Disclaimer: this has barely been played in actual matches. All numerical changes are up for change.
Kappatch v2
Overview of mod:
This mod aims to improve gameplay by providing players with a more balanced set of options, changing frustrating gameplay mechanics and reducing the effect random events have on the game. Basic gameplay will remain largely unchanged from standard CoH2, any new units and abilities added will be to address existing balance concerns (OKW and USF indirect fire, or lack of thereof, for instance) rather than for coolness, historical accuracy or whatever other reason.
Suggestions other than new units are welcome.
Note: Values in parentheses are the original non-modded values.
Major changes to gameplay:
Call-in system adjustment:
All medium and heavy call-in vehicles have had their price increased by 15% for medium vehicles and 25% for heavy vehicles. Ostheer Puma, KV-1, KV-8 count as medium because the puma is more comparable to a medium than a light vehicle and kv-1/kv-8 more comparable to mediums than a heavy.
Faction HQs now have buildable versions of call-ins with their base prices that are unlocked at appropriate tech levels & CP count. These units have regular build times.
Added a minor 10% deflection damage value to AT-guns and tank destroyers (M10, Jackson, SU85, ISU AT, JagdPIV, Puma, Panther, Stug G). Won't affect much except for killing heavies with super low health.
Adjusting Vehicle Turn Plans, currently applied to light non-halftrack vehicles (WC51, Ambulance, M20, 222, Opel blitz truck, puma (both), m3a1). Hopefully makes vehicle pathing feel a bit more natural.
Applied 33% range reduction on suppression to all grenade type abilities
Some formations have been spaced out. MG formations now try to place the gunner at the rear, and the other squad members forward of him, this helps a lot because the gunner will no longer be the guy being automatically targeted by the blob in front.
Removed building splats for tech buildings, no more spying through fog of war.
Territory points without a cache no longer block shots or movement. Victory points remain solid as before. This improves vehicle pathfinding on maps without a lot of space.
All 3 death crits (abandon, main gun destroyed, engine destroyed) have been removed, vehicles now always get destroyed when they reach 0 hp.
All mines to 10(35) armor to guarantee detonation with infantry explosives and reduce time to kill with small arms. Demolition charges targetable and target size increased.
Removed 10% instant death critical for explosive damage on infantry models below 50% health.
No more flame criticals above 50% health either (previously 5%). Flamer aoe damage multipliers from 0.25/0.625/1 to 0.4/0.7/1 and aoe distances increased to make them better against bunched up units and to make up for reduced crits.
All LMG type weapons now max out DPS at 26 range and drop off slightly for the remaining 9 range. This is mostly to make it so you don't get maximum efficiency by a-move blobbing with LMGs. burst duration multiplier 0.75/1.25/1.5 --> 0.8/1.4/1.2
Mine damage values split into 100 basic damage and 120 anti-vehicle damage for soviet tm-35 and okw schumines, basic damage now falls off in the radius so squad wipes only happen with extremely clumped up or low health squads.
Flamer death explosions can only happen to the last unit in a squad
ML-20, LEFH and Priest now have suppression effects on every explosion to make them more useful against hard infantry blobs.
Demolition charge AOE radius has been reduced slightly. Demo no longer creates green cover, only yellow like other explosions.
Minor changes to gameplay:
Made tanks consider reversing for longer distances.
Changed origin of infantry antitank weapons to be higher, makes AT infantry destroying their own cover a lot rarer (though will still occasionally happen as some cover you can shoot through with small arms is way taller than infantry and I don't want schrek rockets appearing out of the sky).
Heavily reduced plane crash AOE, units will receive only minor damage unless they get hit directly by the plane AOE 6(15) Damage 240 (750)
Reduced cover seek behaviour slightly because I don't like it

Made all wrecks destructable with small arms and flamers. Note: this just means you can remove the final 1% of health, armor values are unchanged.
Percentage of unit on top of broken ice for sinking increased to 30% (20%) required. Looks and feels better, no more coastal sinkings.
Changed retreat range values to help the units getting stuck on retreat at base problem.
Faction changes:
Grenadiers are available from HQ like other factions' basic infantry, but do not have access to any abilities without T1 built.
Tier cost and building cost reversed & adjusted, tiers are cheaper, buildings more expensive.
New vet1 abilities (replacing medkit):
PGrens, Stormtroopers: Smoke grenade, 20 munitions
Minor changes:
Removed Grenadier rifle nade range increase from vet, it made wipes from fog of war stupidly easy
Pioneer squad cost to 180MP (can't edit starting resources in racebps so I have reduced cost of T1 by 20mp to adjust)
Ostheer sniper increased to 56(48) health. Sniper incendiary round stun duration increased to 5 (4).
Flamer HT upgrade cost down to 100 munitions (120). Flamer upgrade keeps rear machinegun, forward one still removed because it looks messy and is awkward with attack move.
222/251 MG penetration to 1.6/1.4/1.2 (1/1/1). 222 acceleration increased to 2.6 (2.4).222 and 251 armor values increased to 12/5.5 (9/4.5). Enabled attack ground on 222 20mm
Smine build time to 15s (10s)
Ostwind minimum range removed
Pwerfer scatter max to 16(20), scatter angle 9(10)
LEFH vet0 damage to 200 (160), cooldown to 75s(90s). Vet3 damage from 200 to 240
Counter-barrage improved for all artillery units by reducing scatter and increasing range
Stug G penetration increased by 10 to differentiate it from PIV.
StuG E reload slowed, aoe slightly reduced
Removed highest exp reward for puma ostruppen callin, made vet1 and vet2 more probable
Tiger Ace sight radius to 40(50), Tiger Ace callin cost changed to 720mp/100f (800mp/0), Tiger Ace health to 1040(1280) to match regular Tiger.
Elite Troops stun grenades no longer freeze units
Riegel mines can now be laid with 222 as well.
Stuka Close Air Support target search radius to 50 (60), will only target vehicles
Ostruppen gain accuracy bonus while garrisoned in buildings.
Minor nerf to Tiger AOE and scatter to make it just a bit weaker against infantry without affecting anything else (mid distance 1.75 --> 1.5, scatter offset 0.25 --> 0.35)
Major changes:
Guard Rifle are now available at 2CP from T1 without a commander choice. They do not have access to DP-28 without a guard doctrine. PTRS no drop (to stop pinata effect), PTRS accuracy roughly doubled and fire rate increased, damage per shot decreased to 32 (40). It is now a half-decent anti-infantry weapon with the bonus of fairly quickly destroying cover an enemy is hiding behind.
Guards doctrines lets you buy Guards through call-in as before, upgrade DP-28 on them as before, and unlocks a 1xDP-28 upgrade for conscripts.
New vet1 veterancy abilities for vehicles:
SU-85: Overcharged APCR shells, increased penetration but slowed reload, gives more reliable damage against heavy targets but reduces damage against mediums, 30 munitions
New ability for m5 quad:
M5 Quad: AA mode, increases range, can't move, only fires at airplanes. toggle
Minor changes:
After you have a T3/T4 building, the remaining structure will cost 180mp/90f (240/120).
Anti-infantry partisans spawn with svt rifles and have instant, free upgrades for either LMG42 or ppsh now (so you can pick which flavor you get). Partisans have camouflage when standing still in cover.
Penal movement accuracy to 0.8, matching G43s. Accuracy far from 0.25 to 0.3 for a minor dps boost
DSHK aoe suppression modifier from 0.4 to 0.8, matching axis MGs for area suppression and giving it a reason to exist.
M3 acceleration 2.5 (2), front armor 6.6(5.4)
KV2 at 11cp (from 12cps) cost to 530/200 (630/230)
Soviet Industry manpower penalty reduced by ~17MP/s
B-4 gun/crew population cost rebalanced (gun pop 10 (0), crew pop 6 (15) ).B-4 vet3 changed to -20% scatter -50% cost on direct fire (+50% damage)
SU-76 AOE radius 1.2(0.5), making it a half-decent anti-infantry unit.
Sprint removed from Soviet Snipers, Flare at vet1 & munition cost of flare reduced & range of flare slightly increased
45mm atgun damage to 100, has camouflage by default
Soviet salvage ability now works on USF mortar ht, M15, ez8, ez8 brewed, bulldozer brewed, m4a3 brewed. Modified wreck values for soviet salvage to be closer to current unit prices.
Ram always stuns (previously only on deflect). Penetration to 200. Ram always causes engine damage on penetration (previously random crit from engine damage/destroyed/maingun destroyed).
120mm aoe radius increased, aoe damage decreased. Slightly less oneshots, more damage from near hits.
T34-76 reload max from 6.8 to 6.3 = 0.25s faster reload.
ML-20 damage up to 320 (300). Projectile speed increased to 45(30).
M3/M5 overdrive cost to 15(10), adds 15%(0) to speed max
Major changes:
Volks now have 90 muni upgrade (as before) for one schrek which changes them to a tank hunter squad. This increases their reinforce cost by 4mp/model and decreases veterancy gain by 30%. Tank Hunters can buy an additional shrek for 50 munitions (not rebuyable for now). Volk schrek aim time for long and medium distance increased so you can potentially avoid getting fired at. Reload time decreased to compensate. AOE halved so it's not an anti-inf upgrade.
GRW42 8cm mortar teams are now available in the battlegroup headquarters.
Faust upgrade for volks at HQ for 125mp/25f.
Mechanized and Battlegroup headquarters cost an additional 40MP to setup. FlakHQ costs an additional 80MP. This brings OKW teching costs more in line with other factions.
Obersoldaten now start with 4 basic rifles and no LMG34. Base rifles slightly improved at mid and long range, and on the move. LMG34 damage reduced by 20% and no longer fires on the move, now an upgrade for 60 munitions. STG upgrade damage at long range reduced to offset better rifles+make stg obers less silly.
Raketen aim time significantly reduced, reload time increased somewhat to compensate.
LEIG Hollow barrage (AT barrage) damage increased to 120 (80). Slight improvement to barrage aoe damage multiplier. Slight improvement to scatter. LEIG vet2 bonus changed from speed and received accuracy to -20% reduced scatter, and vet3 gives range bonus to auto-attack along with the previous bonuses. Reduced minimum range to 30 (40).
Minor changes:
Made OKW HQ props (sandbag, generator etc) all passable so your units don't get stuck on them anymore.
Removed 1 second lifetime limit from fusilier at nade, kinda silly for it to be the only one to constantly go poof in midair due to it.
Jagdpanzer IV cost down to 400mp(470), build time 50 (55).
PIV J now come with schürzen automatically, rather than having to upgrade them.
Elite Armor Coordinated barrage range increased to 50 (35).
OKW Wire cuttable. Reduced build time by 33%.
OKW infiltration nades now cost 30(10) munitions
Can immediately purchase a new truck instead of waiting for 80MP/15fuel.
Luchs to 320hp (400hp)
FlakHQ gun no longer has aoe suppression(80%), range reduced back to 40(45), and penetration against vehicles reduced to 30/35/40 (45/45/45)
Fallschirmjägers are now dropped onto the map in similar fashion to USF airborne. Spawn cost to 420 (440), unit cost to 90 (95)
Puma smoke requires vet1
Supply truck armor to 3/2 (5/4.5)
OKW minesweeper range increased to match other factions
OKW combat blitz speed bonus to 50%(100%), received accuracy to -25%(-50%)
Reduced vet requirements for Stuka zu Fuss, LEIG, Sturmtiger by 20%
Sturmpio blinding grenades no longer freeze units
IR halftrack now gives a 6 second 5% received accuracy debuff to units it detects
Fusilier atnades no longer require direct line of sight
Stuka zu Fuss health to 240 (320)
OKW base defences can not be sniped. Still vulnerable to grenades. OKW base defense penetration halved so they don't counter light tanks. OKW base flaks no longer AA weapons. Buildable flaks still are.
B4, Soviet Sherman wrecks can now be salvaged.
OKW buildable flak crews gain -50% received accuracy and -50% received damage (= green cover) as the object cover for the flak won't work. Popcost now 0 (4). Added manual targeting.
Jaeger/Ober booby trap to 60 (50, identical soviet ability is 100)
FlakHT smoke to 20(0) munitions
OKW Heat Rounds now regular projectiles instead of artillery, should fix some weird accuracy issues they had.
Major changes:
You no longer gain a free officer for unlocking lieutenant or captain tier. You need to buy the officer to access vehicles in a tier, but can build non-vehicle units by just unlocking. Building unlock costs reduced by 100MP for these two tiers. Lieutenant and Captain cost reduced by 20MP each.
Ambulance 180mp (250), Zooka research 120mp (150) (adjusting tech costs). Captain tier fuel cost now 65 fuel (80), Major 100 (90).
60mm mortar added to lieutenant tier. Fast firing, accurate mortar that lacks range (lowest range of all infantry artillery units in the game). Smoke is White Phosphor.
Riflemen can buy BARs and Zookas on the field after weapon racks are unlocked for 70 per weapon. Can also be rebought on field when dropped.
Rear Echelons can now build these two mines at all times:
M7 Light AT Mines now 25 munitions, 100 damage, guaranteed engine damage. The antitank mines are also available to assault engineers, recon paratroopers and riflemen in infantry doctrine, as previously.
M2 anti-infantry mines added, function same as soviet defensive mines, smines that are built one at a time, 10 munitions each. Purposedly made them huge so you can't stack them together for instant wipes.
Stuart health to 400hp, rebalanced weapon stats for more of a light antivehicle flanker feel. Stuart moving accuracy to 0.75(0.5), penetration to 45/50/65(40/45/60), accuracy 0.035/0.045/0.055(0.025/0.0375/0.05), aoe 1.5 (1.75), scatter increased, reload shortened. Also fixed super weird fog of war multipliers, stuart had a massive 300% increase in scatter for firing into fog (usual penalty: 25%).
Recon paratroopers can now leave vehicles like every other USF infantry unit. Recon paratroopers now have 4 SMGs, 2 LMGs, or 2 zookas, with 33% chance for each (previously 50% for zookas and 25% for smg/lmg both missing one weapon). They also get access to the LMG/SMG special ability now.
Minor changes:
Easy Eight upped to 720hp, but added 35% scatter penalty (15% less than on regular sherman) on the move (previously was only vehicle in the game that did not have one). More durability but less anti-inf while moving.
Greyhound canister shot changed to flat 40-60 damage on infantry in a larger aoe. Greyhound main gun damage to 60(40).
Bulldozer scatter penalty on the move reduced to 50% (100%) to match other Shermans.
Increased reinforce radius of USF HQ.
Vehicle crew crit repair takes 3.6(1.2) seconds to complete, costs 30(10), does not heal tank
Bazooka damage to 100.
Enabled attack ground on USF AA HT
Paratroopers now cost 32MP(28) to reinforce
Pack howitzer reinforce cost to 50% (100%), precise size to -1. Reduced minimum range to 30 (40).
Major artillery delay reduced by 1 second, rounds increased by 1, vet2 delay reduced by 2 seconds
Added 1 sniper rifle to Recon Pathfinders
P47 Loiter area to 50(60), delay for first attack from 4s/8s to 6s/10s
240mm artillery radius reduced to 24(30)
Removed the two highest and one lowest veterancy reward possibility for elite riflemen call-in
Vehicle crew thompson build time to 30s(45s), cost to 60(90).
Removed forced move, 4 second suppression immunity from Captain's On Me ability, added 15 munition cost
USF Mortar HT: health to 240 (320).Delayed fuse barrage range from 56 to 80. AOE mid damage changed from 0.15 to 0.35 on autoattack/barrage/delayed fuse barrage (matches ostheer mortar halftrack). Scatter values reduced slightly for all firing modes except White Phosphor
Rifleman atnades no longer require direct line of sight
Recon Forward Observation now only requires cover, 2s delay on entering cover to gain vision. No longer checks for combat.
Increased USF Ambulance acceleration to 1.7 (1.3).
USF M3 halftrack health increased to 320hp (200hp) to match other faction reinforcement halftracks.
Withdraw and Refit refund increased to 85% from 75%. Also fixed WC51 fuel cost for refunding purposes.