what? why are you asking me? i do not expect anything for free at all after i purchased the game... updates and bugfixes, yes. but no content whatsoever. (still, i cried tears of joy when faster than light released its advanced edition for free)
and the effect of bulletins on the game is marginal, nay, negligible. so even if they sold them it would not be p2w. commanders on the other hand could be (im looking at you tiger ace and sov industry), but if properly balanced they should pose no threat to a p2w-free f2p (i do hate these acronyms)
i still think its pitchforky, because people in here seem to assume that relic will fuck this up intentionally
so again: i pre-ordered the game and did NOT habe all the content on the day of release. 0 day DLC was offered worth more than double the retail price. among that commanders that as you say yourself do affect gameplay. so i paid for a more or less incomplete product (several promised features were implemented later on, which is kind of okay, but still not optimal).
if you release ToWs and stuff like that as DLC, please, go ahead. But releasing stuff that directly affects multiplayer that is locked behind a paywall (and i'm not talking about the stand-alone addons) imho is not okay. and with bulletins i'm not of your opinion that they have no effect, especially when stacked. just because there are a lot of literally worthless bulletins does not mean that the other ones or potentially new ones, that might get released when they're being sold for money might not be strong enough to sway games. sure, individual skill will still have more impact on the game, but claiming they have no effect is not taking into account all the possibilities. as for commanders, we had multiple examples over the course of coh2 where we could witness first hand that newly released commanders were literally pay to win, since you paid for the commander and given a similar strength opponent could almost guarantee a win simply by selecting the commander.
so let's assume it's not pay to win, the game mechanic of degrading items is still a bad one, as inverse already said. there's only two ways this system CAN work:
a) In order for your content to stay usable, you have to pay with real money. Effectively making a full price game with hundreds of dollar worth of DLCs a pay to play/pay to win (i am including "pay for an advantage here, no matter how miniscule that advantage might be).
b) You can gain the ingame currency by playing AND can sustain your content solely by playing, rendering the system basically useless.
Since Relic is a business that wants to earn money, option a) seems rather unlikely.