Let me start off first with the following:
COH2.ORG's philosophy is to allow open discussion amongst our members. Disrupting that open discussion by spamming, flaming, excessively trolling, creating more than one account, posting offensive content, being disrespectful to developers or other users and behaviors similar to these are not tolerated and will be dealt with by moderators with suspensions, or in egregious situations, bans. Banned users will not be allowed to take part in the events that we host such as tournaments and Sunday Night Fights. We have a zero-tolerance policy for racism, sexism, homophobia, pornography, and defamation of other users. Use common sense when you post.
Cheating is absolutely not allowed and anyone found to be cheating, publicly accusing others of cheating, or posting links to third party cheats, will be removed. Please report cheating directly to Relic via email: enforcement@relic.com. If you are not sure about whether or not you should post something on COH2.ORG, it's always best to PM a COH2.ORG Admin to ask first.
This is a racism-ridden post by yours truly, the moderator of both coh2.org
and companyofheroes.com, James Hale. You're kidding me right?
Just for your information, a large portion of the Company of Heroes 2 community speak Arabic. They get the jist of the message, whether you hinted to it explicitly or implicitly.
I don't understand how this post is constructive in any way at all. It doesn't abide by any of the rules in this forum. In fact, it's really ironic to see that this is the prime example of a post magnitudes worse than the posts you'd usually lock in the forum. One would think a post like this wouldn't exist in a respectable community like this. But then, you have people like James Hale who produce these kind of posts but lock posts completely in-topic with Company of Heroes because it may offer some few remarks he personally doesn't fully agree with.
The post which by all means deserves to be locked by a moderator, gets written by one.

Were you trying to accomplish anything funny in this post anyways? The video had me cringing. You just kept mumbling stereotypical gibberish in a stereotypical accent the whole time. It was straight-up racism. I don't feel the need to reiterate what you've already seen in the video. I'd consider Family Guy episodes multitudes more respectful than this.
Just to clarify, no Muslims, Jews, Christians or atheists were harmed during the making of this video.
For what it's worth, if anyone is genuinely offended then I'm sorry, but it was never our intent to do so.
Considering that a ton of people here in the thread think it's hilarious and clearly perceive it as a joke and the stated intention was that it is satire, I find it pretty hard to see it as 'racist' as some called it.
Why are you trying to diffuse the blatantly obvious issue here when you know yourself that your post was racist? Yeah, you didn't just offend Arabs, you offended several religions simultaneously.
"But wait... how could you take this as 'racist'? But I found it funny! Surely I'm aware of what is offensive to people and what's not"
- You used a Nasheed as the intro song
Really? Out of ALL the Arabic music you could've picked from, you chose a religious genre? And you're telling me this is just "childish satire"?
- You show several clips of rockets and weapons while playing the Nasheed
Talk about making a racist situation even worse right?
- You show the star of David
Was that even necessary? Like you couldn't make a satirical video without religion or other concepts people consider sensitive and hold dear to them?
If this was childish satire, you wouldn't indirectly make fun of several cultures and religions in the same context.
Someone please ban this child.

At the very least revoke his moderator status. I'm forwarding it to Ami and
enforcement@relic.com in case they hasn't seen this.