
russian armor

Balance issues currently facing the game

7 Aug 2014, 03:33 AM
avatar of atouba

Posts: 482

I have played with Ostheer for 1000 hours at least. The godamn Ostheer absolutely needs some love. There are so many usless units after several nerfs during patches of these months: sniper, PG, 222, 251FHT, the whole T4 units.

Ost sniper's cost should be decreased slightly. A unit which only has 1 member and half HP of the Soviet snipers should have less MP cost, 360 mp is too much for this unit.

PG is always a big joke after the WFA coming out. Buff it or remove it from game.

T2 is more expensive than before and 222/251 comes out so lately. Lots of counters have been ready and they will beat the crap out of Ost light vehicles. I cant find out any reason for upgrading a 251HT with 120 munitions when I tech to T3. It is just a huge waste of resources cuz Ost FHT has shorter range than Soviet AA and USF AA so that it have less durability. There are many uses for munitions so dont waste them.

There was lots of opinions about Ost T4 units, so no more to add.
7 Aug 2014, 03:38 AM
avatar of Warthrone

Posts: 205

Permanently Banned
Watching Siberian on Stream. He seems incredibly frustrated at OKW. No answer to con>Guards into T-34 85 :S. thats the problem. Volks are just so shit early game you cant do anything so you lose complete map control.

Thats just con spam. Imagine snipers, Maxim spam, m3 flame, rifle spam (US) So many options...
7 Aug 2014, 04:22 AM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 236

IM going to say this right now but even in high level games the FHT is fucking awesome the problem is, its a defensive unit against infantry blobs. The only exception to this is US blobs since bazookas will blow it to hell if given the slightest opportunity. Against soviets though the FHT is awesome. I always get an HT and use it for forward reinforce. The reinforce option really helps grens early game with US blobs too. It just needs to be used as a defensive unit and to run around the map killing single squads who harass cap points, especially once its got vet 2/3 zooms around the map in full derp mode. The fact nobody uses the FHT still is baffling. I find it great against all levels of gameplay.

One tip for players who do use FHT. Use a doctrine with Panzer smoke. It will greatly increase the FHT life expectancy.
7 Aug 2014, 04:24 AM
avatar of c r u C e

Posts: 525

OMG, a buff to the only infantry unit that OKW has and isn't overperforming(Volks) would just f**k up the balance ....
7 Aug 2014, 05:22 AM
avatar of The_Courier

Posts: 665

Cant agree here. I have on several occasions faced rifleman with a grens and the grens cannot simply stand toe to toe with rifles at all upgraded or not. They simply get melted.

The only infantry that can stand to Rifles are Obers which have already been nerfed twice and are 33% more expensive than rifleman. The other unit that can compete with rifles are PFs but only when they they get to Vet 2.

Then the problem is with you. So long as Rifles don't have double 1919s (which is, again, doctrinal and 120 ammo), LMG grens can stand up toe to toe with them provided they have equal veterancy. Early game is more of a rush, but that's why you have MGs to make them hug the dirt. If they give you trouble by coming too close, get a flame pio.

As for the whole thing about Ostheer being bad; I've seen several good players state they are among the best, if not the best, faction in 1v1 (the crux of balance) when well played. They need some love in T4, but apart from that Ostheer is a powerful and solid faction. The Gren + MG42 combo alone, when well microed, kicks untold amounts of asses, and it only gets better as the game goes.
7 Aug 2014, 06:11 AM
avatar of UGBEAR

Posts: 954

Panther performs poorly at a cost of 175 fuel......It needs some attention, it took some harsh nerf.

I'd say the panther needs a 10~15 fuel reduction
7 Aug 2014, 07:39 AM
avatar of Kothre

Posts: 431

The biggest problem I have with the game right now (from a 2v2 perspective) is how OKW is basically the British/Panzer Elite Conglomerate 2.0. It's not even necessarily the power of the faction rather than their design. They are simply not fun to fight when players just camp by their trucks and spam MG's. German players spam MG's almost as much as Soviets spam maxims but because 80% of players searching are Axis, nobody complains on the forums about it, and instead they complain about maxims.

Unless you cheese OKW out of early territory and force them to build their trucks far back, you're playing at a severe handicap for the rest of the game. This why people spam maxims so much. I realize people do it against Wehrmacht, but you pretty much have to do it against OKW to prevent them from turning your half of the map into WW1's no man's land then pelting you with Walking Stukas. Many of the maps- basically all of them that are based on chokepoints and/or have many important points right next to each other- favor this strategy. Artillery would be a good answer if allied artillery wasn't so hopelessly worthless.

The OKW in alpha had severe drawbacks to counteract their tremendous strengths. Their trucks had to be linked together (although that did kind of suck), they had 33% fuel/munitions income across the board unless a truck was on a point, and their tiering was a little different. In return, they got godly sturmpios, a flak truck to defend territory, legitimate sandbags, very mobile AT, the best artillery in the game, a non-doctrinal heavy tank, ridiculous barbed wire that not even wire cutters can remove, etc.

Now Relic has removed just about all of their weaknesses but kept in the features that let them overcome those now non-existent weaknesses. Trucks are quite literally nothing but advantages now. OKW play isn't about defending the economy-crucial trucks, the trucks now serve to augment their offensive capability. Even losing them, while tragic, doesn't set you as far back as it used to. And to destroy a truck (at least the Schwerer Panzer HQ), the enemy almost always has to invest a lot to kill it. Fuel income is now 66%, plus more if you use the fuel conversion ability. Munitions is now 100%. And OKW can just sit there with their nearly drawback-free faction now and just camp the map. They may be fine in 1v1, but goddamn do they ruin team games. This is what nearly every dual OKW team we play against does. It isn't fun. The original design of OKW was a faction that was strapped for resources but had elite, well-trained troops to compensate. Now they're just elite and well-trained.

And the most frustrating part is that nobody is saying anything about it because, as I said 60-80% of everyone is searching as Axis at all times. That's the part that gets me the most.
7 Aug 2014, 08:15 AM
avatar of Burts

Posts: 1702

Are people seriously taking this post seriously?

His posts clearly show that he has

1. Very little knowledge or experience about the game.
2. Plays only the axis faction (s).

7 Aug 2014, 08:55 AM
avatar of Hirmetrium
Patrion 14

Posts: 179

Again, The_Courier has pointed out the weaknesses of your argument Warthrone. If you are complaining that LMG42 Grenadiers are rubbish vs Rifles, then I think you really need to go away and play some more - I feel that they are the most powerful, robust infantry in the game at the moment and don't need a doctrine to be relevant through the whole game, like conscripts do.

Relic themselves have stated that Long Range combat, such as the LMG42 is too powerful and having a detrimental effect on close range units, and want feedback.

This is a fact you cannot dodge around. Ostheer are not the cripples you make them out to be. They're a good race with lots of redundant or useless units. Even Panzer Grenadiers have their place, with 2xPzShreks.

RE: Endgame armour, When you see the loading screen, then the first infantry call in, you know what to expect from the Soviets. Very few races have such a glaring weakness or doctrine dependency.

I actually really like OKW's design, but I agree Relic has gone buff crazy with them.I don't think the US can take many more nerfs without being a useless 2v2 team.
7 Aug 2014, 09:59 AM
avatar of GustavGans

Posts: 747

Again, The_Courier has pointed out the weaknesses of your argument Warthrone. If you are complaining that LMG42 Grenadiers are rubbish vs Rifles, then I think you really need to go away and play some more - I feel that they are the most powerful, robust infantry in the game at the moment and don't need a doctrine to be relevant through the whole game, like conscripts do.

Relic themselves have stated that Long Range combat, such as the LMG42 is too powerful and having a detrimental effect on close range units, and want feedback.

I ceratinly agree that LMG-Grens are probably among the best infantry ingame.
They are also pretty robust to all kind of small arms fire, once vetted.

The main problem I see with Grens and Pgrens is that they are extremly prone to get one-shot-wiped.
While this risk is already the highest for 4-man squads, it increases unproportionally once you loose one model.

7 Aug 2014, 11:03 AM
avatar of Hirmetrium
Patrion 14

Posts: 179

Which is another issue we haven't address in this thread. I agree that, at the moment, wipe potential is sky high and its ridiculous.

I feel the best thing for grenadiers is to nerf their LMG DPS and improve their survivability with vet.

Warthrone, definitely play some soviets and come back and tell us its still OP. I think you will be surprised.
7 Aug 2014, 11:18 AM
avatar of GustavGans

Posts: 747

Which is another issue we haven't address in this thread. I agree that, at the moment, wipe potential is sky high and its ridiculous.

I feel the best thing for grenadiers is to nerf their LMG DPS and improve their survivability with vet.

Warthrone, definitely play some soviets and come back and tell us its still OP. I think you will be surprised.

Well someone already suggested, that the LMG damage gets spread over the whole enemy squad instead of targeting one entity after the other (iirc this was Cruzz).

Considering the wiping potential;
I don't know if it's just me but I think the 120mm morter got changed in a way that it causes more aoe damage instead of wiping the whole squad. So when a 120mm shell lands bullseye on a grensquad it kills one maybe two models leaving the rest with about half health.

I guess this is a good aproach to solve this issue.
7 Aug 2014, 15:38 PM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

jump backJump back to quoted post7 Aug 2014, 07:39 AMKothre
The biggest problem I have with the game right now (from a 2v2 perspective) is how OKW is basically the British/Panzer Elite Conglomerate 2.0. It's not even necessarily the power of the faction rather than their design.

My exact thoughts.

The flack truck is specially annoying, as it instapins units, kills a model per shot and has a huge LoS making it unkillable by ATguns without a suicide spotter.

Strangely it takes less time to destroy it with mortars than with T34s.
7 Aug 2014, 15:53 PM
avatar of Sarantini
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jump backJump back to quoted post7 Aug 2014, 15:38 PMGreeb

My exact thoughts.

The flack truck is specially annoying, as it instapins units, kills a model per shot and has a huge LoS making it unkillable by ATguns without a suicide spotter.

Strangely it takes less time to destroy it with mortars than with T34s.

You don't need to have a spotter to kill the trucks. Use attack ground from 60 range and the flak wont be able to do anything. Sure it is less accurate but most of the shots will still hit because of the large building
7 Aug 2014, 20:06 PM
avatar of darkfireslide

Posts: 25

I think the Ostheer are, for the most part, balanced in the same way the Soviets are: they have a small selection of dependable units you basically must use to win; there isn't much room to use other tactics. Oberkommando has access to powerful field defenses at essentially no penalty, allowing them to use basically whichever doctrine tickles their fancy. Of course, they usually use a doctrine with MG34's, a unit that, in my honest opinion, is completely and totally broken, as it is essentially a cheaper MG42 team with no build time. I don't understand why anyone thinks this system they have is even remotely balanced in a game based around mobility.
I was recently Kubel rushed on Semoskiy in a 2v2 in the north cutoff point, and by the time we built scout cars to counterattack, the OKW players had already set up an infantry-proof MG field that, as the Soviets, we were completely unable to punch through. OKW gets away with using cheesy units like the Kubel because all of their units are great, even Volks, which for some inexplicable reason are tougher than grens, spawn with grenades, and can upgrade to anti-tank weaponry. OKW also has access to the most reliably powerful artillery in the form of the LeIG and Walking Stuka, in addition to already having powerful units across the board that don't even really cost all that much more. All their penalties have basically been removed by Relic; they make the Panzer Elite blobs look like child's play.
I'm with Kothre on this, who actually was my partner in that 2v2 on Semoskiy. I'm also with Hirmetrium, in that I like OKW's design, but I frankly refuse to play them because it's so ludicrously easy by comparison to any other faction. I feel that the WFA brought blobbing back to CoH, and I'm so frustrated by Relic's balancing decisions that I'm about ready to give up on this game all over again. I hope there's a turning point in the future.
7 Aug 2014, 21:20 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
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Post invised for flaming. If you cannot post without flaming, do not post at all. Thanks :)
7 Aug 2014, 22:35 PM
avatar of Warthrone

Posts: 205

Permanently Banned
Guys please discuss the points.
7 Aug 2014, 22:37 PM
avatar of steel

Posts: 1963 | Subs: 1

Guys please discuss the points.
I agree with most of them except the Panzergrenadiers. If used well these guys are legendary. I have sent countless number of Riflemen, Conscripts, MG team, AT guns and mortars packing. I've only failed to send one squad packing. That was the shock troops squad
7 Aug 2014, 22:44 PM
avatar of Warthrone

Posts: 205

Permanently Banned
jump backJump back to quoted post7 Aug 2014, 22:37 PMsteel
I agree with most of them except the Panzergrenadiers. If used well these guys are legendary. I have sent countless number of Riflemen, Conscripts, MG team, AT guns and mortars packing. I've only failed to send one squad packing. That was the shock troops squad

Thanks for the feedback
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