I'm encourage to post this, since we had been given another unit, Brummbar, another vet ability more in line with the role of the unit.
Take in mind, that i'm not focusing on making new abilities for the sake of it, rather than trying to givethem something more in line with the role of the unit, increase utility/effectiveness of worthless abilities or try using existent abilities in the game (either from the campaign, ToW or other units)
Note: i'm sure i might forget a couple of units/abilities. Feel free to correct or remind me anything.
Note: i'm not adressing overperforming abilities (for example: sprint for snipers)
Medkit ability:
Pios, grens, pgrens, assgrens, Osstruppen (?), Stormtroopers (?)
I think it should stay for Pios and grens, maybe Osstruppen too, but how it works/effectiveness should be tweaked.
A) Either reduce ammo cost and/or increase speed of healing. Basically buffing the ability while not changing it's mechanic.
B) Make it work on a similar fashion to SP medic kit. IIRC it's 30muni for 3 packs? Make it 15muni for a single stash. This way you can use it to heal yourself and you don't have the risk of an opponent taking it.
Trip wire flares
I guess every single combat troop. CE, Cons, Penals, Guards (PPSH guards), Shocks, Partisans, Irregulars.
Should stay on: CE-Cons
A)Buff the amount of time the flare stays on sky.
B)Reduce cost to 5, remove chance of killing entities or doing damage. A cheap intel mine. If it's too spamable, just make it so it's has a cooldown so you can just build several of them on little amount of time.
Counter barrage
Mortar, Panzerwerfer, MHT and Howitzer:
A) I don't have the actual stats neither i know how much it needs to be improved, in order to make it more appealing than autoattack/ground fire.
Zis, Little AT gun, Su85, Su76-ISU152
Ninja nerfed, it had it's sight increase remove.
A) Give it back with muni cost increase if needed or with a reduce time.
Vehicle crew self repair T70 version
A)Make it work as the PIV from OKW. Make it full repair while increasing the danger of doing so while mid combat.
B) Or just, you know, make it as it is now but: reduce even further speed, make it fully repair the tank and/or reduce repair speed.
Now i'm gonna follow it up with units i think should get something different from what they get actually.
Vet1: splitting part of the receive accuracy bonus they get from vet2
Vet2: RA + Cooldown (what they get now) + Self Healing when out of combat
I thought about a similar ability as the Stormtroopers have, but that would take out any flavor they might have (they aren't great)
Assault Grens:
-If anyone played the campaign, they might remember that Shocktroops had an ability that let them supress units while slowly moving towards the target.
-Or the same ability Paratroopers get when upgraded with Thompsons.
-Vet1: increased capping speed.
-Vet1: what about a "zeal" like ability. Increased performance when the squad has fewer members.
-Vet1: HTD or defensive stance (like the one you get on the No retreat no surrender commander)
-One of the few units that i don't want to add another ability that would increase the performance of the unit, since i think it is now on a "fine" balance ATM.
-If i think of anything, what about vet1 makes smoke nade stop vehicles from firing (like US smoke nade).
Partisans n Irregulars
-Move some of the vet2 buffs into vet1
-Vet2: increase number of members by 1
-Here i'm a bit more creative. Dunno if theres any way of implementing. On a similar fashion to Paratroopers, what about letting them reinforce after setting one house as a "reinforce point" or from the one they had been deployed.
Ostwind + M5 (when upgraded with AA)
-Increase range/effectiveness of AA capabilities, doesn't move or engage any other threats.
-While counterbarrage could be improved, what about changing it for a fire denial barrage, like the one from the nebelwerfer from coh1?
ATM i can think of something that wouldnt tilt too much the balance or performance of the unit while remaining logical to what it is expected from the unit.
It's a bit late here so i'll end it up.
1000th post

251 Halftrack:
Vet1: supply medical kit. For 45muni start healing everyone on X range from the HT. Movement or combat stops the ability.
KV-2: 152mm Barrage- Fires three shells out to 100 range. Can only be activated when deployed in artillery mode. 80 munitions.
"Personal Edit": make it work as Bunker busting from Brummbar
KV-1: Man the Guns- Rate of fire increased by 30%, movement speed cut in half. 50 munitions, remains active continuously until deactivated, much like Take Aim on the 57mm.