Maybe some files still remained. I farmed heavily & literally till the day of the update and when I realized the war spoils update came, eliminated of course all steps of this mod before install. Since for some reason the update wouldn't load the last remaining 2% I uninstalled the game completely and reinstalled again. Maybe that was what saved me. I just logged in and all my duplicates were salvageable.
Yet to be fair I thought I would have more duplicates and make more coins. Turned out only 1/3 of all my war spoils were actually duplicates. But I definitely won't complain. This mod here allowed me to make huge progress in just a few months - big thanks to scratchy for that - and even if all my duplicates would have gotten erased in the process it would still have been more than worth it. And on top of it we finally have a war spoils reward system now I think is really fair. What a great day.
Very stupid of you my should have just change steam download region to Canada...try reading steam forums sometimes....
Btw I have got 184 000 supply, warning message and all dupes autosalvaged

What I really do not like about this update is colors. I liked the previous red for event stuff, green for uncommon etc.
Finally got EVERY SINGLE bulletin and victory strike, commander and faceplate. Now just warpaint skins and its completed