How long we have to face ISU witch one shoot everyhting?
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Posts: 1705
I say give back elefant,isu and jagdtiger old ranges.Make Cp 13-14.
Only 1'll be the superunitS of old.But it will come later than now,and if u lose it ur done.

Posts: 390
Permanently Banned
Either trolling or changing for the good. Soviets arent op tho.
Did you recently play some 3vs3 or 4vs4? You will mostly face Sov only teams because they are too strong. I faced 2 x ISU and 2x IS - 2 lol

Posts: 1702
Restrict to 1
I say give back elefant,isu and jagdtiger old ranges.Make Cp 13-14.
Only 1'll be the superunitS of old.But it will come later than now,and if u lose it ur done.
Plz No 100 range units.
The way to fix it, is bring back the way tanks worked in coh 1. For example, the sherman or cromwell would consistently kill 1 guy per shot, it rarely missed, and it rarely killed more than 1.
Something like that could be implemented in coh 2.
Pz IV, t-34 , tiger - 1 guy per shot
IS-2 - 2-3 guys per shot
Isu-152 - 99% of the time 3 guys per shot.
Or something like that, if you remember in coh 1, the sherman practically never missed and killed 1 guy per shot. Consistently. That's what id like to see in coh 2. Consistensy.

Posts: 1158
I've heard those OKW panzerIV's are crap, but I really haven't seen much of them used.
For Ostheer, it's very counterable. I have never had a game I played as Ostheer and lost it due to ISU. The games I lost, it was usually downhill from the start. EVERY anti tank solution the ostheer has is viable. You can hide a tellar mine in a smart place to help if you need. Pak is 1 shotted by ISU, but Pak should not be sent alone to fight ISU. The same dumb thing happens with ZiS against tigers. Tiger hits and at least 2 crew dead, pintle takes care of the rest. Often tigers will also destroy ZiS, where ISU doesn't destroy pak. You can destroy ISU with pgren shreks, so long as you don't front assault it in a blob. If you actually flank, 2 shrek squads will assure destruction. It's 240 damage per volley per squad, same damage the ISU does. PanzerIV is very viable as is Stug, both can penetrate and PIV can out maneuver ISU easy. Everything non-t4 Ost is better used in multiples and coordinated. This is no different from Tigers and Panthers. I can't take 1 t34/85 and expect to attack move on a tiger and win.
Honestly, panthers are a hard counter. Not 2, but just 1. The range, armor, maneuverability, rate of fire. The ISU is not better than the panther in armor battles. If you can flank it, you have a pretty good chance of not even getting hit. Support? Both players should have support.
For being such a huge, slow, hulk, the ISU is amazingly easy to penetrate with Axis anti-tank weapons. On the other side, Axis armor is not so easy and blocks a lot of shots. I don't even know why there are comparisons of ZiS vs Jt. How a Zis got in range of Jt? Someone is having micro errors.
There needs to be more replays uploaded or videos or some sort of proof for these odd claims of ISU deleting whole armies and players being powerless to stop it. I think a lot of players here are consistently failing throughout the game and ISU is just the final nail in the coffin for some of you, so it becomes your justification.

Posts: 752
I must not be facing any of you in my games. ISU is strong, but not how some here are making it out to be. Especially for OKW.?.. Don't tell me about the support, that's your job as a player, this isn't a movie that you just sit back and watch. Try outsmarting someone instead of attack move.
I've heard those OKW panzerIV's are crap, but I really haven't seen much of them used.
For Ostheer, it's very counterable. I have never had a game I played as Ostheer and lost it due to ISU.
There needs to be more replays uploaded or videos or some sort of proof for these odd claims of ISU deleting whole armies and players being powerless to stop it. I think a lot of players here are consistently failing throughout the game and ISU is just the final nail in the coffin for some of you, so it becomes your justification.
You do realise we can see your playercard, right?

Posts: 207
"ISU not OP just flank it" - give me a break, no allied fanboy wants to mention the mines + Guards + button + zis + maxim + Bomb drop combo that goes with any ISU.
"You have the jadg or elephant they are the exact same, if you nerf the ISU you got to neft them" - As it has been stated already the only thing that the ISU has in common with these units is that they all have long range.
"Use paks you noob!" - do I really need to explain why this is not anyway viable!
It is always the same rhetoric from 4-5 allied fanboys with Katitof leading the possie.
Look I play 2v2s mainly, I play allies and axis equally and Soviets believe it or not are my fav faction! But there is an UNDENIABLE issue with the ISU, it is over performing, that is a fact. It has only a single reliable counter, the JT. Without that, GG against any decent player. Any unit that has only a single reliable counter is OP period.
The JT gets insta shock once hit, and has zero AI capabilities, same goes for the elephant (w/o shock).
The ISU needs to be brought in line , either make it an AI unit with its current damage output to inf with the same AT damage as the brumbar. OR have it do the current AT damage with severely decreased AI damage output. It cant continue to be a counter to EVERYTHING (except JT). Remeber the Tiger Ace when it first came out? Same situation.

Posts: 1705
I must not be facing any of you in my games. ISU is strong, but not how some here are making it out to be. Especially for OKW. King tiger and especially Jagdtiger are HARD counters to ISU. Don't tell me about the support, that's your job as a player, this isn't a movie that you just sit back and watch. Try outsmarting someone instead of attack move.
I've heard those OKW panzerIV's are crap, but I really haven't seen much of them used.
For Ostheer, it's very counterable. I have never had a game I played as Ostheer and lost it due to ISU. The games I lost, it was usually downhill from the start. EVERY anti tank solution the ostheer has is viable. You can hide a tellar mine in a smart place to help if you need. Pak is 1 shotted by ISU, but Pak should not be sent alone to fight ISU. The same dumb thing happens with ZiS against tigers. Tiger hits and at least 2 crew dead, pintle takes care of the rest. Often tigers will also destroy ZiS, where ISU doesn't destroy pak. You can destroy ISU with pgren shreks, so long as you don't front assault it in a blob. If you actually flank, 2 shrek squads will assure destruction. It's 240 damage per volley per squad, same damage the ISU does. PanzerIV is very viable as is Stug, both can penetrate and PIV can out maneuver ISU easy. Everything non-t4 Ost is better used in multiples and coordinated. This is no different from Tigers and Panthers. I can't take 1 t34/85 and expect to attack move on a tiger and win.
Honestly, panthers are a hard counter. Not 2, but just 1. The range, armor, maneuverability, rate of fire. The ISU is not better than the panther in armor battles. If you can flank it, you have a pretty good chance of not even getting hit. Support? Both players should have support.
For being such a huge, slow, hulk, the ISU is amazingly easy to penetrate with Axis anti-tank weapons. On the other side, Axis armor is not so easy and blocks a lot of shots. I don't even know why there are comparisons of ZiS vs Jt. How a Zis got in range of Jt? Someone is having micro errors.
There needs to be more replays uploaded or videos or some sort of proof for these odd claims of ISU deleting whole armies and players being powerless to stop it. I think a lot of players here are consistently failing throughout the game and ISU is just the final nail in the coffin for some of you, so it becomes your justification.
Is this a troll post?Sarcasm?Are you serious?-'for ostheer it's very counterable'?

Posts: 987
Is this a troll post?Sarcasm?Are you serious?-'for ostheer it's very counterable'?
It's a trollpost by a player who's never played against an ISU once :/

Posts: 2070
"ISU not OP just flank it" - give me a break, no allied fanboy wants to mention the mines + Guards + button + zis + maxim + Bomb drop combo that goes with any ISU.
"You have the jadg or elephant they are the exact same, if you nerf the ISU you got to neft them" - As it has been stated already the only thing that the ISU has in common with these units is that they all have long range.
"Use paks you noob!" - do I really need to explain why this is not anyway viable!
It is always the same rhetoric from 4-5 allied fanboys with Katitof leading the possie.
Look I play 2v2s mainly, I play allies and axis equally and Soviets believe it or not are my fav faction! But there is an UNDENIABLE issue with the ISU, it is over performing, that is a fact. It has only a single reliable counter, the JT. Without that, GG against any decent player. Any unit that has only a single reliable counter is OP period.
The JT gets insta shock once hit, and has zero AI capabilities, same goes for the elephant (w/o shock).
The ISU needs to be brought in line , either make it an AI unit with its current damage output to inf with the same AT damage as the brumbar. OR have it do the current AT damage with severely decreased AI damage output. It cant continue to be a counter to EVERYTHING (except JT). Remeber the Tiger Ace when it first came out? Same situation.
People who say the ISU cannot be flanked because there is support are forgetting have your own support units too!!! In fact, Axis have better AT troops than Soviets. Schrecks do so much more damage than PTRS!! ISU will hurt you a lot if you attack it from the front and then stall your attack. The ISU does not have very strong armor; it is almost the definition of glass cannon. Use your troops to screen your AT and don't bunch up your men. As you are doing that, move your heavy armor up or flank the ISU with faster tanks.
1. ISU will turn to fight your flankers or stay and shoot your infantry
2. Infantry can get off some schreck volleys and damage ISU
3. Flanking armor can get in some shots off versus ISU
4. Sneak in some AT guns or heavy tanks to blast it from the front
5. Dead ISU or retreating ISU

Posts: 207
People who say the ISU cannot be flanked because there is support are forgetting have your own support units too!!! In fact, Axis have better AT troops than Soviets. Schrecks do so much more damage than PTRS!! ISU will hurt you a lot if you attack it from the front and then stall your attack. The ISU does not have very strong armor; it is almost the definition of glass cannon. Use your troops to screen your AT and don't bunch up your men. As you are doing that, move your heavy armor up or flank the ISU with faster tanks.
1. ISU will turn to fight your flankers or stay and shoot your infantry
2. Infantry can get off some schreck volleys and damage ISU
3. Flanking armor can get in some shots off versus ISU
4. Sneak in some AT guns or heavy tanks to blast it from the front
5. Dead ISU or retreating ISU
Honestly, all jokes aside, are you serious?

Posts: 170
ISU-152: 1040/310/70/240/260/200/10.25
Panther: 800/290/50/160/260/220/7.5 (okw) 6.5 (ostheer)
ISU' longer range means the medium and far penetrative stats are still higher.
Chance to pen opposite vehicle near/pen far/dps
ISU-152: 90%/70%/23.4
Panther: 80%/70/21.3 (okw) 24.6 (ostheer)
ISU will have higher pen chances beyond near because it's pen will drop off slower.
Panther is only viable if flaking is possible. This is rather rare against competent opponents. It will lose incredibly hard from the front (obviously) and will get shredded if it loses the engine.
I don't particularly mind the ISU's anti rank capabilities, but it cannot have its current level of effectiveness against both infantry and armor. One shotting OKW squads is extremely common.

Posts: 2070
Honestly, all jokes aside, are you serious?
I am offering a way to counter it. why do you have to be so rude? you say that ISU will have support, but Axis players also support their armor as well. Both sides have artillery to clean out the support units.

Posts: 170
People who say the ISU cannot be flanked because there is support are forgetting have your own support units too!!! In fact, Axis have better AT troops than Soviets. Schrecks do so much more damage than PTRS!! ISU will hurt you a lot if you attack it from the front and then stall your attack. The ISU does not have very strong armor; it is almost the definition of glass cannon. Use your troops to screen your AT and don't bunch up your men. As you are doing that, move your heavy armor up or flank the ISU with faster tanks.
1. ISU will turn to fight your flankers or stay and shoot your infantry
2. Infantry can get off some schreck volleys and damage ISU
3. Flanking armor can get in some shots off versus ISU
4. Sneak in some AT guns or heavy tanks to blast it from the front
5. Dead ISU or retreating ISU
The ISU will consistently wipe the axis supporting infantry/at guns, actually it's almost always better to shoot infantry squads than armor with it, the reverse is not true for the axis counters which cannot wipe infantry squads. Tiger and King tiger are nowhere near as proficient at both anti infantry and anti tank as the ISU.

Posts: 752
I am offering a way to counter it. why do you have to be so rude? you say that ISU will have support, but Axis players also support their armor as well. Both sides have artillery to clean out the support units.
He wasnt rude at all.
Just asked you a simple and direct question.
It could be considered rude to try and construe something rude out of that, when there wasnt any there to begin with.
Just answer yes or no. No more to it than that.

Posts: 2070
He wasnt rude at all.
Just asked you a simple and direct question.
It could be considered rude to try and construe something rude out of that, when there wasnt any there to begin with.
Just answer yes or no. No more to it than that.
well it seemed rude that he though I was joking. why would I take so much time to type up that response if I was joking? I could simply have said well L2P noob!!!!!!11111 I was certainly not joking

Posts: 752
A yes or no suffices as an answer.
Nothing rude about it.

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