
russian armor

Are you taking a break from the CoH2 title?

15 Sep 2014, 20:08 PM
avatar of Pedro_Jedi

Posts: 543

jump backJump back to quoted post15 Sep 2014, 18:51 PMGreeb

Take ostheer units, change their skins and rename it to "New Soviets"

Then you have a mirrored faction. Same tiers, same buildings, same units, same costs... but diferent skins :)

I only remember Warcraft 2 being 100% mirrored. Maybe first Command & Conquer games were too.

And Katitof is right. Non-mirrored factions means always imbalances. The good balanced games try to patch/fix all these imbalaces as soon as they are noticed.
vCoH e.g. was an incredible game, but it was terrible balancing the game, specially when Opposing Fronts appeared.
Let's hope that WFA doesn't follow that path.

And even Warcraft wasn't mirrored; the first one had little differences, like the human archers firing longer shots but weaker, while the orcs were stronger, but had to close in. The very first C&C was also not mirrored. Good old '95 times
15 Sep 2014, 20:22 PM
avatar of Khan

Posts: 578

I take back my words. I'll be uninstalling the game tomorrow because of the piss poor optimization issues. Ridiculously long load times, being stuck on the loading screen for over a minute even after finishing loading, alt tabbing causing a complete pc freeze up for over 30 seconds are among the many issues plaguing the game. It seems these issues get worse with each patch. If I wanted to get frustrated by playing video games I wouldn't have spent in excess of 60 dollars on this game and just have played flappy bird instead.
15 Sep 2014, 20:34 PM
avatar of Khan

Posts: 578

Rome 2 came much after COH 2 and was in shambles at release. Diligent patching, that not only addressed balance issues but also performance problems have put the game in a much much better place. The FPS drops, loading times etc have been addressed over the course of 15 patches. On the other hand, it seems Relic was too busy in making new P2W DLC such as Windustry and Elite troops. It took them 4 months to address the ridiculous Tiger Ace. Meanwhile, the game's performance has deteoriated with successive patches. I think it's the time to set the game aside until Relic gets its priorities right.
15 Sep 2014, 20:53 PM
avatar of Kreatiir

Posts: 2819

Dem rageposts..
15 Sep 2014, 21:16 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
Admin Red  Badge
Patrion 314

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Flame post invised

Please keep this thread polite. There is no need to abuse each other, even if you disagree with a PoV. :)

15 Sep 2014, 23:56 PM
avatar of voltardark

Posts: 971

I'm now taking a break of coh2, 4vs4 with allies (my favorite) is now nearly unplayable. I've completely lost faith in Relic's Devs.

Too much selfish comments from the Axis fanboys has made the game in that state.

I hope the game will still succeed without a real 4vs4 allies community.

15 Sep 2014, 23:58 PM
avatar of Lucas Troy

Posts: 508

voltardark - give 2v2 a try. It's way more balanced and still some large battles.
16 Sep 2014, 00:00 AM
avatar of korgoth

Posts: 170

Im playing less and less but its mostly because of schools and none of my friends are currently playing CoH22.

16 Sep 2014, 00:09 AM
avatar of voltardark

Posts: 971

voltardark - give 2v2 a try. It's way more balanced and still some large battles.

No interest. Me and my friends bought the game for it's 4vs4 component. Only reason.

Now our favorite game is utterly broken.

16 Sep 2014, 00:21 AM
avatar of Lucas Troy

Posts: 508

Why not just split into two different teams?

I find that 2v2 involves plenty of teamwork. Try playing with randoms. It's usually completely terrible.

Also, imagine a game mode where US has some decent late game options!
16 Sep 2014, 00:39 AM
avatar of AvNY

Posts: 862

Also, imagine a game mode where US has some decent late game options!

So the answer is to play it but fantasize we are playing an enjoyable game?
16 Sep 2014, 01:26 AM
avatar of Taucer

Posts: 8


reason: Relic - ruined everything

16 Sep 2014, 01:32 AM
avatar of Napalm

Posts: 1595 | Subs: 2

Seriously though. The 4v4 game mode is nearly impossible. I find 2v2 the absolute sweet spot right now. Its a lot of fun! Just have to find the right team member.
16 Sep 2014, 06:21 AM
avatar of Lucas Troy

Posts: 508

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Sep 2014, 00:39 AMAvNY

So the answer is to play it but fantasize we are playing an enjoyable game?

Not sure what you meant. What I'm saying is that US is totally viable in 2v2, so I recommend anyone who is frustrated with 2v2 check it out. The game mode I refer to is 2v2.
16 Sep 2014, 12:12 PM
avatar of gary.giles71

Posts: 165

After the last patch ... I agree 3v3 and 4v4 are too OP for this Russian player.
I'm not leaving the game .... going back to 1v1.

16 Sep 2014, 20:30 PM
avatar of Thunderhun

Posts: 1617

Talking from my experiences and streams, replays this game isn't fun to play any game modes (1v1s-4v4s). The only things that keep it alive are the graphics (I know optimization is shit), the sound and the fact that this is Company of Heroes.

I swear most of the games I've played in the past few months weren't enjoyable in every game mode. Always the same strats, abuses, spams and then the so praised patches came and screwed it up more. Feels like abuse and RNG > skill all the time.
17 Sep 2014, 23:38 PM
avatar of Napalm

Posts: 1595 | Subs: 2

Just a little over 25% of the total population of the poll is taking a break because of balance/meta or both. Very interesting! Thanks for participating everybody. Much rawr.
17 Sep 2014, 23:56 PM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Sep 2014, 23:38 PMNapalm
Just a little over 25% of the total population of the poll is taking a break because of balance/meta or both. Very interesting! Thanks for participating everybody. Much rawr.

Well, there is a certain amount of difference between "taking a break" after you lost a match and then came to this thread to whine and rage and actually taking a break.
18 Sep 2014, 01:50 AM
avatar of ilGetUSomDay

Posts: 612

I have been slowly leaving as well. The problem is the priorities. While in concept this game is un-paralleled in tactical deapth, visual, and sound, its not a consistent enough experience for me. If its not forced strategies its bugs. If its not bugs, its unit abuse/ blobbing. As amazing as this game should be, Relic has decided to try and take on too many things at once rather than trying to solely fix the game play issues and work on balance for the upcoming partnership. In addition to this, many large community contributes and alpha test players I have spoken too have been utterly ignored even when backed by many of those members or supported well with evidence. More or less as much as the community tries to make up for the lack of support (coh2.org, modders, map creators, strategists, casters, ect.) Relic continues to divide their attentions and focus on questionable areas rather than address larger problems.

Quite frankly I could of delt with the frustrating release of WFA balance wise for a long time if it ment that the first two patches optimized and fixed the buggs plauging this game. Truck crushing was nothing compared to the constant memory leak, bugging unit commands, building footprints being displayed, and numerous other bugs
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