Thank alot for writing this script. I am only using it right now to try and collect all UKF bulletins and victory strikes (as I already bought all commanders and skins before finding this script, never been much of a fan of waiting for random stuff to drop

), which has worked our great so far. I only came to a bit of a hold now as I seem to be "unlucky" enough to only get doubles of the Rare bulletins while I am still missing
4 2 common ones (
All over a London Darby!, Bombshell,
Royal Education and Boys will be Boys)
and 1 uncommon (Valor & Gallantry!).
I might be missing 2 Rare (10-lb High Explosive Shell and White Phosphorus Smoke Shell mix) but I read somewhere that these have been taken out of the game. Can anyone confirm this?
I would not be very surprised if they where as it seemed wierd to have ability's added to the mortor by using bulletins.
In order to get the ones I am missing is it best to keep it running as UKF or should I try other factions?
Thanks for the advice.