In real life the 90mm M3 gun on the M36 was vastly superior in AP qualities to the German 75mm Kwk L/42 found on the Panther (source: dem internetz, also wikipedia).
In game, the role of the M36 is that of a pure TD at the apex of the US tech tree. The panther is a mixed role tank at the apex of the German trees. However, the panther has significantly heavier armor and the 75mm gun has decent effect versus infantry.
While I understand that the game isn't balanced around real life, I don't get why the M36 is such a complete PoS. It's a very expensive tank that is frankly awful at its role. Give that the M36 and the Panther occupy relatively the same place at the apex of their tech trees, and that both are about the same price, I would expect that M36 to at LEAST be as good in an anti-tank role as the panther. Alas, the M36 struggles to penetrate the frontal armor of the panther at extremely close range, which given the 90mm M3 is a sick joke, unless they are literally firing rubber shells out of the gun.