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War Spoils - Let's talk.

22 Jul 2014, 13:07 PM
avatar of Cardboard Tank

Posts: 978

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Jul 2014, 03:50 AMPorygon
If vet 2 (Rifle) company is in rotation without being fixed, I refuse to play axis in this period.

This shit break the balance even more than the initial Elite Doctrine.
This deserves more attention. I´m also not looking forward to the "vet on every rifle squad you will ever encounter"- week. Time to quit for 7 days as axis. :gimpy:
22 Jul 2014, 13:09 PM
avatar of This isn't taken

Posts: 79

Well done to Relic for making DLC seem more desirable (purely by starving supply whilst encouraging demand) whilst at exactly the same time distracting people from a hopelessly flawed system that was supposed to make DLC needless. *sarcastic clapping*
22 Jul 2014, 13:30 PM
avatar of The amazing Chandler

Posts: 1355

Well done to Relic for making DLC seem more desirable (purely by starving supply whilst encouraging demand) whilst at exactly the same time distracting people from a hopelessly flawed system that was supposed to make DLC needless. *sarcastic clapping*

What do you want? It is what the people want. They want to pay (for the next 4 years) for DLC.
You are so unreasonable! Get over your self and start payingQ

P.S. This replay is full of Irony!!!!!

For real now.

Relic decided to make COH 2 a DLC game. Then (imo) 90% of the players thought that this is BS.
Relic acknowleded that and stopt the DLC.
Then they introduced the War Spoils (free DLC which is a good thing) but they did it in such a wrong way. The result from that was that the players got very disapointed with this system so they started to ask for payed DLC again (who can blaim them).
What i am saying is that Relic makes one mistake after the other.
Imo they should stick with the war spoil system but FGS, let your Devs work on that and only that for 2-3 Days to make it work.
Is that so hard.

In my gaming experiance (over 20 years), i never saw a game change that much and make so many n´mistakes in one year!
22 Jul 2014, 13:34 PM
avatar of MilkaCow

Posts: 577

I find it incredibly entertaining that there were dozens of threads telling Relic to either:
a.) Do not drop duplicates anymore
b.) Give duplicates some value
c.) Sell the commanders for those who do not play so much

When confronted with the fact that a.) would mean that there are close to no drops (every few hundred games) for people who already unlocked a lot, they were like "Then increase drop rate as well". Now that duplicates should get some value the issue should be solved, right? No, people still complain about duplicates. That they should've never existed etc.
So basically, people really just wanted to have more drops, more free stuff.

If you look at c.) and that they are introducing it, this also gets negative feedback. Why? I don't get it. It basically does not affect people who want to buy the commanders that they can be dropped freely and vice versa. It's just the egoistical "but I do not have money, so others should not be allowed to buy them as well" or the "why should he get something for free that I paid for".

Thank you CoH2 community for showing once again how you are the exact opposite of a community. A community is people who tend to work together and support each other. There are such people here, but a lot are just extremely egoistical. I wouldn't say that qualifies as a real community.
22 Jul 2014, 13:55 PM
avatar of Chuck Norris

Posts: 93

I think you are over-reacting Milka.

You can't blame the community for Relic's inconsistency and lack of vision. Most reactions related to war spoils were completely justified. A lot of people however came with good feed-back and suggestions which ultimately led to Relic's decision to further work on fixing a fu**ed-up system.

Of course there will be people who act childish and always complain, but in this particular case Relic gave them the ammunition.

Anyway, it's good that they acknowledged they need to fix War spoils and hopefully they won't make similar mistakes in the future. After all, people appreciate being able to have choices not the opposite.

22 Jul 2014, 14:02 PM
avatar of WiFiDi
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3293

'People who can afford and want to, can buy them.' - remind me again why war spoils was introduced.

'People who don't want to spend money will be able to get them for free via drops. - LOL, you've got a great sense of humour. Next tell the one about how common they are, and how there aren't any duplicates.

if you coudl easily get everything you want for free why would anyone buy them. relic can't go forever giving away free stuff.
22 Jul 2014, 14:02 PM
avatar of The amazing Chandler

Posts: 1355

You say the community is selfish but you are not different my friend. Because you and some others can pay for DLC is it ok that it is back?
Anyway, i was and i am against DLC which are affecting the Gameplay and Commanders do that.One way or another, they do that. It is not the same game for everyone if not everyone has the same and in this case it is the commanders.
Eveybody wants (at least they say so) a balanced and fair multiplayer but they dont give a shit if the opponents dont have the Commanders (Units) that they do have.

And dont start with the myth that the commanders dont affect gameplay and balance!
22 Jul 2014, 14:09 PM
avatar of Zupadupadude

Posts: 618

No, Milka is right. It seems a lot of people in this community just want to get free shit quick and easy. Relic is a company. They HAVE to make money, they can't just give you people free shit.
22 Jul 2014, 14:10 PM
avatar of SlaYoU

Posts: 400

I think they finally got the correct move: War spoils is a good system for the long run, with people slowly but steadily getting new content (the system is bad if you are eager to get something RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, but if you can wait for something, then it is perfectly fine to have a small% of dropping your dream item, be it a rare bulletin, or a rare commander). If you combine it with the fact that you can now buy the things YOU (and i insist on the you, point of view is important here) feel you should have RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, then the system looks complete.

There still remains one point that could be problematic, but they said they will be planning something to fix that issue: the duplicates. Be it a crafting system (sacrificing 2-3 items to get a similar rarity new one -duplicate should be absolutely avoided in the result of that crafting-), or a trading system between the players (but then, who would trade a rare commander for some shitty duplicate soviet one ?), i think Relic are headed the correct way this time.

Let's wait and see, everyone should be somewhat confident in that situation: given time or money investment, you will have what you want in due time.

PS: i think one last option to adress the duplicates problem would be to link ingame items to the steam market, but that might be a tough feature to implement in the game (i am in the industry, i think i can appreciate what is an easy task and what isn't).
22 Jul 2014, 14:12 PM
avatar of Omega_Warrior

Posts: 2561

I like new commanders. I am willing to pay for said new commanders. I hope they add more commanders, which I will then buy. That money goes to pay Relic employees, who in turn make more commander or even better, more factions. It's a win-win for everybody except those who feel entitled to have everything for free.
22 Jul 2014, 14:12 PM
22 Jul 2014, 14:24 PM
avatar of gokkel

Posts: 542

No, Milka is right. It seems a lot of people in this community just want to get free shit quick and easy. Relic is a company. They HAVE to make money, they can't just give you people free shit.

You PAID for the DLC by buying the WFA, for some reason they just hide away the content with this War Spoils system so you get to use them in the future only if you are lucky. People just want to be able to use the content that they bought, not "free shit".

Unless you call Relic liars and say they planned to sell these commanders all along and not like they said only after people started to complain (which is not a too far fetched theory actually, but still).
22 Jul 2014, 14:34 PM
avatar of The amazing Chandler

Posts: 1355

It is not about the money! I say this because i also bought many DLCs.
It is about someone tells you it is like this and you accept it without questioning "why"!
We live in a time where everybody with money and power makes the rules (and trolling us)and we are folloing them blindly.

I guess some people have full pockets but emty minds!
22 Jul 2014, 14:39 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

It is not about the money! I say this because i also bought many DLCs.
It is about someone tells you it is like this and you accept it without questioning "why"!
We live in a time where everybody with money and power makes the rules (and trolling us)and we are folloing them blindly.

I guess some people have full pockets but emty minds!

And what makes you believe you can't have full wallet and rich mind?

Some people love the variety of multiple commanders and will gladly pay to have that one more unique strat at disposal.

I would bore myself to death if I was like top players, rolling over and over and over the same thing just because it works best.
22 Jul 2014, 14:39 PM
avatar of MilkaCow

Posts: 577

You say the community is selfish but you are not different my friend. Because you and some others can pay for DLC is it ok that it is back?
Anyway, i was and i am against DLC which are affecting the Gameplay and Commanders do that.One way or another, they do that. It is not the same game for everyone if not everyone has the same and in this case it is the commanders.
Eveybody wants (at least they say so) a balanced and fair multiplayer but they dont give a shit if the opponents dont have the Commanders (Units) that they do have.

And dont start with the myth that the commanders dont affect gameplay and balance!

I did not buy a single commander. I paid for a few DLC things to support Relic, but I never bought the commanders. I am also not a fan of DLC affecting games, but I feel nowadays it's more or less the standard. In general I think the CoH2 DLC system is acceptable. A lot of the DLC is cosmetic or single player (60%? 70%?). There are a few game-changing DLCs, but these are now all droppable via the warspoils system. I would have preferred no DLC (or only WFA like faction DLC), but if that is what is required to keep the game supported, I'll take that.
A lot of people actually do not care that much about balance or multiplayer. The vs AI group is a major part of the community and a lot of people there care for more units, especially those high tier lategame units that look awesome.
You'll never get everyone 100% happy and I personally think that this mixture of allowing people to buy commanders, but also get free drops and still some development for those people who like non standard matches (Game lobbies, Theatre of War) is a really good system.
22 Jul 2014, 14:39 PM
avatar of This isn't taken

Posts: 79

'Relic is a company. They HAVE to make money, they can't just give you people free shit.'

Someone should have told Relic that (I'm sure SEGA do on an hourly basis), because then they wouldn't have introduced war spoils. (even though they've been giving away free shit since vanilla COH2)

I didn't ask for free shit, they offered it to me, but in a way that as so utterly broken that it actually made a lot of people want to buy shit that was supposed to be given for free.

As for saying the community is moaning because they want free stuff - we just want what Relic said they were going to do.
If Relic had said "we're going to give you all free stuff you already have and is useless, and occasionally free stuff you don't have" then it would be very different.

They gave us free stuff with vanilla COH as well as DLC, and that worked fine. Everyone got free stuff plus free decent commanders and could also buy extra stuff.

All the blame lies at the feet of Relic for trying to fix a system that wasn't broken, with a system that is extremely broken.

'You PAID for the DLC by buying the WFA, for some reason they just hide away the content with this War Spoils system so you get to use them in the future only if you are lucky. People just want to be able to use the content that they bought, not "free shit".' <-- EXACTLY!
22 Jul 2014, 14:43 PM
avatar of Hirmetrium
Patrion 14

Posts: 179

Cynthia or Noun, please can you answer the following questions. If you can't then can you just assure us you'll pass it on or talk about it later... It's frustrating seeing the silence or them being passed over.

  • What is the intention for duplicates?
  • How long must we wait for duplicates to have value?
  • What about the leveling system, and content that used to be tied to it?
  • Is the leveling system now redundant?
  • Why is content that was free on progression now tied to a randomised loot system with paid for content?
  • What is the estimated "loot treadmill" length? Should it be possible to get all content?
  • Why is there no way to earn any of the content, through achievements as well as war spoils?
  • How does the War Spoils system work? (Exactly?)
  • What about AFK farmers?
  • Are you planning to do any events ala Mass Effect 3 that reward players with permanent items (special skins, commanders, etc)

At the moment, there is no progression whatsoever in COH2. Every game you play where you don't get war spoils rewards you with... nothing. Diablo 3 has paragon levels. LoL (a goddamn free to play game) has runes and leagues and such. In COH2 its useless.

This post was a good step, but its a month after release. These concerns have been present since my first day in the alpha.
22 Jul 2014, 14:43 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Relic is an amazing company. They can make people willing to pay twice a unique feature.
Those commanders should be given for free to anyone possessing WFA DLC...
22 Jul 2014, 14:49 PM
avatar of Burts

Posts: 1702

This community is a giant piece of shit. Seriously. A bunch of spoiled brats. Fuck you guys..
22 Jul 2014, 14:51 PM
avatar of The amazing Chandler

Posts: 1355

Milka,i accept this.

This isn't taken, +1. We dont want free shit. We are not kids.

One last thing about the DLC (that eveybody say that this is the future and bla bla bla).
Lets talk about money. I have spend more on DLCs (yes,i know i should not have done this but i could not help my self because i love the game and i wanted to support Relic) then on the actual game (COH2 and WFA). Funny right?
Its like buying a car and for some extras latter on you have to pay for them more as for the car it self.
When will this stop?
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