So far I am still personally displeased in the way Relic runs things. The amount of failures and bugs occurring in the past few months have really accumulated into one big pile of awfulness. Though Relic has improved it's outreach into the community sort of, I am still not satisfied in the way Relic decides whether to take said advice on balance or especially bugs overall. We need an obvious re-work of things designed to not keep the community as the lowest adviser on the scale of people Relic rely on to help them improve balance, bugs, and the game in general(and when I mean community, I mean everyone....yes even some fanbois....not just like 3-4 people....). #RemoveNDA
Also focusing more heavily on SP rather than MP really contradicts the "we are fully contributing time on balance" statement Relic keeps releasing. More like: "We are focusing completely on SP for now, and until it's released anything else you guys are complaining about will be ignored due to our limited time slots".