How can you spot an Axis fanboy? Here are some of the things they might say:
1. "Asymmetric balance"
Now this word suggests that factions are balanced even though units have different stats and play differently at different stages of the game. However, these words are generally uttered whenever a call to buff an Allied unit is brought up. An Axis fanboy will usually say "We can't have that buff because of asymmetric balance!". This is the phrase someone says whenever they have nothing else to say.
1)If Axis unit is overperforming, its called asymmetrical balance.
2)If Allied unit is able to stand toe to toe with Axis unit of same or lower tier, its called bad balance and nerf needs to be issued ASAP for the sake of balanced game*.
*to know what is a balanced game, look at 1)
Axis player logic
"Allies are OP early game make it equal make it equal!!"
"No don't nerf Axis late game it's designed to be OP!!!"
A. When some players asked for conscript buffs and scaling for late game
There was a counter suggestion that Grens needed to be buffed because conscripts already had abilities such as AT Nade and Molotov and the almighty OP "merge" ability". If a unit already is UP, then why do we have to keep buffing its competitor? Players claimed "asymmetric balance!" since Grenadiers must be stronger than conscripts.
2. "Realism"
Obviously this can go both ways. People on both side of the spectrum can claim "this is unrealistic or this is whatever". The interpretation of history can always be subjective. Let me just give you the Axis fanboy's perspective.
A. Players who wanted a Pershing tank
Players then chimed in and said "that is unrealistic! Few saw combat and it was a late war unit". Yet, somehow units like the Sturmtiger and Ostwind, which barely saw any production, are in the game.
B. Players who wanted to remove Jagdtiger's ability to shoot through walls
The counter to this statement was "It was realistic because Otto Carius did it!
C. The claims that German units were better than Allies, especially the USSR
Because the Soviet Union suffered so much KIA
D. "Germany would have won the war if they weren't overwhelmed and outnumbered"
Because the world would have been better if Germany had won
3. "Germany had the best tanks!"
This ties in to the "realism" statement. Now on paper, German tanks seemed great. They had heavily armored units like the King Tiger, Jagdtiger, and Tiger. Some of their tnaks also carried powerful guns. However, the Stug series and Panzer 4 were the only tanks that were produced in fairly significant numbers. Other tanks such as the Jagdtiger, King Tiger, Tiger, and Panther suffered from weight, mechanical failures, underpowered engines, and pother technical issues. unfortunately, the game fails to convey these aspects.
A. Allied fanboy asks for T34 buff against vehicles
The Axis fanboy will respond with "T34 had bad sights, lacked good crews and training, and were also lost in great numbers"
To further our research in the fanboy department.. Let us break down the anatomy of dat fanboy..