (SU) vs Jae for Jett (OK)
303. EOSR (OH) & The Tabasco Bro (OK) vs sea (UK) & Lock (SU)
304. CrossFire (UK) & Stark (US) vs Growen (OK) & S T A R S (OK)
305. StupendousMan (OK) vs Romeo (US)
306. [c.B] vs 2 x (◣╬◢) + 1 rando
307. heroicservant (OH) vs Talisman (SU)
308. Brosras (SU) & Guard2707 (UK) vs QaTPang (OK) & REDFORCE (OK)
309. arnolaz (OK) vs SlowLee (UK)
310. TheSleep3r (OK) vs borobadger (SU)
311. 3v3 Amazing Forest Control
312. DonnieChan (OK) vs Guard2707 (SU)
4 Mar 2015, 09:24 AM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

Live cast from round 1 of the Star Crossed Cup 2, one that Romeo didn't cover I believe. Entertaining match with a few swings back and forth. (note as it was also a live cast video is lower quality)
4 Mar 2015, 09:30 AM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

Match I found in the replay section here. It's a long one so buckle up!

I believe my sound levels are getting better but I still have some fine tuning to do, feedback is welcome.
4 Mar 2015, 10:35 AM
avatar of tuvok
Benefactor 115

Posts: 786

I sugget posting the vod inside the replay thread as well for viewers' convenience and to let other casters know it has already ben casted :thumbsup:
6 Mar 2015, 05:12 AM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

Sage6 tries something a bit different vs a returning BananasInPajamas
6 Mar 2015, 08:17 AM
avatar of SageOfTheSix

Posts: 1048

Permanently Banned

Sage6 tries something a bit different vs a returning BananasInPajamas

I'll check this out
7 Mar 2015, 02:21 AM
avatar of sluzbenik

Posts: 879

It's not your sound levels, it's your style. You talk very softly, it's very relaxing, but not good for casting. You need to turn up the excitement about 10 notches. Make some jokes, talk about your beer (the best vCOH casts were drunk guys), make it entertaining.

7 Mar 2015, 02:41 AM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

i dunno. i like his tone. it is unique and very relaxed. nice change of pace from other ppl.

if anything, he needs better mic. imo.
7 Mar 2015, 03:02 AM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

i dunno. i like his tone. it is unique and very relaxed. nice change of pace from other ppl.

if anything, he needs better mic. imo.

Nah I have an at2020 I just need to talk louder, I'll work on it
7 Mar 2015, 03:08 AM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

i hear background noise though.
9 Mar 2015, 19:41 PM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

An ambitious stategy from Vladislavs, does it pay off?
11 Mar 2015, 03:45 AM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

Highly ranked teams collide on the wide green pastures of Vaux Farmlands
12 Mar 2015, 07:55 AM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

A 4v4, check out the description Fortune wrote in the replay above. If anyone can translate the Chinese name I would be happy to update it.
12 Mar 2015, 09:13 AM
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Posts: 1970 | Subs: 5

Keep em coming! :)
16 Mar 2015, 20:32 PM
avatar of tightrope
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Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

Heavy tanks duke it out in a 2v2 on Minsk Pocket
17 Mar 2015, 05:50 AM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

Action packed 3v3 on Lienne Forest. Some unusual doctrines selected, many big explosions, tank fights, indirect fire a plenty.
18 Mar 2015, 07:01 AM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

A marathon effort. The Angry Bears clan inhouse 1v1 on Langreskaya. May have said Team Angry Bears a few times by accident, sorry guys.
25 Mar 2015, 00:44 AM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

A back and forth 2v2 match on Vaux Farmlands, *spoiler* there are many IS2s
25 Mar 2015, 01:06 AM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

Lenny12346 tries an off-meta Soviet strategy as he is known to do. Will it work or can Ninja adapt?
26 Mar 2015, 06:17 AM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

Mixed Allies meet mixed Axis on a frosty day around the outskirts of Moscow. Who will emerge victorious?
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