To be fair, he did confirm soviet reliance on call-ins is beeing looked at. But it will take a long time to change it, since it needs drastic changes. Sounded like they are up to it though. Maybe that is a glimp at some big changes to come.
I wonder why ingame ladders were the only question read out loud which was completly dodged. I wonder if it is a good or a bad thing, as in better dnt say anything so i dont give something away?
I dont think cynthia and peter understood the performance question. Since it seems to be related to location they can not measure a performance change in the game. Does this make sence?
I wonder how precise there data on balance is. He mentioned having looked at the numbers for plane crashes. If they really have exact numbers on damage done, etc. for individuals units and abilties.
Still closing the deal on ESL partnership. Really?