I fail to recognize why my supposedly mathematically superior BAR blobs would lose to volks shreks blobs. The insinuations regarding my lack of skill when it comes to blobbing aside, I'm merely reporting what I've been experiencing for the past week. I invite anyone to visually prove me wrong, since I find it hard to believe that the idea of making sure my BAR troops get as close to the enemy as possible is the sign of a bad player.
Burden of proof lies on the claimant. Anyone who can play the game to a decent standard understands that Riflemen of equal costed blobbyness have much more damaging anti infantry firepower at all ranges than a volks squad does- even before BAR upgrades.
As a random guess, though, based on your post- you do know what cover is, right? And that if you try close in on a blob in cover over open ground, it'll be very painful?
You do also know units have an accuracy penalty if they're moving, too, right?
And also you're not meant to stand on grenades?